I saw mine heritage, the Spirit of the youth of My desire, in whose My Name was divided on the lads of My chosen destiny.
Upon the head of the youngest, did I place My crown and upon the head of the eldest did I place My Grace.
Victory upon victory, treasure upon treasure, defeat upon defeat, exile upon exile, and planting upon planting and bearing up upon bearing up.
I beheld them well planted in vines running over the wall, filling the world with My Grace in My blessing of them.
Thrice have I planted them, and each time the tempter came and they did yield from My fair garden which grieved me to plead, but they wold not hear. They have murdered My heritage and trust in their youth.
My children are old now and know it not. They behold themselves in an ageless mirror of deceit and see not the grey hairs, the deepening wrinkles for their eyes have dimmed and they do not see.
They do not see the bear, the lion and the dragon preparing for the feast of their children, nor do they hear for their ears are deaf to My warnings.
Their shield is red in whom they trust and it in symbol will be soon be the reality of splattered with their blood.
Heaps upon heaps. Piles upon piles. Mourning upon mourning. Lamentation upon Lamentation. Woe upon woe.
Why My beloved children have you forsaken me? Why have you followed the murderers trail to be raped and sold into whoredoms? Why have you forsaken Me when it has only been I who have loved you and forgiven you with beckoning Promise that I would always heal your wound.
But alas the recompense has come. The leaders have led My people to their death. The people have been dead before they knew their suicide was complete.
I will double the reckoning and give you to the death you chose. Then will I be satisfied that this what you have followed you will follow never again.
I will purge this evil from you and those whose hearts are written with love for Me will then be at liberty to thrive in the garden as my heritage forever.
I will be your sun. I will be your dew. I will be your covering blanket in the night and I will fill your dreams as the stars of heaven.
This you will say is good and those of Mine heritage will at last be home with Me.
Verily I say unto you, the die is cast and that which is evil will be visited and that which is Mine will be restored. All has been recorded and My sons will be harmed by their own blade of sin, but I will transfigure My houses to be young again, to be swift as the hind and to mount up to the high places to Glorify My Name.
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