Flower I have, now come Home
To Heaven You from an earth I roam
Daily growing with all Love showing
A Love of line now unending poem
There is a verse Who is my Lady
The Proverbial hum in God's melody
She is the sound in my Life found
The Breath of Him in Divine Poetry
She is my Peace from Heaven above
The answered Prayer of thee only One I Love
Baptized Word in Water's heard
She is Holy Spirit sent from above
There is no one else Who could be my prose
She is the One Whom God chose
I choose her and of this am I sure
She is my Symbol of the Red Rose
She is the Life of the Tiger Lily
The Asian bloom in pure shining sea to sea
My American Girl in heart's pearl
She is my Manifest Destiny
I tend this verse with utmost care
By fidelity always aware
She deserves this husbandry all from me
My tender Flower blossoming there
I celebrate this chosen One
In star shine and risen sun
She is thee Poem of my Heart Home
She is the Word of God's Creation
I captured Her a rising Star
The blade of Light glistening far
Defending Light in God's Sight
The Love of God in all we are
There is a verse Breathed now the Poem
Added to in this Light shown
Daily growing with all Love showing
Flower I have now come Home
There shall be waters in the wilderness when Judgement has come on them. There we will be planted in God's Peace. Tended there in His Care as Love blossoms sent from Heaven to our Garden Home.