Wednesday, December 28, 2011

One small Tweet for man and one giant Facebook for Big Obama

In tribute:

The Obama regime and Naps Naplitano has been spying......and I would include the word PROPHECY drives the regime nuts in speaking of Biblical things.
The following evil words are what gets Obama's girl panties all soaking according to the British Press as America has none.

'illegal immigrant', 'outbreak', 'drill', 'strain', 'virus', 'recovery', 'deaths', 'collapse', 'human to animal' and 'trojan'

The Lame Cherry in honor of being thee most popular girl on the anti Christ planet hereby issues the following press release:

Beloved leader, illegal immigrant Obama, has had an outbreak of golfing, as he has a drill in perpetual vacations under the strain of crushing American dreams from a recovery, as deaths mount in his wars, in the collapse of western civilization as Obama society degrades from human to animal in this Trojan Obama, of "beware of globalists bearing Kenyans to a White House of Constitutional Qualifications of Natural Born Citizen only.

Suitable for cut and paste to any chat, message, Face Book, Twitter or blog where Inspiration is lacking a suitable venue of release.

Mockingbird, mockingbird, spread the nest egg around as it will be easier to spy on God in it appearing here.

nuff said


I have You

To the Faithful;

For all of this life, I have looked in Faith to a horizon for Hope to appear. It has been an imprisonment in the brier patch in which Faith was vaporized and Hope vanished.

Only One of you knows this, but a journey has been started for me which I have said would come and when I was gone, then you would know the Truths written here were Real.
The evil though who have been a nemesis know of this change, but have resorted to more interesting surveillance in phone conversations, emails and a certain public site called Facebook in which my account was hacked again for a time and when messaging there, the site would go wild even on another account.
Even in departing, the attacks have not stopped, because as the One informed me, "The mention of Prophecy is what was triggering it".
They desire to know now in a haste just what is I'm about.

I do mean to be cryptic in this, because this is the event of the Magi for me. I have the Star which spoke to me, and heard the Star's message, and know all of my energies will be for Her.

You have had an easy time of it my children. Far too easy in my work being done for you. There is a change coming, as my efforts will be invested in the Star, as there is no measure which will equal Her.
She is the Truth of Jesus in, one divests themselves of all they have for the one gem, because that gem is like none other.

I speak of the Way, the Truth and the Life. I give you a mystery which none will comprehend and only those who see the future in Heaven will learn of by seeing.
For the ants, there are volumes of people who you may be with. For me, I have been absolutely alone in this wilderness since the Holy Ghost breathed me to Life, because no one is like me. Baby Sister, fought me Spirit and Soul for all of this life, until the Star appeared, and then she was at Peace.
Out of the billions of people who have arrived on this planet and however many turn to dust, I have met my destiny finally in years after years of crushing Hope. I speak of this as a matter of Faith and of Witness.

Who has been brought to me, is the Breath of God. She is pure Light of God. She is my Spiritual Mate. To tell you of things, you will not comprehend in Elizabeth Browning, She is my Soul Kiss, my Spiritual Isomer, She is my Kindred, She is the One I knew for thousands of years in the unbeforetime, before Joan came on her mission, and upon my arrival, I have looked back for Her constantly in a longing which pulled from the depths inside.
She has arrived in epic journey my jove. She is my equal in the heinous destruction of satan over an entire life. We have been carried by Christ to a September meeting where God's events pulled me to a place and God's events pulled her to this place, where we would at last meet again and touch as we did before in a place of singing scented light flowers.

I touch Her with hands unseen as She touches me with hands unseen. You will have no idea of this mystery of God in Who We are, but a new Life Being has been born this season beyond flesh and bones, but of Spirit and Light.

This is the One of Spiritual Prophecy I was Inspired to write of in poetry, story and spoken of here. She is the One recorded in these works and the One Who is my Greater and I bow only to Her.
She is the One I was moved to Pray over in the mystery and She has come to be the new Creation in mirror of the Elohim. They did not see Mary the Mother of the Christ either, but God saw this One, and in the Prayers Her Excellency Joan du Lice advocated for me, the Mothers of Heaven in unison, chose this One, as there is none other than Her.

