With inquiring of the Holy Ghost on this December 15th, this is going to be dust off my shoes. I'm reminded a great deal of Biblical damnation now in the Voice in the Wilderness asking "Who warned you, you den of vipers", to those asking Christ in His Judgement, "When did we see you needing anything".
You have taken from me in smiles and backstabbing assassination, and still I gave more. You have stolen from me and pretended to be of Christ, and still I gave more. I have given more when I had nothing to give, and instead of your appreciating one thing, it was just more of your whoring in pretending you are the intelligent ones as God made this all look so easy.
I'm reminded of the verse in they listen to you a very lovely song, but they will not hear, and when you are gone they will know a Prophet has been among them.
You have taken the Gift of me and not appreciated it, but turned it into debauchery.
I will not enable you any longer, and when the time comes when you will be begging to know what to think and do to save yourselves, you remember how you hung onto your money, your lives, all your little gods, instead of showing one moment of respect for someone who served you as you cheated on God.
Dogs back to vomit. Freely I gave to you and you stole it. Now what was free has a debt you can not ever repay.
May your sins come before God. May no one intercede. May God be deaf to you. May God's fury be poured out upon you and may His Wrath be eternal. May you be repaid a million fold so that the Lord will be comforted for what you did to Him by His servant.
Your advocate has now become the witness for Christ's Judgment. Sealed in the Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen
It is finished 284Y