One of the gentleman I respected most in life used to tell me this Chicago story in he was on a sales trip there and stopped in a black neighborhood at a successful black's house.
He was worried, as he was driving a nice Cadillac and like flies to shit, there gathered around his car a group of black kids.
He mentioned this to the black man, who promptly got up, opened his front door and yelled out, "Hey you niggers, get the hell away from that car!!!!!!!!"
The black community calling their own "niggers" and niggers calling themselves "nigger" as it is cool while white Obama directs nigger intimidation EXACTLY AS Bill Ayers was using niggers to rape Jewish girls in Chicago.
The nut has not fallen far from the Weatherman oak tree.
This blog is not going to remain silent as Barack Obama unleashes his shaved head mob on America in this Traynor Martin "nigger hoodie intimidatin", this nigger wilding in Wisconsin nor in this Muslim spring murdering Jews.
No one is going to inform you of the Truth, but this blog, and as you need it as Obama buries America in the abyss, here are the facts about Traynor Martin.
Barack Obama, David Flouffe, Val-erie Jarrett and David Axelrod ORDERD Eric Holder to search out caes where dumb ass blacks would get themselves shot by inciting violence in a White or Hispanic neighborhood. It was ordered to be undertaken for voter intimidation IN A SWING STATE like Florida.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were given marching orders, and that is where this 1 Million Hoodie March in New York City?????????? Oh yes media coverage was planned in this. Exactly like the Lara Logan rape to intimidate white liberal journalists, just like Obama parked a van of liberals in front of Louis Farrakhan's house to intimidate them and blame Brother Farrakhan.
There are select Obama operatives in the media who have been given talking points and fanned this criminal story of nigger intimidation and tried to make it a story of intimidating Latino Americans.
Spike the black mob for the elections and in those Black Panther thugs intimidate Latin voters, so they won't vote in swing states, so Obama steals another election just as he did in 2008 in driving old black woemn from the polls and Hillary voters, along with flipping 10 million McCain votes which are Romney this time, and scaring Mexicans, Cubans and Ricans from voting for native son Romney, and one has the Obama criminal vote fraud of 2012.
Now Ulsterman or insiders saying that now is there.
Why do you think these hoodies are all in this? Is because the nigger in their mob mentality have to have an intimidation uniform to scare people.
Niggers wear hoodies to terrorize people. It is why this Traynor Martin is wearing one pictured. It is why those NBA thugs were wearing that damn militant costume. It is why this million thug hoodie march is being called for. It is the terrorist uniform of these little pecker blacks who parade around in them to validate themselves.
It is past time these hoodies be exposed and defined for what they are, NIGGER TERRORIST UNIFORMS OF MILITANT OBAMA, no difference from the Mau Mau thugs of Obama's Kenya his terrorist relatives were involved in.
Obama is leading a core group of nigger terrorists, and the reality is these blacks are exactly like the 3rd world Muslims in YOU HAVE NOT HEARD ONE BLACK STAND UP AND CALL THIS OUT FOR WHAT IT IS, but are just like Condi Rice sneaking off to vote for Obama while having had Conservatives build her mansion for her.
Where is Walt Williams, Tom Sowell or Bill Cosby?????? Not one of these blacks has spoken out loudly in exposing this Obama black terrorism by hoodies. They have all enabled this terrorism against the Latin and White communities in thier silence.
This blog first exposed that Traynor Martin was threatening George Zimmerman. Ask yourself if you saw some stalking big black thug,. wearing a hoodie in your neighborhood if you would not wonder about it in knowing it was a threat?
Ask yourself what a thug hoodie is doing not obeying an armed and identified neighborhood watch commander, in this thug hoodie thinking he can go around intimidating a tax paying, homeowner in his own neighborhood?
See there are always two sides to every tale, and in this side, there is a homeowner who has experienced in his own 911 words, seeing criminals get away as police do not come. That is what the statement was from Zimmerman about the "assholes getting away".
It was raining, and this hoodie was walking slowly, looking suspicious.
That is reasonable intent to stop any person of any color, and this has so degraded in America in Obama race riot 2012, that it has to be even stated.
What is being left out is the reality that Traynor Martin WAS ON TOP OF GEORGE ZIMMERMAN BEATING HIM.
Everyone is giving the hoodie the benefit of the doubt in being tested for no drugs as has been posted, but no one has questioned the Obama intimidation nigger attitude blacks have been stoked with in thinking they can f*ck any white or latin woman by eye rape and can go about stalking about communities, like black NBA thugs on the courts stalking about.
Quote in comments:
By the time police arrived, Martin was dead, with a gunshot wound in the chest. Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head and had wet grass stains on his red jacket. He claimed self-defense, telling police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on, when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck. He said he fired the semiautomatic handgun because he feared for his life.
