I was thinking today about Paul McCartney, in how his shit just does not stink, when in reality he is thee biggest pile of excrement parading about the place in Obamaland.
For some reason, the idiocy of Paul McCartney is never focused upon, but is summed up in the Obama song, Ebony and Ivory.
For those who do not recall that whining, monstrously racist manufactured "hit", it was old Paul, having Michael Jackson, who bought up the Beatles song book, and being warned by Paul, "Michael do not be selling those songs for commercial use as you know those songs have so much meaning", joining that Michael Jackson hit to erect his.
Yellow Submarine.........yes there is a real song the yogi's should wrap their warped minds around for all it's "meaning".
Yes Michael Jackson, drinker of Jesus Juice, weirdo, pervert and pedophile, there he was and Paul McCartney tried to resurrect his defunct career on the back of a black boy trying to be Obama white.
What a pair of Obama voters that would be in ebony and ivory.......too back Jackson went tits up, because imagine what a Neverland Ranch Obama would have had in the Rose Garden........talk about creepy.
But then in creep we have Paul McCartney, who married that Linda Eastman who was bat shit goofy. Couldn't sing worth crap, but McCartney had her in the band Wings.........they did take out the entire band and singers in songs just to show who this woman couldn't sing at all, but then Linda was in Minnesota selling soybean steaks "as they were like the real thing", and we all know that soybeans turn American male children into girls.
Wonder what Obama was raised on eh?
So Paul is involved in that "We are the World" or some other gay thing about race............more boring garbage that destroyed Rock n Roll, as if the Beatles had not done that enough.
Ed Van Halen, Ted Nugent, Sammy Hagar, ZZ Top......that is called rock, like Three Dog Night, The Stones and Billy Squier........then compare that to that twangy Beatles 4 bar stuff or McCarthney trying to do Brian Wilson complicated melodies and shifts at Wings, and all he got out was orchestra music played loud.
Oh let us not forget though, Paul marrying that crazy one legged woman.........sure the gold digger Heather got all the blame, but who was the old viagra dick who married that lunatic?
Paul McCartney, but she gets blamed and Sir Paul gets childish Beatle sympathy.
Now Paul is married again, after of course crooning to that beastly Michelle Obama and being a Barack Obama supporter............
Have we not come a long way baby or what? Mr. anti Vietnam peace boy Paul, trashing America on hopped up India trail full of zombie, and Obama is throwing missiles around murdering people in the most ghastly manner......but hey it is that wooden head ebony boy, so you just have to figure that is all you can expect.........just pass me another piece of America ass to marry as I hide from another bald ass Beatle mistake.
Ask yourself in what has Paul McCartney ever accomplished? Think about it. He wrote a few songs........well so have a hundred thousand other people. Name one thing this Sir Paul has done which has not been surpassed by a major cock up that has ruined the world.
Dope culture.....that is Paul McCartney.
Obama culture revolution........that is Paul McCartney.
Anti America culture......that is Paul McCartney.
Every thing that has destroyed the west is incapsulated inside this geezer for Obama. He never gets any blame though, just a bunch of 60 year old jack off teenage adults making excuses for this old sod, because Paul like Obama, gives them an innocense before they raped the neighbors cat because it was black.
Paul McCartney is everything that is wrong with the world, pure, plain and simple. He deserves his blame and his cherry on top of the shit pie is Barack Hussein Obama, the serial murderer of the world.
That Leni Reiffensthaler caught a load of hell for being Hitler's film director.........when the hell is Paul McCartney going to catch his due hell for being Obama's jack booted music director?
Come on Sir Paul.........write some good Obama hits like:
I want to cut off your hands
We all exist in a Marxist submarine
Muchelle ugly as hell
Predators in the sky with diamonds
Can buy me Reggie Love
Get Back to Kenya where you once belonged
Yup there is white cream Paul McCartney as the cum icing between the want to be white wafers of Mike Jackson and Barry Obama.
Sgt. Perverts Lonely Heart's Club Band of Boyz.
You really are an old sod McCartney and the world would have been better off if you would have followed your true calling in being a welfare dock whore sucking the life blood out of the Liverpool docks.
Oh by the way, sod off you pony muffer.