Sh'ma ye El Shaddai,
I ask not that You stop the Day of the Lord nor lessen it's Recompense, but ask that You guard Your children from it in the starlight oasis of Your Peace in the vast universe of darkness.
May the conflagration come upon the wicked without measure. May their end be Just. May Justice run like a tidal wave, a reverse tidal wave sucking all out to an oceanic gehenna and sweep back in, in a greater tidal wave of fire cleansing the land.
I pray for speed in this Adonai Elohenu. I pray for the coming quickly of the Lord Christ. I pray for the quickness of time in it moving so fast it is shortened, so that the wicked are not saved, but that Your Heritage Live.
Let Great Tribulation become the Greatest Tribulation, but let Your Peace be a Shekeniah cloud upon each habitation as in the night of the Passover. Let the Angel of the Lord come forth in this land and the world, and destroy the doers of iniquity, small and great, old and young, rich and poor, and Godless one and all to all who are not marked of the Lord by Your Holy Avenging Angels.
Wait not for bomb nor bullet, but stretch out Your Right and Left hand, to deliver Your children and to slaughter the evil.
Let not be the future time of the Archangel Michael standing up for Your people, but command him to stand now in the herald of Gabriel, so the Saints will be shielded from the adversary, it's demons and their demoniacs, as they suck the Lord's vengeance to the dregs of the key, vomit it up, and have it poured back into their foul mouths and putrid souls to drown them in their sin.
End the age El Shaddai in Your Power and Wisdom, and end it this day, so the end will come to the wicked and the Promise fulfilled will adorn Your children. Let them play as calves in Your pasture. Let them romp as lambs in Your field. Let them be as kids upon Your hills, safe and secure where eagle nor wolf bother their cavorting, while the predator is unleashed upon their evil foes.
Let the cry not be, "How long Lord?, but let the praise be, "Thank God the wicked are dead!"
Make haste oh God, make no tarrying. Make this done today as it were done in the day of the deluge.
For all Your Glory and Honor, for this is Your footstool which must be cleansed before the cleansing. Let Judgment begin at the Door of the Lord and let Sentence be their death bed.
God grant this in hearing and make Your Holy Spirit's Words Your Word's done.
In the Name of Yaweh, Most High and Only, Amen and Amen
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