While I will never audition for the roll of anti Christ, being a devoted child of Christ, the Lame Cherry Doctrines require a point to be made in I hate, detest and just hate the calendar which has been enslaving people and that stupid Benjamin Franklin daylight savings time.
First off, daylight savings time does nothing but allow rich people more time at night to be sinful, instead of being home in the twilight reading the Bible or being with family.
Changing the clock messes up everyone in making them tired, and it harms society.
Keep the clock as sun time, as who in the hell needs another hour of darkness at 5 pm to be sullen in during winter?
No one, so that is the reality of life in stop allowing the rich sinful play and the rest of the nation suffering in dark depression.
Now for the calendar which is profoundly stupid.
Ask yourself what ninny came up with 31 days in January to freeze your butt off? What kind of stupid ass thing in that!
The same goes for leap year being stuck onto February. Who wants to stick another day on month which absolutely is usually cloudy and snowy?
All of it is just pure idiot and the LC doctrinaire states let's pull those days off those crapper months like December, January, February and March and place these lovely days in the midst of sunny May, delightful June, most nice September and October......as we can always use more spring, summer and autumn than crappy winter.
For that matter, I'm all for sticking leap year onto June in 31 or 32 days. Would that not be a nice long month of moderate temperatures, gentle cleansing rains and blue skies to enjoy?
It certainly beats the heck out of ice and 40 below in January, some soggy February, a too long December in waiting for the year to end, only to plunge into too long January.
I don't see why this would even change the lunar calendar as people do not pay attention to that any way, and one could always rig things to behave in a normal enough matter. I might even say go overboard and cut that January to 28 days, keep February at 28 and overload a few nice months.....maybe you could have three moons almost instead of a Blue Moon in one month.
I'm not really interested in the realities here in everything being perfect as this Roman calendar is odd in the first place. I just demand the crapper months be cut and nice months be lengthened.
You know that the end of January is usually somewhat nice like February and the first of September weeks resemble August, so things could run into this in like weeks, as the end of May is always lovely like June and not April.
So that is for one more thing, I would fix things in making the situation better for people. You don't need longer days to sin in, but you can make up for longer days by putting more days into the nice months.
Psychologically it would benefit all of society as people would be less cranky stuck in winter and more liberated in having nice days to enjoy, and then they could go home at dusk, unwind with the family and have a nice sleep.
You do not have to make me dictator in this for this fix, just get this done as I really dislike this stupid time and calendar stuff.......only thing I might be in favor of the globalists were, was the old idea to ignite Jupiter to make it a sun, and while they wanted to work people to death, it might be nice to have more heat at times during nights in arctic locations.....might even make things more livable.
It certainly would make growing crops more efficient.
Let us just fix the calender first and then if it will not louse up the weather, we can think about dumping a thermonuclear bomb into Jupiter and making it a sun at a distance.