Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jehovah's Witness Alert

This is an alert to warn the innocent that the Jehovah's Witnesses are back at a new game more satanic than ever.

I have told you how the JW scan newspapers for obituaries to find people to prey on in knocking them around when they are down to recruit them. They also use accident reports to find people to prey on, as psychological trauma followed by a smiling dolt is always useful to brainwash people into giving the guilt and providing the way to hell to take them into this cult.

I had a message on my phone today from a disposable phone, in which a friendly sounding females was introducing herself locally and saying if I had any Bible questions she would like to talk to me.
I immediately knew this was a JW, as this is the kind of game they would play.

It fits their tight fisted money grubbing hands too, as gas is too expensive now, and it is just easier to dial up at double your minutes 18 cents. You can hit 50 times the homes in one day, and those that bite, the JW marks down on a "to do" list and then the auto party shows up for the kill.

I missed all of this on the calendar as the JW around here show up like the plague in spring and late fall. The last couple I talked to for about an hour and impressed them on the Bible and took their literature to burn, and they have no been back.

Oh yes, please always take the literature, but DO NOT READ IT as it is twisted, but burn it, as taking this stuff saves one more person from the fires of hell.

I have mentioned why I loathe JW in the converted my Gram and uncles to hell, and sold my Grandpa out while he was in the hospital.
Next when my sister died, they preyed on the drunk driver to recruit him.

So the JW have broken up my family, stolen an inheritance I should have had, and pissed all over my dead sister in marring that event with their sadistic plans. They are the worst of people who rank right down there with that sodom recruitment lot, rapists and pedophiles as they are all predators.

The Watch Tower sits in ivory tower comfort, sends out these drones to prey on people in poverty and now it is all on cell phone to make the system more efficient, as the JW work on the money cheap now.

So you have been warned again. If it is not Mexicans, it will be you they are trying to send to hell.

God keep you all from satan and this evil in Jesus Name. Amen
