Saturday, November 12, 2011

thumpin' dah fingah

Do you recall.........well it doesn't matter if you do or not as this is still the domain of dominance here of me, so you are going along for the free ride whether you desire to or not.

But just speaking to get things going, do you remember awhile back when one Bill Daley was sent in to submarine Obama's ass, and Val-erie Jarrett had her hard drive slip and went bonkers in the White House, chasing Mr. Daley down the hall screaming at him?
Do you recall that Muchelle pissed on Daley in not even acknowledging him?

There is another event in this coming into play in why Bill Daley is getting out of the Obama White House, as he knows Obama forged that birth abstract, and knows Obama is a foreign bastard.
See William and Richard Daley are Wall Street and Commodity Democratic billionaire boys club. Their lives are beyond the cock shot of Barack Hussein Obama.

The Democrat establishment is going to have to survive past whenever Obama is booted out of office. That means when he is gone, that he will no longer have any assets like Valerie Plame protecting his crimes...........that means all of his crimes are going to surface, and that means all those around him are going to be ruined.

For the reality, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are geezers. They have no legacy and no affiliation inside the DNC to protect their asses in 5 years when Obama's crimes come out in his having stolen the White House.
The remaining conduits like Stenny Hoyer and Chuck Schumer will be the ones having to deal with this, and will shift the blame to the oatmeal and prune juice eaters in Reid and Pelosi to blame them for Obamacare and all Obama signed into law.

That is the main reason Bill Daley is leaving the White House, as the last thing he is going to do is have that Daley reputation ruined by this fraud Obama.

Now we come to the coupe de grace that this blog warned of in that Val-erie Jarrett rant. You will recall that a very large black Obama gay boy named Reggie Love came flying out of Obama's office and came to the aid of Valdasherie and thumped Bill Daley on the chest and shoved him back.

I warned Love at that moment, that you do not lay hands on this Daley clan, as this is the family who just got away in one of their teenager murdering some kid by punching him.

Reggie Love being booted out of the White House is Val and Muchelle cleaning gay house as the black gay model hurts Obama in the polls............but this is Bill Daley starting a process where he is getting his revenge on the fingah thumpin Love.
I told Love he should run for his life, and he has started the journey, but Bill Daley is not going to forget this nor will he forget Val-erie Jarrett or Muchelle Obama dishonoring him.

Long memories, and it is a given that Bill Daley will get these SOB's one way or the other. Jobs will be withdrawn and perhaps if the method entails Reggie Love just might find himself in the middle of something he can't get hisself out of, and Obama having his own problems of pariah, will just Donald Young it all to the dust bin of history.

There are people in America one does not want to make enemies of. The Daley clan is one and Reggie Love being an Obama cock off thought he could lay hands on white Chicago.
One just can not undo humiliation and being pissed on. It sticks in the craw of powerful people, and it is galling when it is coming from the help, who would not be there unless massah had covered up the crimes and made the child look smart.

If I were Love, I would apologize to William Daley and tell him, that he would take any retribution he deserves for laying hands on him, and he would serve him in any servile capacity.

It certainly would be better than cocking off for five years thinking you are body man, and all of a sudden the police slap the cuffs on you and as you sit with all the gay dope dealers, you just happen to see Bill Daley stroll by at 11 pm and smirking while he says, "Why Reggie it is certainly a long way from our White House days isn't it boy".

Yeah life is like a box of chocolates there Gump, but in the Obama cocoa factory sometimes chocolate covered are really rat sh*t balls.

Bon appetite Reggie. Bon appetite.

agtG 332Y