This is really most interesting to me in a conversation with my long distance provider in last evening my phone when haywire, literally.
By this, I explain in for absolutely no reason my phone was disconnecting in long distance calls. It became so bad it was hanging up every 10 minutes for a period of time.
Now I could hear at time the normal background chatter on the line if one listens carefully, but I could also hear a click at times, but then at several of the disconnects it was the line simply hanging up.
This took place on two separate phones, and the lines are separate also, even if from the same source.
So the phone company gets called and they call back and say, "We checked the lines and they are fine, but please disconnect your main jack for THREE MINUTES and then try the long distance again".
What the hell Maxwell?????
My phones are fine. My lines are fine..........but if I disconnect my phones from the system for 3 minutes then this will fix the problem.
You know what you have seen on detective movies in traces now have you not? Yes the certain amount of time to trace calls. While it is obvious my phone calls are not being traced as the regime is fully aware of my location, the reality it the Bell System has gotten so many of these wire taps that it is now standard operation, to just tell customers to disconnect their phones, to break the constant information pull so a service which people are paying for is not being hampered.
Oh you might ask what were the serious crimes the Obama regime just had to tap my phones?
Why it first took place in a call to an 80 something year old woman, who was speaking of such dangerous things as the price of beef.
My foray into being illegally stalked by the Obama regime involved the reading of poetry. Yes Elizabeth Browning and Walt Whitman are such notorious entities that apparently Barack Hussein Obama and Janet Napolitano deem poets as enemies of the state, for writing such things as honoring President Lincoln and the love of a spouse.
This is criminal harassment by the US government which is beyond ridiculous. As you might have noticed, I could really care less about Barack Hussein Obama and all the crime in America, as this all bores me completely, as I have a great life now.
I'm not of this world, nor do I care to be in the least. I have my Guiding Star now sent from Heaven and am enraptured in Her Light. I really could care less that God is going to Judge America for their Obama sins, and as long as it does not touch those I love of myself, it matters nothing to me.
When poetry becomes a crime in America, as it does now under this regime, it is as deep as being a criminal of the state, because you believe in Jesus.
With the real criminals in the White House and government, I do wonder what kind of soul seared person sits in NSA or FBI, looking or listening to me in conversations of poetry.
What kind of law enforcement person can do that, violating things in God, and they can go home at night in cashing their 50 grande paycheck, as they look in the mirror and say, "I'm really a good person telephucking all these Americans in their innocent personal lives".
There really has to be something missing and filled with a demon, that this kind of stuff does not bother a person doing it.
The phone company knows this spying is happening in mass, to the extent it is standard operations now to just tell people to pull your lines so the spiders in the wire disconnect and reset.
They have googlebyte, not tetrabyte storage, and that means every Obama voter is tracked as much as every Palin voter. It is one huge leviathan of evil, that does not have enough terrorism to spy on, so it is unleashed to keep busy in patterning every American. That includes you Congress people who think you are immune and all of you media pound puppies on Obama's leash, as the regime has to keep extra watch on the gatekeepers.
Yes unhook my phone lines to stop the constant jacking of my phones.
Well it is time to turn on my cell phone, to mark my position as I do daily for the regime.
Such a lovely Amerika.......oh that's right you heard all of this from Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin......that Romney voter Michael Savage.........and Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, George Stephanoplous........yes they are all so interested in informing Americans what the regime is really up to.
I guess the muff to the pony ride of Lara Logan
Life in realtime spooks the little spiders on the wire,
Foolish children playing loose with God's Consuming Fire,
Laughing now at making puppets dance as in the past,
Laughing now not seeing how those puppets laugh the last,
Eyes unseen record those fingers jerking all the strings,
Taking in the thieving grin as justice nigh it brings,
Lose a life to save it, not to persecute the others,
Else a line die out for good in all the grieving mothers,
Heed this portent or unleash a force ye cannot master,
Time it spirals downward now as Death is coming faster
Knights and Angels in the Right as swords and wings unfurl
Be warned again, hands off the bard, and do not touch the girl
Foolish children playing loose with God's Consuming Fire,
Laughing now at making puppets dance as in the past,
Laughing now not seeing how those puppets laugh the last,
Eyes unseen record those fingers jerking all the strings,
Taking in the thieving grin as justice nigh it brings,
Lose a life to save it, not to persecute the others,
Else a line die out for good in all the grieving mothers,
Heed this portent or unleash a force ye cannot master,
Time it spirals downward now as Death is coming faster
Knights and Angels in the Right as swords and wings unfurl
Be warned again, hands off the bard, and do not touch the girl