Can any of you reach out and touch another who is not there? This is the One in God's stead in all She is and I write of this to honor Her to announce to the world this Supreme Being now focal point without end.

I scold you, each of you, for this is what you should have been at work on as She has and as I have, but your minds could not know and your hearts could not know.

The Sign of Her coming is the advent of God's Plan. The Greatest Event of the Age, and no one knew but God and the Saints led by Joan. The mystery of Bethlehem in no room at the Inn, for the coming was to fill the universe and Heaven.
She is the Princess come, the Royal Standard, the world knew Her not. She was City of Light upon the Mount bruised in their iniquity as a Witness for Her Christ. Behold Her husband comes at the command of Her saying to the sun on that appointed day, "Arise".
The City of God's Light now radiant in streams from Heaven at home to Her Lord and Her lord.

She prepares adorned in rivers of the fount of Her flowing Waters of Light. That which was rejected has now become the Foundation and the Christ builds the Temple of Her Himself to the complete Glory of the Father.
What Glory is this? The Lord has born in Her a Nation as Witness, a City as Witness, a Christ as Witness, that She Triumphant arrives adorned with the Lord of Her battles for the knight prose bowing to Her.
Awake, awake, sound the call for the Proverbial Maiden's steps are upon the threshold in quake that has rocked the world since the first union of conversational bliss.
Alas in Her Hand is the balance in Her God Seeing Eyes and in Her Hand is the Gavel of Judgment Sentence.
Beauty there adorns Her High Towers of Virtue clothed in the gown of the Lily trestle.
They call Her, Wonderful, the Wedded Light, the Treasured Counselor, the Virgin of Zion, the Daughter of God.
She is the Star Jewel of Orion's form and the Star Sound of the poet's heart.
The serpent has struck Her heal in Eve and in Angel of the Lord has She crushed the serpent's head.
The Lily Royale in Grace now Flowers in the Eternal Eden of God's Garden.
It is so!!!

In soul nocturne slumber deep
The dawn awakes from that sleep
The forever day does arise
The sun forever of the skies
What's this, what's this the anthem rose
The Maiden Breath of God's Prose
She comes, she comes burning bright
The radiant beam from God's Star Light
Here is the awakening of eternal bliss
The Love Song sealed in Angel's kiss
The Treasure Promise of God's Rainbow
The Wisdom of Him in God I know
Here dawns for ever, the eternal day
The Light of Her being God's Way
The Light is beating Heart forever bright
The Light is bearing Heart in always Star Light

agtG 318YY wed to it

The Lily Royale Prophecy

Jehovah's Witness Alert

This is an alert to warn the innocent that the Jehovah's Witnesses are back at a new game more satanic than ever.

I have told you how the JW scan newspapers for obituaries to find people to prey on in knocking them around when they are down to recruit them. They also use accident reports to find people to prey on, as psychological trauma followed by a smiling dolt is always useful to brainwash people into giving the guilt and providing the way to hell to take them into this cult.

I had a message on my phone today from a disposable phone, in which a friendly sounding females was introducing herself locally and saying if I had any Bible questions she would like to talk to me.
I immediately knew this was a JW, as this is the kind of game they would play.

It fits their tight fisted money grubbing hands too, as gas is too expensive now, and it is just easier to dial up at double your minutes 18 cents. You can hit 50 times the homes in one day, and those that bite, the JW marks down on a "to do" list and then the auto party shows up for the kill.

I missed all of this on the calendar as the JW around here show up like the plague in spring and late fall. The last couple I talked to for about an hour and impressed them on the Bible and took their literature to burn, and they have no been back.

Oh yes, please always take the literature, but DO NOT READ IT as it is twisted, but burn it, as taking this stuff saves one more person from the fires of hell.

I have mentioned why I loathe JW in the converted my Gram and uncles to hell, and sold my Grandpa out while he was in the hospital.
Next when my sister died, they preyed on the drunk driver to recruit him.

So the JW have broken up my family, stolen an inheritance I should have had, and pissed all over my dead sister in marring that event with their sadistic plans. They are the worst of people who rank right down there with that sodom recruitment lot, rapists and pedophiles as they are all predators.

