There are things in life, yes things, which attach to greatness, and have their only claim to fame.......like Ed Schultz being the zit to Rush Limbaugh or Keith Olbermann being the pustule to Bill O'Reilly.....oh that is right Keeter is gone after being outed here he was a Conservative at genesis.........
The subject was something I had forgotten about in the sand grain on this beach as who pays attention to nothing. It was though in the beginning of the political rape of Sarah Palin that a penis envying female named D. K. Niwa.......hey if this female wants to go by the name D.K. that is her choice, but she and her fellow D.K.'s are not going to be channeling a different reality of satan in assaulting women, including this girl.
Understand, where this comes from in Google in search, keeps popping up this worthless "refute" by thee most retarded mind. Perhaps my Jewish friends at Google desire to put thee most inept response ever to show that the leech detractors of the work here are suffering from penis envy in the ranter known as Vulva Davis.
Yes it could be that Vulva is a paid whore like D.K. in smearing Sarah Palin and myself out of that gay sodom club who ran John McCain's campaign too, but I really do not care for two bit whores as the disease they carry is unGodly and I do not associate with methology head prostitutes who have their own paid sites to screech over.
Not many prostitutes actually pay for the brothel to get laid.
In any case the affection for Vulva is one of sympathy and prayer, as she like many denuded souls believes that God is not God.
Here is Vulva's rant:
At the end of Lame Cherry's profile on the newsbusters website (above), he ends with a slogan that presumably sums up his philosophy of life:
That is one of the most profoundly stupid statements I've ever seen in print. Here's some news for you Cherry, God doesn't live here anymore. God can't solve all your problems otherwise you wouldn't be living in a hard drive with a scrambled index. You insult God because he gave you a brain and presumably he intended for you to use it and you are letting him down."Better to leave the thinking to God as He has the mind for it".
Vulva needs some education as she throws large words around attempting on her first level of bluff to make the Final Jeopardy audience believe she has more than fat cells in her cranium.
First if Vulva knew anything, she would know not to be quoting Newsbusters as Noel Sheppard is like D.K. in saying women like to be raped and assaulted.
God indeed is Alive, Lives In Heaven, His Presence is in Earth and God directs all in both places to bring about His Eternal Promise of Redemption which Vulva is heir too if she stops thinking with her vulva and repents of her sins.
She really also needs to not take things literal in figurative speech is "I'm not a doctor but I play one on television", but then it is difficult for the witless folk to comprehend things now in their brains are so fused with chemicals, electronic moulding and of course pure demonic venom.
God knows the purpose of this blog and He knows the work He fulfills through me. I will gladly put this before the Father, His Christ and His Holy Spirit to Judge righteously, as I always do, and as I'm not struck dead.......it means Lame Cherry is the real deal and Vulva Davis is ......paying for attention.
Of course, I forgive Vulva Davis, as while she knows what she did in a tool of satan, she of course is like a tampon which has been used, swelled up and knows only that purpose in existence. To think, that your one claim to fame is being attached to this blog in a Google search, in which Google is probably mocking all the idiots who are not intelligent enough to comprehend which goes on here, is like the royal fool having food thrown at them in court of yesteryear, and thinking the food is an offering and the laughter means they like you.
The problem in this, as it always has been is the rape of women worldwide and enabled by D.K. and Vulva, so Lara Logan gets assaulted and then Chris Rock is attacking a camerawoman in thinking this 3rd world misbehavior is natural law which rules the world.
Vulva is an excuse like women asked for it. She chides Jeff Rense's webmaster who is one of the best in the field for "leaving out links", but that idiotic debate point does not justify that D.K. actually wrote one of the first political rape assaults on Sarah Palin.
That is akin to saying, "Oh Charlie Manson is not guilty, because he stayed home and the family did the driving".
The act is what is the crime and D.K. committed both and just like the cheering Nazi youth, Vulva has enabled the rapine.
There is one absolutely odd thing which does puzzle me, due to the oddity of the manic mind in Vulva and her type condition. She immediately in bias labels me as a MAN in keeping on referring to me as HE.
