I have a creed in I believe in arming Ladies and women, for the simple reason is I have no fear of armed females, because I would never do anything to them to betray them, and in reality if I ever did and I got cut or shot, I would deserve it and accept the consequences as a righteous thing as a corpse is a good reminder of all to play with respect.
That is the problem with liberals in they do not desire any female or male armed, because an Obama voter knows they are going to screw you over and rape you soul sooner than later, and they do not want someone with knife or gun being around to do justice.
This blog is going to provide some simple pointers in this dangerous world for people to keep themselves safe.
The first rule is to stay out of bad situations and away from most people, as you can not get into trouble if you are not around bad places and bad people.
The reality is in these degrees of separation, that you might think you have a "friend", but that friend always has a friend who has a "friend" that is the person who either dope friends, family in prison or is about to rape someone.
America is an evil place and trusting someone one you think you know, is not wise, because what are they going to do in doing anything but take advantage of you.
Lights are very important as are people being the two edged sword in being around. You can see the mobs cheering on YouTube of old people being punched and the mob laughing all in the lighted night. It is a wicked world.
The keys in a knife fight or gun fight is not to get into one. The keys in those fights are always structure and distance, meaning keeping things between you and the criminal and the ability to use distance to keep things from being deadly.
I believe in two hands. That might sound odd, but you keep your weapon in one hand and you keep in your other hand your cell phone dialing 9 11.
This might not stop the criminal, but at distance your even pretending to have taken a picture of them and sent it, along with being on 9 11 lines, has made a record of them which is the hopeful scenario for them to flee or for you to be afforded time to have the situation unwind.
If not a cell phone, then mace, then a bright LED flashlight to blind, and if not that a whistle, and if not that a taser.
If it comes to tasers and knives, you have let the criminal too close, and do not ever neglect to take into account that a human can cover what you might consider a safe distance of 25 feet in a few seconds and be on you with full body slam force, as you try to draw a knife, gun or run.
It is a fact that 30 feet is not too great a distance ever to not let anyone close that gap, which is the danger of public in it is all designed to be close quarters and perverts prefer the 15 feet intimidation gap.
The reality is that Filipino knife fighting is the only solution in one utilizes a short blade of 3 inches which is wide and thick to keep it from breaking on bone, a handle which will not slip as blood, sweat, heat and cold do cause one to lose one's grip.
To be graphic, if your knife is on one hand, you should have a strong metal plastic pen in the other to stab with too. Do not count on the attacker to stand there and not attempt to deal with the knife in disarming you.
Also be aware that a spike or large nail sharpened is just as vital as screwdriver, in appearing mundane, but when coupled with your primary knife, are most effect things to keep on one's jacket pocket. Duct tape or sports tape on a spike as a handle improves grip.
Two hands armed are twice the affliction.
As this has gone to the point of contact, it means you are going to be beaten, raped and murdered, in that order. It is therefore life threatening to you.
Clothing is a barrier, so exposed areas are important to avoid, meaning the neck being the arterial source which all can find by simply taking your pulse there. A strike there will send spurting blood and blood loss is oxygen loss which shuts down the brain and the attack.
One can try for eyes, but they are small cavities.
You will as Robert Culp told Raquel Welch in Hannah Caulder, "Shoot them again Hannah", as they will be attacking you again and again.
They will punch you to knock you out, and in adrenalin burst retaliate for being struck and bleeding.
There is a psychological edge in drawing blood, but until an attacker is running away or slumping to the pavement in passing out. That is murder intent on it's feet and it decided long ago in watching you it fully intended to carry this out in violence after making your last moments on earth pure hell.
The courts dislike multiple shootings though as it means intent where one shot is thought enough. In knife defense, the strikes of multiple times do not become legal if one is under a huge number, but then it is the point of who fighting for their life is counting the number of times they shoot or stab a criminal.
When in danger, sticking a knife into a criminal at any place is better than none at all. As stated the neck is the best, but the abdomen is a tender area, which will drop the attacker's hands and then provide the area of the throat exposed.
As mentioned the Filipino method is superior in it uses the blade to be stuck into the criminal and when people are stabbed, they in turn recoil and they actually assist the blade in cutting them by moving.
It is a distressing world where the majority has to be armed with various things, because the rapist culture of America has been set loose in all forms, thinking that it is sport to assault and murder people.
As stated, stay out of the bad situations, and trust no one. That is the first step. Crime then finding you, you have position two of presenting weapon, keeping distance and structure between you, and a phone calling 9 11 to attempt to buy time.
Do not count on 9 11 saving you. It is instead a matter of psychologically making a criminal be in fear to continue on.
Screaming loudly a you talk is another attention getter to induce fear into a criminal.
Always make certain of where you are, things not under your car, things not in your car or hallway, and not even to be distracted in that to the things around you.
Do not go with anyone ever. One fights on the ground and lives and dies there, as isolated the odds are almost 100% deadly.
God keep all of you safe and may Angels keep you from the situations we all dread. In Jesus Name Amen.