This blog projects out that the reality is there is a 1 in 5 chance that America will be initiated into a Revolution within the next decade.
I speak not of this Soros Obama Wall Street fagotry, but a real French style revolution.
One must understand that in a real revolution, people die. The American Revolution, was not really a revolution as it was by God and it was civil.
Revolutions like France, murdered 10 million people. In Cambodia, it was tame with just a few million in the killing fields. Stalin purged 40 million Ukrainian farmers alone.
This type of revolution would be welcome to the Eurasians for example, in America consuming itself would allow each of Berlin, Moscow and Peking to grasp the prize of the Eurasian Empire, while America was engulfed in it's own blood.
Do not ever forget that it was these Obama Rothschilds who did just this in Peking and Moscow in the same revolutions, so doing this in America for political reason would be par for the course.
In this spotlight, one must comprehend that once a revolution starts, it must feed on itself like Muslims setting up Jewish boogermen to keep the masses on edge and directing their fury toward a blood lust, so they do not counter revolution on the ruling group calling the shots.
This is what the French Revolution undertook in a few hundred thousand prisoners murdered, along with the ruling class of nobles, soon became a series of events of locals cleaning out their problems, and entire cities taken captive and the majority executed.
This is how on reaches 10 million dead.
With the concentrations in America, one could assess that 150 million could be slaughtered or die from effects of a revolution at war, grinding away on ever larger coniverous scale.
I will state that those people who have now kept Barack Obama in power, in the press, corporations and government will all be denounced, as a nation in a grave must have someone to blame.
As this envelopes, denouncements would start, as denouncing someone above you is a certain way to rise in power, and eliminate those who might behead you. This infects the military and the next step takes place after a decade in a Napoleon rises to power to settle the accounts.
The next step of course is one can have national quagmire in murder, or one can turn such things loose on surrounding nations. Denouncments from an American Napoleon, armed with nuclear weapons of perhaps the Latin American populations who were utilized by Obama to destroy America, would open the door to a colonization of these areas by the superior Americans.
Do not think that a defeat by an invader who comes out of Eurasia would be probable, as three Napoleons or four if one counts Islam will congele a bloodbath on those continents. It is difficult to conquer an American crypt when one has a Eurasian grave burying the originators of this demise on America.
It would either be a latnization of America, or a rising up of the caucasion peoples, and in this environment, a final solution would be invited in a sort of bastardized Monroe Doctrine of the Patriot Loyale would read the United States is America, and the rest of these Obama friendly latino Marxists are the enemy of those united states.
It is possible by 2050 that an entire America fortress would rule this sphere and bascially the world in a Claude William rercitin E Plurbus Unim to a parchment document and a tattered American flag.
The reason for pointing these things out, is Rush Limbaugh, the American oil factions, the Wall Street bankers, the John Boehners to Nancy Pelosi's who think their Obama cuteness would as always have them immune, as a mob they created with high oil prices, inflation, no interest on their bank account savings, and quite zombie trained on television, video and games, are not going to stop with a reckoning...........there is no protecting an America which does not exist, and in the Khadaffi murder or natural law, the law of the jungle initiates.
Once law enforcement to military concludes they have the power to accumilate wealth in being absolute, then the same masses start figuring out that for a cut, they too can start redistributing wealth and settling scores, as all revolutions have grudge and require being fed blood as the Romans in the Collesium so aptly kept alive until Rome burned.
Nice people do not survive in revolutions. They either hide or become more hideous to not be consumed by the hideous.
Theodore Roosevelt wrote of this in how the revolution of the American West that someone who was a letch in the east, became a rapist in the west. The person who stole candy became a highway man. The person who had a loud mouth became a cold blooded murderer.
Those realities are the game of roulette which the current Obama protectors are playing with in 2 loaded cylinders today in a 6 cylinder revolver. As America degrades and it is in the interests of the Eurasians, and lest we forget Obama and Brzezinski kindle these protesters thinking they can handle revolution, the cylinders start loading up one chamber at a time, and it is not long before that gun goes off, mayhem ensuses, and people just start balancing things.
The mob does not prey on the corner houses, but preys on the mansions of Limbaugh, the estates of the executives and the banks where all the goodies are kept.
This is a most dangerous game of roulette the American elite are playing, when it is obvious the Obama elite in Eurasia are loading cylinders to fulfill their objective to occupy America while they bring about their empire.
They come for the known people first. About time you patricians fix this unless you like your pony muffed with a guillotine.