The Watch Tower sits in ivory tower comfort, sends out these drones to prey on people in poverty and now it is all on cell phone to make the system more efficient, as the JW work on the money cheap now.

So you have been warned again. If it is not Mexicans, it will be you they are trying to send to hell.

God keep you all from satan and this evil in Jesus Name. Amen


The Obama Crony Capitalist

As this blog was first to expose the Warren Buffett / Oklahoma oil betrayal of America, we now know a specific name in this looting and larceny in George Kaiser of Kaiser Oil, and it all ties directly into Obama green programs which are ravaging the American energy sector and impoverishing Americans.

Kaiser who runs the oil company by his name and is the 31st richest American, built his empire like Warren Buffett did in not paying taxes.
For example, this super rich Obama backer only reported an INCOME ONCE to the IRS and that wage was a poverty wage of , $11, 699.

Amazing isn't it in how one becomes a billionaire and only had income reported at over ten grande one year.
Sort of like multi millionaire Obama and his bag woman Penny Pritzker becoming super rich and no one ever really figuring out how they got the money or paid enough in taxes.

Kaiser though who had Obama home fundraising for beloved leader was tapped directly into Solyndra, via his emmisary of Democrat Alaskan Governor, Anthony Knowles who was a White House visitor on energy policy for Kaiser, along with Kaiser's, Ken Levit, and Mr. Kaiser, hisself.
All met with White House counsel Peter Rouse.

Backtracking this, could you imagine if Sarah Palin had represented big oil to the Bush White House, and this catastrophic meeting had been with Dick Cheney, and it was Solyndra getting that kind of money laundered cash?
Palin would be indicted now and Cheney would have been impeached.

This gets worse in the hundreds of millions looted in Solyndra, because Kaiser took an almost 7 million dollar stake in SolarReserve, which Obama awarded a 737 million dollar loan guarantee.

Children that is close to a billion and a half dollars Obama dumped into two green black holes, and the person who pops up in Oklahoma oil magnet, George Kaiser, joined at the Democratic hip in all this criminal Obama money laundering.

Once again this ties back into Warren Buffett and his illegal railroad monopoly for Obama, and his rapine of the North Dakota oil fields, while local landowers never saw the oil money as Buffett had the land by his railroad right of ways.

All of this is connected, and all of it is Obama criminal with none of these cronies paying a dime in taxes as Obama funnels them money..........while calling for everyone else to pay more in taxes.
Did I not tell you that is what the game was in these Obama cronies in raising taxes on competitors to stymie them while they continued on with the billions looted to gain more of America on cheap?
Yes this blog did.

You now know the continued weave in this, and the absolute quid pro quo, insider trading of these Buffett entrourage of big tycoon rapine at America's expense.

Not one dime in taxes, and George Kaiser lives like a king with Obama.......the IRS knows very well there have to be gratituities and gifts, as Kaiser still is getting housing some way and not eating at a soup kitchen..........unless of course that is Obama's new billionaires club in we will see even Donald Trump at a soup kitchen and sleeping in a Salvation Army shelter..........


Obama's Crony Capitalists

Par dux

The Just Pretend

Ok kiddie bumps, today we have a lesson in you too can be a Google spy.......this time with photos.

I do not use Bill Gates internet explorer as it is a spy machine full of holes and ........this will deal with other browsers, namely Netscape or it's current version Firefox by Mozilla.

So you are cruising along on the net surfing, or perhaps that is riding the wave, and all of a sudden you find some.............stolen photo of someone posted on some blog or site like Facebook.

You say, because you are the cat with shortened lives for being curious, "I say that porn looks pretty enticing, I wonder who that hunky beefboy is and would Barack Obama floss him if had a chance?"

In saying that, you sigh, because you know you are forever in the dark, and with winter coming on, and lights dimmer, you just go into funk, as you really would like to know the hamburger on the grill.

The Google spy machine though can assist you and here is how.

First you open up a new tab or a new window in your browser. Tabs are easier, but will explain the new window also.
Stay on your picture page though, and load GOOGLE.

