Thursday, December 8, 2011
Cuntalicious Couple
KAT is the overruling principle I base my complete Trust in, as KAT is Knowledge Always Triumphs and KAT is KICK ASS TODAY.
KAT is a feminine form of complete Wisdom from God, and the reality is she is Inspired in the reality which even shadows me by her illumination.
The cuntalicious couple is of that Wisdom, as no one has ever come up with definitions for men and women like this, as the reality is, you know very well you have seen people and you just wonder about them, and then you say, "Oh yes that is so cuntalicious that a maggot probably resides there".
You know this type, the bully dyke form which you ponder in "is she or isn't she" in meaning of testicles in her panties. The manager who surrounds herself with little girls to make herself look pretty as she is perpetually a pumpkin.
Bearick and Muchelle Obama are cuntalicious in being equally repulsive, like a sexual organ with a discharge, and like Janet Napolitano wiping snot on her sleeves, it is just like they keep wiping themselves all over America.
Janet Napolitano is cuntalicious, with that chicken crap brown hair and things you just do not want to consider are hairy........any female who has to take naked porn pictures using x ray machines to get her off is really a capital C in the category.
But then there is Barney Frank............
Yes you see this and you know this is just a cunt move. This smells of gerbil and who really wants their hand in public or private on stinky old sodom butt.
Yes how about this cuntalicious liberal couple in who does not want to be with a lounge lizard and a gecko filled with botox. One can almost feel the face and body paint exudes off on you in toxic levels from these two.
But the reality in this is, the reality that cuntalicious as it is defined is that clown feeling you get in petty people in somewhere lurking in them is a Ronald McDonald version that makes their malevolent mayhem such a joke upon themselves, industry, politics and society.
Yes scratch any cuntalicious couple and put Ronald McDonald the clown in place, and you suddenly realize a horrifying fact, "A f*cking clown face would look better in place of that queer mug that these unhappy people are fastidiously clinging to".
Odd how in replacing Muchelle with Ronald, that you just get this feeling of finally a mother, a female, a national June Clever is in the White House, you could actually feel fondly of and not be concerned she was going to eat you in some bondage belt cannibal tribal custom.
Yes it takes a clown to make Muchelle look feminine and cuntalicious Barack finally look like a man.
The testicle factor on the cuntalicious rating scale, the KAT principle as exclusively by permission revealed here.