The 9 11 charge has been doubling in price, and this all goes back to Obamaflation in his stealth taxes he has been imposing on people in his rapine.
Here is a list of this Obama economic rape:
Tax1 | $7.20 |
911 Surcharge2 | $2.40 |
Federal Universal Service Charge3 | $1.80 |
Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee4 | $0.24 |
1The tax and service charge amounts are estimated based on the home area for your phone. If your billing address is in a different city and zip code, the actual taxes and service charges will be based on your billing address information, so the amounts may vary from the original estimate.
2A fee, charge, or surcharge to fund state and/or local E911 programs imposed by law on prepaid wireless users or assessed to recover its cost of complying with E911 laws and regulations for the following: Alabama “911 CMRS Service Charge”, Arkansas “Wireless 911 Charge”, California “911 Surcharge”, Colorado "Prepaid Wireless E911 Charge", Connecticut “E911 Fee”, District of Columbia "Prepaid Wireless E911 Charge", Georgia “911 Charge”, Indiana “E911 Fee”, Iowa “E911 Surcharge”, Kansas “E911 Fee”, Kentucky “911 CRMS Service Charge”, Louisiana "911 Service Charge", Maine “E911 Surcharge”, Maryland “911 Emergency Telephone Service Fee”, Massachusetts “9-1-1 Service Charge”, Michigan “911 Surcharge”, Minnesota “911/TAM Fee”, Mississippi ”Prepaid Wireless E911 Charge”, Montana “Emergency Telephone (911) Service Fee” & “TDD”, Nebraska “Enhanced Wireless 911 Surcharge”, Ohio “State/Local Wireless-E911 Costs”, Oklahoma "Prepaid Wireless Charge", Pennsylvania "Wireless E-911 Surcharge", Rhode Island “E911”, South Carolina "911 Charge", South Dakota “911 Surcharge”, Tennessee “Wireless 911 Charge”, Texas “9-1-1 Emergency Service Fee”, Utah “Prepaid Wireless 911 Service Charge”, Virginia “Wireless E-911 Surcharge”, Wisconsin “Police and Fire Protection Fee”.
3This charge is to recover our contribution requirement to the Federal Universal Service Fund.
4Fee to help cover our costs related to complying with government regulations and programs.
Consumers are being savaged by Obama, as this stuff is going on across the board, and it is all connected to the price of sugar as companies aren't going to eat these charges, but instead pass them on to you.
Think of it in an average company if they have 100 users on corporate phones. That is almost 1200 dollars MORE in just phone costs, but it is not just the phone as their suppliers also have these costs for their vehicles from Government Motors, their computers from IBM, their hardware from John Deere to mow their grounds, their toilet paper in the crappers because you got to have OSHA sh*tters to keep Obama happy.............you get the point in one company gets blasted at least a dozen times over in costs coming back to them, which they can not afford, so they sit in a board room and Crystal Sugar raises it's prices..........just like it does on gas, electric, Wifi and everything else factored in.
Which means the 4 service charges, which are nothing but robbery by the regime, as it costs nothing to run 9 11 as the system is in place and that budget is already funded by your county, and if you look at your insurance bills, you will notice that you will get socked for an ambulance ride of over a thousand dollars.
Hell, I just was looking at some state auto license fees, and good golly Miss Molly, there on the license plate fees was an additional charge for STATE POLICE.
Nothing like paying the regimes in America money TO ARREST YOU.
That Federal Universal Fund is the biggest damned rip off, as it does nothing, and Obama might as well just say, STEALING YOUR MONEY, as that is what it is.
If you bother to pay attention in adding up your "tax robbery" you will find several hundred dollars flowing out in all of this............and I will say again that this really pisses me off when Mark Levin in his bogus talking points always chimes in that 50% of the people do not pay income taxes and only the rich shoulder it all.
That is a damned fabrication and he knows it. Poor people pay more in excise taxes on gas, phone, booze etc... than rich people do in relation to their paychecks.
Furthermore, I don't know what f*cked up universe Levin lies in with that Obama tongue of his, but if you EARN a paycheck, and I don't give a crap if it is 1000 dollars, the IRS is going to come there and take their percentage of that check.
Poor people pay taxes and in relation to their income are screwed over worse than puppy pound Levin.
There is no difference in the least between Obama class warfare and Levin class warfare, as Levin is for the robber barons and Obama is for the robber barons. One props up the poor to get a vote and the other kicks them in their ovaries.
Everyone is paying to much in taxes, the poor included and the poor should pay no taxes at all beyond 10 percent for their local needs in security and roads...........they die in wars more abundantly so that is enough of a tax for national security.
The Limbaugh leaners are the problem as they are so rich they don't notice 10 bucks more on their taxes as they spend 600 bucks on a dog........and Obama knows he is screwing poor people over hard, so as to make them more distressed to vote for him as this is scaring Americans silly.
In honesty, America is full of nothing now but niggers. White niggers, brown niggers, yellow niggers, black niggers. We are all on the plantation under the Obama massah, the Levin overseer and the IRS whip is lashing the mob into line to keep on working as the Obama and Levin's rape the children giving us all their little bastards to raise in nation rapists and crony capitalism.
Once again an exclusive found only here.