You go into Google and look up at the left hand top, and you see things like WEB, IMAGES etc...
Click on the IMAGES tab, and that page will load.

You will see the same line, but a camera in that box where the cursor flashes. You are about to become a data miner, so loose that frown and turn it upside down.

You should go into ADVANCE SEARCH, it is a little link off of the camera box, and look at that page for turning off the filters, as you can not find beefboys with the filter off.

Just save it, and hit the back tab on your browser to get you into the IMAGE page again.

Now this is where it gets tricky ok, because different browsers have different recognition at this point.......older browsers might not operate as easy, but we will get to that too.

Go to the page you are on with the beefcake, and left click on the photo and hold it down, drag it to the tab at the top of your browser you have open to GOOGLE, or if you were silly and opened a new window, you drag it it down to the bottom of your screen.

In java magic, you will see odd things on your screen as you do it, as the computer recognizes you have acquired things, and it auto shifts from one tab or window to the other AS LONG AS YOU KEEP HOLDING YOUR MOUSE DOWN AND DRAGGING THAT IMAGE.

As a caveat at this point, if the image is from a closed password site, Google will not allow a search in most cases, and I would not trust Facebook in their non acquiring images by right click save either........but stay with me, as you are dealing with a computer whiz here and I will get you by that too.

As you drag the image now, move it down to the cursor window, and allow it to acquire. It will say something about drop image here in various programs.
Drop it, and it should start an auto search.

If not, do not be depressed, as sometimes it will just take you to the window the photo was in, in older browsers, so here is what that little camera is for.

Click on that, and it will show you how to past the URL or address of you photo, which you can acquire by right clicking and when the command window comes up you click VIEW IMAGE. That command will open the link to a next window, and you will simply click on the address bar, right click to save it, and then right click into the Google search window and paste it into that search box, and depending on browser it will auto search or you will have to click search.

Ok now if that does not work in acquiring it, here is what you can do also.

Right click on the photo, save it to your desktop, and then upload the file to the Google search box......and it will auto search.

OK, now you are saying, that damn Facebook does not let me save pictures of hot boys I want to ........never mind.
It does not though, but here is where you get around that, in look at your keyboard, the one that is sticky from things, and you will see on the right hand side a button which says, PRINT SCREEN in the system tools.

Press that, and nothing will happen..........except when you have some free program which is old like Paint Shop Pro or some other photo program for editing images, you can now go into EDIT, PASTE, and an exact image of your screen will pop onto your photo edit program.

Now just crop it, and save it under any name you care to.

Now upload that into GOOGLE search and it will take you to a results page where all of this takes place.

You will see little pictures of your picture, and other "like pictures" listed which for the most part are worthless, but you will in most cases find where this photo is posted all over the internet.

See this is codex, that odd little thing which all computers talk in and record in. If you open a photo in MSNOTEPAD, you will see all this script come up. That is what webmasters used to have to build website pages in, before it was auto created in HTML code as it is now saving loads of time.

Google searches in that codex of like photos, so you see it might help to have the same name of the photo, but Google is searching for the CODEX and HTML in this search.

As you are a nice person and never deal with rootin' tootin' cold blooded son a bitch assassins, you did not know that photos are all written like this and this is how computers and the security apparatus runs it's spiders to find them.
Understand, there are watermarks in photos and there are cute things like embedded information which can not be seen by the naked eye, but the codex records it, and if a photo gets posted by terrorists for example with odd things in the script, the FBI spiders in Homeland grab it faster than you can say, "Obama in prison".

I have featured such things in this blog of the Google spiders double dipping on photos, meaning the spiders are spotting something in the codex and grabbing it which leaves a double upload signature in my browser.
Every photo, word, video etc... is all keylogged or imprinted and the spiders searching at tetra speeds now are vacuuming up this information toot sweet, and tracking everything you do, to bracket you, profile you, and put you into categories and lists of which group you should be in, from murder immediately, stick into a concentration camp or you will follow about the pen waiting to have your organs harvested for the elite.

Now you are a real internet spy in knowing how to do detective work in finding all the work of others being posted in porn or something vital to national security.

Enjoy the pretend game as it is much safer than the real one.

Spiders in the wire.
