Monday, November 21, 2011

To assist the Obama campaign

This blog calls upon beloved leader Obama to denounce his racist Jarrett scheme for 2012, and that naught Plouffe protester sex rioters for 2012, and instead of bombing Iran, that Mr. Obama has Jake Tapper bring in ABC with Dancing with the Stars to the White House, for Mr. Obama to star in that show.

There must be certain criteria in Brooke Burke will have to go, as she is too Philippine pretty to be showing up Mrs. Obama, but Tom B can stay as his pasty whiteness offsets Obama pasty tanness.

One can see this all taking place in the east wing being cleared out......Obama can bring back Chas Bono, bring in Rosie O and bring in Ellen.............bring in fat Jimmy Kimmel and David Letterman to compete, as nothing says Obama Snap more than disgusting people no one would vote for, as we must make this into a reality show of Obama must win this easily.

I firmly evoke Mr. Obama to grow his locks out and to let them fly in the wind, as he is really sexy with long hair and spandex things on his girlish figure.

There can be the Obama dance of the basketball dribble. The Obama dance of the back nine holes. The Obama dance of murdering bin Laden. The Obama dance of murdering Khadaffi. The Obama dance of nuking Iran. The Obama dance of murdering Assad...........see Obama can send foreign policy messages to people he wants to murder, and be heralded by Diane Sawyer for his artistic expression of foreign policy.

Yes this is vital in the ever unctionest Diane Sawyer, will co host with Tom, as only Diane can find meaning in thee most ridiculous of things. Sweat, sneeker marks on the floor, dandruff and Obama face paint will all have some green meaning to Diane and she will prattle on about how wonderful all of this is.....along with the 1 900 donate Barack phone number in making the White House profitable in not just dates with Barack, but dancing with Barack.

Everyone can see, that in simply putting girl clothes and long hair on Barry Soetoro his true girl comes out, just like in college before he went into the closet.

As far as polling goes, you have seen all those worthless, no talent "winners" on Idol and whatever becoming international celebrities with just being paraded around on television pretending they have some talent.
Obama dances in the White House and he goes up 30 points.........that is more than murdering people around the world, and then he will not have to steal the 2012 election as he has planned.

Call this the East Wing strategy and it is supreme for the lithe Barack. Just make certain he is the prettiest girl in the picture and he wins in this non stop campaign commercial for 2012.

Dance your way to the White House you foreign political bastard and do not steal 2012 like you did 2008.