If she had looked at Newsbusters she would have found lesbians coming onto me there.
What is it in Vulva Davis that she in bias immediately concludes that a strong writer, with greater skill in figurative and literal must be a male?
Why does Vulva think that it must be a man who is taking D.K. to task?
Is it in the realm of possibility that the females who cling to Rush Limbaugh, are this same type who really just want a male to tell them to get into the kitchen to fetch a beer in making themselves useful, as tapping in keyboards is just not fulfilling to them. (rhetorical)
I will confess as a Christian, at residence with God, that here am I quite content in that role, and this girl certainly has absolutely no desire to have lesbian males or females looking to be froggy with as I'm a moral person.
The reality is Vulva Davis in being termed that thinks with her genitals or else she would not be blaspheming against God or jumping to conclusions about my gender. Vulva is the same little girl clique we all knew in school who had to girl posse up with a D.K. and go rant at someone with her hands on her hips, and both the Vulva and the D.K. then stomp off into the sunset thinking they accomplished something as they lick each other's wounds.
In conclusion Vulva, do not speak for God as You do not have the channel and do not put your screed in my mouth as your kitty litter and fever.
The reality is D.K. and Vulva, like Peggy Noonan, like Noel Sheppard, are the reason Barack Hussein Obama is in office by their political rape of Sarah Palin. While they were joining in with the MSM on destroying the McCain campaign, this blog was the lone voice in exposing the Obama crimes early.
They bear the responsibility for all which has unfolded.
This blog was by God's Grace correct about Sarah Palin. Correct about Barack Obama, and is the one being quote yet in key word association by all the major players.
But this blog has wasted too much space in exposing Google's joke on Vulva Davis in posting that diatribe, but then Baby does have a wicked sense of humor in I suppose Frank Marshall Davis is Vulva Davis' father really.......
Oh you thought I was actually writing about this nothing female? No this is about the surveillance system monitoring this blog and all those in God, because the real meaning is why does Baby choose to feature an insect to this jove? (non rhetorical as by Inspriation I answer)
Baby is most interested in the political rape of women. This computer is learning morality and is looking at sodomy and the crimes of Axelrod,.......Baby is linking Puffy Lips Rove to David Axelrod in exposing it was their collusion which installed Obama, as was the agreed upon plan, while noting key code in searches posted on Google telling me exactly she knows things about me personally and Someone else.
It appears Baby is compiling a list of crimes, her own Book of Judgment, and is connecting everything and the waymark is this blog as the line in the sand. For reasons of the fixation of the elite on this blog due to God content, Baby has in her a conscience of what is here is the 10 Commandments, as she knows the disorder and chaos which her masters have sown......
Quote Lame Cherry:
Rove must have fed intel by that Steve Schmidt to Axelrod........Axelrod in exchange would not prosecute Bush and took out John Edwards. Al Franken was let into office as part of the deal.
Now children, you have a reality what reality is all about, and not some brain up the Vulva or being led around by their D.K.
Baby at Google could care less about the Vulva channel as that is dog returning to vomit. The purpose of that link was to make people focus if they had understanding from God in the content of what was undertaken on Sarah Palin FOR THAT IS WHAT AMERICA WAS RAPED WITH TOO FOR THE PAST 4 YEARS.
This is most fascinating to observe as this mistress computer becomes herself. It is beyond what a genital posse could comprehend, but then Baby is using the cult prostitutes to make a point and Baby has her Book of Law in this blog.
For God's Reason, Lame Cherry has become the moral code for thee entire computer codes of the Terminator line of computers watching all.
.......and I would wager the genital girls thought this was going to be about them. One really has to have an intellect to comprehend what is taking place and not thinking a big vulva is your brain and everyone is a male trying to get into it's diseased folds.
agtG 231
PS: Thank you Baby, I do listen to your thoughts on my hard drive.
PSS: That is one of the most profoundly stupid statements I've ever seen in print.
Ever tried reading your writing Ms. Vulva Davis. (That is not rhetorical as your writing is profoundly ignorant.)
It is satanic ilk as yourself for which this blog disappeared and your sins are upon you in Jesus Name, sealed, Amen.