Ok kiddie bumps, today we have a lesson in you too can be a Google spy.......this time with photos.
I do not use Bill Gates internet explorer as it is a spy machine full of holes and ........this will deal with other browsers, namely Netscape or it's current version Firefox by Mozilla.
So you are cruising along on the net surfing, or perhaps that is riding the wave, and all of a sudden you find some.............stolen photo of someone posted on some blog or site like Facebook.
You say, because you are the cat with shortened lives for being curious, "I say that porn looks pretty enticing, I wonder who that hunky beefboy is and would Barack Obama floss him if had a chance?"
In saying that, you sigh, because you know you are forever in the dark, and with winter coming on, and lights dimmer, you just go into funk, as you really would like to know the hamburger on the grill.
The Google spy machine though can assist you and here is how.
First you open up a new tab or a new window in your browser. Tabs are easier, but will explain the new window also.
Stay on your picture page though, and load GOOGLE.
You go into Google and look up at the left hand top, and you see things like WEB, IMAGES etc...
Click on the IMAGES tab, and that page will load.
You will see the same line, but a camera in that box where the cursor flashes. You are about to become a data miner, so loose that frown and turn it upside down.
You should go into ADVANCE SEARCH, it is a little link off of the camera box, and look at that page for turning off the filters, as you can not find beefboys with the filter off.
Just save it, and hit the back tab on your browser to get you into the IMAGE page again.
Now this is where it gets tricky ok, because different browsers have different recognition at this point.......older browsers might not operate as easy, but we will get to that too.
Go to the page you are on with the beefcake, and left click on the photo and hold it down, drag it to the tab at the top of your browser you have open to GOOGLE, or if you were silly and opened a new window, you drag it it down to the bottom of your screen.
In java magic, you will see odd things on your screen as you do it, as the computer recognizes you have acquired things, and it auto shifts from one tab or window to the other AS LONG AS YOU KEEP HOLDING YOUR MOUSE DOWN AND DRAGGING THAT IMAGE.
As a caveat at this point, if the image is from a closed password site, Google will not allow a search in most cases, and I would not trust Facebook in their non acquiring images by right click save either........but stay with me, as you are dealing with a computer whiz here and I will get you by that too.
As you drag the image now, move it down to the cursor window, and allow it to acquire. It will say something about drop image here in various programs.
Drop it, and it should start an auto search.
If not, do not be depressed, as sometimes it will just take you to the window the photo was in, in older browsers, so here is what that little camera is for.
Click on that, and it will show you how to past the URL or address of you photo, which you can acquire by right clicking and when the command window comes up you click VIEW IMAGE. That command will open the link to a next window, and you will simply click on the address bar, right click to save it, and then right click into the Google search window and paste it into that search box, and depending on browser it will auto search or you will have to click search.
Ok now if that does not work in acquiring it, here is what you can do also.
Right click on the photo, save it to your desktop, and then upload the file to the Google search box......and it will auto search.
OK, now you are saying, that damn Facebook does not let me save pictures of hot boys I want to ........never mind.
It does not though, but here is where you get around that, in look at your keyboard, the one that is sticky from things, and you will see on the right hand side a button which says, PRINT SCREEN in the system tools.
Press that, and nothing will happen..........except when you have some free program which is old like Paint Shop Pro or some other photo program for editing images, you can now go into EDIT, PASTE, and an exact image of your screen will pop onto your photo edit program.
Now just crop it, and save it under any name you care to.
Now upload that into GOOGLE search and it will take you to a results page where all of this takes place.
You will see little pictures of your picture, and other "like pictures" listed which for the most part are worthless, but you will in most cases find where this photo is posted all over the internet.
See this is codex, that odd little thing which all computers talk in and record in. If you open a photo in MSNOTEPAD, you will see all this script come up. That is what webmasters used to have to build website pages in, before it was auto created in HTML code as it is now saving loads of time.
Google searches in that codex of like photos, so you see it might help to have the same name of the photo, but Google is searching for the CODEX and HTML in this search.
As you are a nice person and never deal with rootin' tootin' cold blooded son a bitch assassins, you did not know that photos are all written like this and this is how computers and the security apparatus runs it's spiders to find them.
Understand, there are watermarks in photos and there are cute things like embedded information which can not be seen by the naked eye, but the codex records it, and if a photo gets posted by terrorists for example with odd things in the script, the FBI spiders in Homeland grab it faster than you can say, "Obama in prison".
I have featured such things in this blog of the Google spiders double dipping on photos, meaning the spiders are spotting something in the codex and grabbing it which leaves a double upload signature in my browser.
Every photo, word, video etc... is all keylogged or imprinted and the spiders searching at tetra speeds now are vacuuming up this information toot sweet, and tracking everything you do, to bracket you, profile you, and put you into categories and lists of which group you should be in, from murder immediately, stick into a concentration camp or you will follow about the pen waiting to have your organs harvested for the elite.
Now you are a real internet spy in knowing how to do detective work in finding all the work of others being posted in porn or something vital to national security.
Enjoy the pretend game as it is much safer than the real one.
Spiders in the wire.