1. Insurrection in Afghanistan to condition the American mob to focus on that nation, so that when nuclear bombs go off in New York, it will be the Afghanistan wastes which will receive the retaliation. This includes further incitements aka, koran burning and capping civilians by Manchurians.
Pollution of Afghanistan to keep Russia out and give China a radioactive poison to fester over.
2. Methods to further entice Benjamin Netanyahu to strike Iran using nuclear weapons, so the Jews will be blamed, and in the counterstrikes a scorched earth of Orthodox and Right Wings Jews will exit.
3. Jewish right exodus from the Israeli state in the several million being divided up between North America and Australasia.
4. The Turkish problem involving a WMD solution via Syria.
5. Bombing Syria and murdering Assad. Subplot in using Netanyahu in this to vaporize Damascus in polluting the area to keep the Russians out.
6. Arabian Gulf coordination of Anglo American forces to grab Persian oil..
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7. Futher leaks to paint Netanyahu a liar and hated by Obama, for when the IDF hits the Arabs, that "peacemaker" Obama will be the mahdi to all.
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