Saturday, December 10, 2011

Operation Reggie Runner

Upon the gay exit of Reggie Love being forced out of the White House for his baggage by the Daley Machine in retaliation of Love laying his hands on Bill Daley in roughing him up, there must be now the reality of the situation explored, as ABC news posted in a sodomite lace hyperbole tribute to Love, a legal reality in Reggie Love was the White House Chief of Staff and in control of everyone who went into see Obama.

The reality in this is obvious and no one has pointed this out, in Reggie Love knows all about every Obama crime from the forged Birth Abstract to Operation Gunrunner led by Eric Holder.

When someone is in charge of admission to Obama, that means Love KNEW what the meetings were about and what they were talking to Obama about in detail.
When that is criminal content in Gunrunner, that means Reggie Love is an unindicted co conspirator in the murders of piles of Mexicans and Americans on the US frontier.

Fully recall that Obama stated in public he knew of Gunrunner, before Eric Holder even would admit to it. Obama was bragging about this operation, and that means that Reggie Love was a conduit for this criminal operation.

Why this now matters in Love being forced from the White House, is that he has no executive privilege before Congress in private conversations, especially the criminal plotting Obama and Love accomplished which caused the murders of hundreds of people in North America.

This blog calls upon the fraud Darrell Issa to subpoena Reggie Love and exact his testimony before Congressional grilling and implement a Federal Grand Jury to question Mr. Love, before the obvious takes place in Reggie Love becomes a Donald Young statistic in another silencing of those who knew Obama's secrets too much covered up in gay sex violence.

It is vital that this "citizen" and not executive employee be hauled before questioners and under oath be made to explain who had access to Mr. Obama in the hidden White House guest lists and what was behind the murder of bin Laden, the Birth Abstract forgery, the murder of Khadaffi, the overthrow of Mubarak, the giving away of eastern Europe to Putin, the Iranian Twitter Revolution which decapitated the Iranian Patriot movement, the flooding of middle America on the Missouri River, the Buffett electric car deal, GM given to unions, Rod Blagojevich, the Gulf Gusher sabotage, oil price spiking, Geithner money fraud swindling trillions from the Treasury and yes, Operation Gunrunner, as Reggie Love knew the subjects the people were dealing with when they applied to him to gain access to Barack Hussein Obama.

Reggie Love is the witness for the prosecution of this entire Obama criminal enterprise and Love is dirty as a sodom feces dick buried up to Obama's hilt in this.

The body man's testimony must be extricated though before he becomes a resident of a body bag in the morgue, as Obama silences another close male gay friend and it will all be swept under a tombstone again.

Darrell Issa, place Reggie Love under federal protection and find the evidence Mr. Love is privy to in all of these Obama crimes.
