I was in the city recently and there were two beaners at a shop I was at. They were driving an out of state plate, meaning they were not patronizing my state, but only taking from my state and sending the big dollars out to another location.
They had the typical Mexican beads on the rear view mirror, cheap and tacky, and that forever cross dangling away that el Padre threatens all the Mexicans with to keep them in line and exploit them for the Pope in Rome.
What was different though as I assessed the ride, was on the dash was the Watch Tower magazine, which is satanic Jehovah's Witness. That is what this blog is about in the depraved condition the religious institutions are in America in all of there preying up on the world poor.
This is nothing new as Rome did it for their world government and to fill their coffers off the pockets of peons, as the Padre ate steak. As exclusive only here, the American protestant clergy got it into their heads in the 1800's in trying to convince Lincoln to turn the American Indians over to them as wards for their power curve.
See they can talk about missionaries in the few who are good, but these predators in the religions are interested in power and you get that by imprisoning poor people, sending out one of your clergy to beat them into line, and then offer the collection plate where that money flows back to the ivory towers.
I know that Rome is behind the Mexican invasion of America, as much as Mecca is behind the Islamic invasion of the west, because there is more money in the west, and these religions put their converts into places where all that flow of cash will more readily come to the bishops and mullahs.
It is a most sadistic thing, as I have seen these 'do gooders' in the city ferrying around Mexicans, and it is a literal industry as these Mexicans in mass show up at exact locations, so the commerce community is in this too in exploiting the poor for profit.
No care is given for the native American Citizen who is poor or who is preyed upon in crime. Entire communities are burdened so this select group of pimps can exploit their poverty whores.
It is no better overseas in one sees constantly the stealing of children from nations for adoption, the fat boy missionary going into the remote village at age 40 and marrying the hot 18 year old girl who is trading up as a whore to eat better and then there is the endless supply of 3rd world children photos sent out by missionaries to get people to donate money.
Look at the numbers in 100,000 mailings at a 10 dollar an average haul, and you have a million dollars in one donation raising drive.
The Americans by the UN feed most of these poor on rice rations, and the missionaries get the local dupes to build schools in cheap slave prices, and for a few "Jesus loves you" verses, it makes a great revenue venture for people who are working out stage act issues in needing to be better than these grubbers in the 3rd world who certainly can not be on the level of a western religious good deed doer as their skin is not lily white.
This is one of thee most disgusting and depraved predations on humanity in using the Name of Christ or religion to literally whore out mass populations of poor people, all so a select few can live in splendor directing this empire.
The fallout is upon the poor Citizen classes as these masses of converts get the government grants, the infrastructure from religions are in league with the commerce structure to provide jobs, which in turn brings in all that money.
Think about it in 40 million Mexicans, if each one only donates 10 dollars a week to some clergy, that is 400 million dollars......project that out in one month that is 1.6 billion dollars and in one year it is 19.2 billion in America alone...........and then you have these pimps still beckoning about donating things for children at Christmas or doing surgery from some child............
What in this world can not be bought for this entire already subsidized population in the 3rd world for 19.2 billion dollars being paid on Mexican slave donations already?
I would hope the good nature of people would awaken to this and not be suckered by the "do a good deed" as for all these charities and religions, there are some very expensive salaries and vacation accounts being funded on this glamorous stage of people taking credit for the things they are robbing from you in Christian charity.
This is exclusive here and no one has ever laid this out, and the question in this remains in when is someone going to start demanding this whore of babylon, which is religion, riding on government structures and robbing the enslaved masses be made to answer for this criminal rapine?
Yes in this Christmas season, when is someone going to stop the slave trade in this world?