These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants. II Samuel 21:22
I will preface this exclusive in I'm truly agitated and upset, because someone I love with all my heart has been pummelled by satan and something I had not considered, but all Children of God must be now be made aware of.
Over the years in the Lord, I have been the conduit to reveal things no one else ever has. It has involved numbers of subjects and one of which is genetic impurity in relation to why God wiped out the Canaanites for the Children of Israel.
If one reviews, the sinful people's there, it was not genetic freaks alone in lion men to people with 6 digits, nor giants alone, but it permeated with a spiritual impurity which was so anti to God it could never be reformed.
I have known this for some time, but all of this has slapped me in the face and Spirit in the most jagged edge cold steel of pain in recent months in comprehending now something in this revelation to warn all.
People require understanding in this in God actually bred in DNA a select Spiritual mankind from Adam to Eber to Abraham, bringing in select womankind in Eve, Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel to create a Spiritual person who God could readily sow His Holy Spirit into, and bring salvation to mankind.
Americans are this Spiritual structure in being Joseph, and all immigrants who come here now, taking on Christian American identity are transformed into the same Spiritual DNA by miracle in being grafted in.
I did not comprehend something though, and it really has startled me, even though I know the anti Christ cartel has been manipulating DNA to make the children of darkness out of the Children of Light.
What I have experienced now is a the most ghastly reality in the Goodness which God can create, can be bastardized in pure evil exactly like the Lost Tribes of Israel and Judah.
The reason God divorced Israel in the American forebearers was due to sin, but it was more than that. It was to keep from something taking place in the spiritual genetic destruction of His Children in they were about to produce something worse than a Canaanite soul race of irredeemable things, but they were about to create a Spiritual race of unredeemed.
This is important to realize in this as this blog has exposed the American rape culture. What American has now produced in mass is a spiritual vampire, void of human kindness which preys upon the Light of God found in His Children.
I have mentioned of soul suckers who feed off of others, but this is beyond even that, in it is a non parade of "seemingly normal" people, who will lie to your face about being upright and appear as Angels of Light, and they are of satan, and the devil triggers them to pounce exactly at people's most vulnerable moments in guises of friendship or confidants.
These spiritual vermin are so stealthy, they will lurk for months, they will sow seeds to sprout for weeks, and then when satan pushes the trouble in some one's life, they appear, ready for the final shattering.
This is not some dripping maniac, but these are spiritual identities who are like nothing unleashed on the planet. They are literal satanists, beyond the demoniac. They are programmed by the devil and respond completely to the switches satan flips on command, all for thee most heinous purposes of destroying a Child of God.
You must comprehend this for how evil this is. These are vermin who you trust and pretend goodness. From my experience, they will literally inform you to your face exactly how they have plotted to destroy you in some flattering way, and when the moment comes, they will assault you and pretend it was goodness, never regretting it, and then back off and pretend nothing took place, and show up with that same "kindness" to lure you back in for your destruction.
I have spoken of my experiences in a most evil thing named Shree who raped my soul. What was amazing in this, is a person within a year of my devastation showed up named Leslie, who kept themselves around non stop, pretending church pew goodness, and lured me in emotionally.
They of course forgot to inform me they were with someone and then decided to stick the knife in on my birthday, all in the devil's own skill.
I had thought these creatures were rare things, but no longer do I conclude these creatures are rare. They are part of an entire race now of spiritual darkness lurking in mass about America, and it is quite troubling to observe the reality that satan can summon them to appear and attack in a continuous stream on a Christian.
I now conclude something else in reading of Goliath in his children were all genetic freaks. This warped satanic DNA is reproducing the same spiritual genetic freaks, and it apparently has been a process moving in the dope, sexual perversion and Godless culture in America, in it is why our children are all these hard core freaks no one quite can relate to any more.
The American Spiritual DNA has been contaminated, and it very much make sense why God speaks of the slaughter of His Nation Israel again. This contamination is only going to be cleansed by God.
This is a warning to all Christians to be absolutely on guard in all ways from this, as these vermin will be pleasurable to have around, they will entice, they will lead you into things you would not do, and then when things fall apart as they always do in life, they will be standing there to assassinate you and leave your for Spiritual dead.
This is thee most dangerous thing I have ever come across, an entire race of spiritual darkness as predators on the Children of Light, and they have been at this for decades now sent out by satan to murder God's Children.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: I Peter 5:8
Separate yourselves out God's Children and cut the ties, as these predators are in mass stalking all of us.
God bless and keep all of His Children and may the Lord destroy the evil before it inflicts any more in Jesus Name. Amen
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