I sailed at whim of the fickle breeze
Present then Absent, now here, now there
The Wings of the Wind took me everywhere
I flew with the current, I stalled on the reef,
The eddies my playmate like streams with a leaf
Storms they could buffet, but not overwhelm
My Anchor held steadfast, my Captain the helm
As a bird in swift flight, so high did I soar
Like fancies free falling, and dreams as of yore
Celestial ones to guard me from foes
Kept eagle-eye watch from head to my toes
In my joy they rejoiced, giving glory Above
As the Wind led me to find a new age-old Love
Sorrowing tears their wings brushed from my cheek
Deep wounds wiped away for a new Life to seek
All came full-circle, the old to the new
The me that I was turned a fresh rosy hue
The boy to the girl, the Princess and Knight,
We found all not lost but redeemed by the Light
Stars of the morning all singing in chorus
As Light, Life, and Love all blossomed before us
And One we became, all Three through the One,
Battles we lost, but through Christ our War was won!
Rings and vows but a shadow of what is to come,
Our sight is blizzard dim, but full arriving home
Bound together for life, and Life evermore,
We wend our way Home, bound for God's blissful Shore

If thou wouldst be parched, drink thy fill of my fountain
If weary and footsore, rest now in my shade
If longing for land, set thy foot in my glade
If ravenous, satiate thyself with my fruit
If desirous, plunder all, ravage me as thy loot
Thy clothing to cover and warm thee when cold
Thy legend to inspire all who hear your tale told
Thy lover, best friend, husband wife, daughter son,
Thy weapon quick-drawn in a Holiday gun
This fiery angel, wings spanned to full stretch,
Slays foes from thy past, down to every last wretch
For all who would dare to injure my Love
Reap Vengeful, Consuming Holy Fire from Above
To you tender care to soothe hurts from your past
As God blots all memory of these things at last
For I would be all as God wills just for thee
As thou art forever the universe to me

Always, always bring my anchorage to thee
From cyclone on land to hurricane ocean blue
No tempest can keep me from love of you
The winds fill my sails in a homeward bound
There with waves slashing my course is now found
I hear no sirens in their beckoning voice
Not tempted by wiles am I faithful by choice
From my main deck I cast eye to your star
No matter my voyage I know who you are
Home to our port the heart is the home
Home to our fires the hearth is our home
With sextant and compass bearing way true
Without sextant and compass I still would find you
It is all in the trust of God up above
Charting our course in eternal love
I may be an ahoy salty sailor in the spice of my soul
But yours is the spice which has made me whole
In longitude I long in missing you
In latitude I tack the way unto you
Back to my Star Princess, my ship's Captain
Her navigator, always at her command

The Special Soul Spiritually by God inlaid
Thou art my One Sea I will sail upon
My vow unto thee whose waters I don
For your liquid flow in my poetic measure
Your beckoning warm depths are my sultry pleasure
Your breath fills my sails to drive my bow into you
My ship is a sail and your only crew
With the Great Navigator guiding our way
Our every new adventures dawns with each day
There is no fear of warning in a red sun
There is only Promise of each new day begun
Though storms may brew in any forecast
We will be delivered by God's fair winds at last
There is only one port in which I am found
It is the heart of a Lady to whom I am bound
She is my true ocean for my body of land
She is my one world all of which God planned
Created in journey in God's mysted sea
Only in miracles is our path destiny
Ahoy my Love on nearing shore
This navigator is home forevermore
agtG and Amen