Friday, November 4, 2011

Psalm 130

Psalm 130 is one of the Ascent Psalms, or so called by theologians as one ascended to the Temple on Mt. Moriah, the Priest, King and Congregation would speak the words.

Psalms were written in specific cadence, music score by the Prophets which King David chose to serve in the Temple for this specific purpose. As this blog has been Inspired to reveal before, there is a distinct sonic resonance which is of God in being Light, which is why the Psalms oddly appeal to the human soul with God's Spirit in them. They are a mystery of the Holy Ghost inspiring these men of God to create something which is of the voices unheard.

And the singers the sons of Asaph were in their place, according to the commandment of David, and Asaph, and Heman, and Jeduthun the king's seer; and the porters waited at every gate; they might not depart from their service; for their brethren the Levites prepared for them.

II Chronicles 35:15

There is a mystery in the above in Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun, which I will never reveal as it is Sacred and hidden. Parts of this though have been stored in this archive for those Inspired to find if God wills, this is knowledge known by none other than myself, and it is as plain as the ringing in one's ears.

Psalm 130 is a tri part song, meaning three parts.

The first part deals with God, in His being identified by His 3 Names.

Yaweh, the Personal Name, the One who is mercy to His children Israel and judgment to those who remain in Egypt.

Yah, the diminutive form as Lord, holding the same form as Yaweh, but the Familiar Name to those intimate with Him.

and, Adonai, the meaning of Master, Lord, Sovereign.

From this One, the Lord God, comes the mercy and judgment in His Perfection, on the pretty words of Iniquity, Rebellion and Sin.
For those unfamiliar with word craft, it is most interesting that like all sin is enticing, so are the words pretty in form and cadence which reveal the damnation for this revocation of God.

There is a word not sounding so pretty in harshness in REVOCATION, but then damnation, exile, divorce and ruin have nothing pretty in their sound as they are like judgment in being final.

The second phase in the ascent is the "waiting" for salvation or judgment. The Faithful await expectantly for the Promise of being saved and those that reject God await in dread their condemnation of being sentenced.

In this the third phase rises with confident expectation, as the Lord sets two attributes forth from Himself in Steadfast Love and Redemption.
Love which is not earned, but a natural condition of God in granting this to His children faithfully and the condition of that Love is a Redemption to God's Family which can not be earned.

Redemption is the most unique word in the Hebrew as it encompasses the meaning of "pedut" or the RANSOMED PRICE.

That is really a remarkable gift from the Father and His Christ, in it means an investment in you. This is understood in buying a house, in when you are invested in that house, it becomes your home and you have more interest in it than any other place on the planet...........likewise when you marry someone, that invested price in another person ransomed out of humanity to join with you gives you a legal interest in you pay attention to that other person completely, even more so than yourself.

Ransomed is unique and it is legal in God's terms as Jesus paid the price and His Authority is supreme in each child He redeems to the Father.
This payment is complete in Christ and for all who repent and obey His legal terms. This Salvation can not be broken as Jesus is Perfect and the Guarantor of this and not frail people.

This is the Promise of forgiveness in God forgives because of Steadfast Love, and God does this through the Redemption Ransomed Price for each child, and He does this for all sin.

Psalm 130 is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, it is Good News of Grace, for that is what Steadfast Love and Redemption is in reality. The Law exposes our inability to ever redeem ourselves to God, lest anyone should think themselves God, and once that sin is put into the Light, it is either bleached out to nothing in repentance by Christ or shown in judgment even more boldly for the unrepentant.

It is all quite beautiful really and housed in the Word of the Living Christ in the Psalms, given in specific resonance to those chosen by God's David to record the Prophetic Word for people to recite and as to retune them to be Spiritual Children of God.

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