As if anyone needed further proof:
(note how former WH Spokesman Tony Snow is slammed at 1:02-1:10 for excusing a 3-week weather-related vacation for the Iraqi legislature BECAUSE IT IS HOT IN IRAQ IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER as US soldiers were encamped in Baghdad without relief from the heat. Well, Pres O, what is YOUR excuse for vacationing weeks on end since you took office 3 yrs ago WHILE SOLDIERS DIED IN IRAQ FROM HEAT RELATED BOMB AND BULLET INJURIES AS YOU PLAYED YOUR 18 HOLES? Their blood is on YOUR hands, and God WILL have His Justice.)
There is only one hOle in this that concerns me in the descriptive last name of a certain White House Occupant, in a vacuOus puppet for his Rothschild pimp masters in whOring the American Virgin Child of God out as she is betrayed in repeated degradation until this whOre will put Out nO mOre.
Beware. God is not mocked.
PS: Has anyone else noticed golf is the gayest sport on the planet? Seriously. Even gay male cheerleaders are more masculine than golfers.