An adult witness to the physical altercation just prior to the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him up, while Zimmerman yelled for help. Another witness said he came upon the scene and saw Zimmerman on his back on the ground, which accords with statements by the police that he was covered in grass and blood.
A 13 year old witness corroborates.
Yes but the Obama propaganda comments in his wordsters fanning out across the net have made a high tech lynching of this Hispanic George Zimmerman.
This is not about stand your ground. This is about Obama terrorists invading communities, work places and malls.
This is going to be a predicted summer of nigger wilding as Obama intends. When this happens to YOU in your community as some Obama voter pushes past you, looks your wife or child up and down, smirks at you, flips you the bird or blows their horn at you as you wait in line, you just remember how "innocent" you are when that person keys your car, brains you, and you try to report it, it degrades into you fighting for your life, and Eric Holder sends in the FBI and every propaganda outlet posts what a nut you are BY OBOTS for trying to defend yourself.
This is Obama terrorism and blacks on the right are not going to stop it by speaking up. This is hoodie violence and the regime is ruining America over it in rape, assault and murder.
So let us review from the Examiner some facts in the propaganda.:

The witness reports that George Zimmerman was on the ground and Trayvon is on top of him punching him. The witness says that George Zimmerman was screaming and yelling for help. Police arrive and find Zimmerman bleeding on his face and the back of his head. He also has had grass stains on his back. All this confirms the story told by Zimmerman and the witness.
Police play the 911 tape for Trayvon Martin's father, who tells police that the voice screaming is not the voice of his son. The media also characterizes Trayvon as a "model student." In fact, he under a five day suspension when the shooting took place. (So the reason he was with daddy watching basketball and at a 7 11 was Trayvon Trainer was a thug out of control so the schools threw him onto the street.)
In fact the Miami Herald goes on to interview neighbor, Ibrahim Rashada, who is black. Rashada confirms that there has been a lot of crime in the neighborhood and indicates to the reporter that the perpetrators are usually black.
Now let us add the Lame Cherry political fact in Barack Obama knows what thugs these niggers are. It is why they have Chris Rock out there as their thug comedian, showing all these thugs the attitude to have to intimidate other races.
Obama knew and had this all in place with Eric Holder to use this in swing states as with nigger terrorism sponsored by the Obama state, it was only a matter of time before some thrown out of school, hoodie wearing jock would attitude through a neighborhood and think they were above the law, get themselves killed, and Obama would call it murder for the 2012 campaign.
This was an entire set up and it is past time the propaganda be exposed for what it is, and the Truth come forth, and Obama and Holder be held on criminal charges for inciting this, and all of these hoodies from the NBA to these worthless children walking out of schools face criminal prosecution too.
Traynor Martin is state sponsored terrorism and it is coming from the Obama 2012 election campaign and run by the Eric Holder justice department.
This all started in Obama's Pow Wow chant in Arizona on Gabby Giffords torture in kicking off this campaign.
What awaits George Zimmerman? He is already lynched in the Obama press. Will he have his veins pumped full of psychiatric drugs to produce the court subject Obama desires before they murder him?
Yes where was Obama, Holder and all blacks when it was Obama's nigger gang beating up white people at the start of this in August 2011 at the Wisconsin fair?
Barack Obama is guilty of the same Hitler scorched earth against Jews in Israel, and is warming up the ovens against Anglos and Latinos. Obama's SS is his nigger hoodies in uniform, and his enablers are the entire Afro American black group as NONE of them have outed this in calling it what it is, in crimes against humanity.
This is Nazi America and National Socialist Obama has his brown shirts in black men and women saluting him as America bleeds red and the nigger hoodies storm troop through American communities.
What was that line in the Obama Gulf Oil Gusher in polluting that region as this blog exclusively covered to destroy the white Republican southern states?
Oh yes.......
Gibbs: Boot on Throat of BP - YouTube | |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMxZn1wkfmsMay 3, 2010 - 2 min - Uploaded by AssociatedPress White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says the Obama administration will "keep a boot to the throat" of BP ... |
Oh yes, the Obamanazi's. Exactly as the German was silent when the SS mob came storming, the black is silent in America as Obama's nigger hoodies storm through America on this new front of Obama terrorism.
Mark Levin cheered when Obama mass murdered the bin Laden Muslims. Mark Levin was silent as Obama mass murdered Khadaffi and his followers. Now Mark Levin just does not know what to make of this nigger hoodie mob from Obama terrorizing swing state Florida.
Only this blog was Inspired to warn you children and none of you to the last one listened, but most were silent as Mark Levin is now and some were busy protecting blacks instead of branding them for the Obama malcontents they are.
Blacks caused this Traynor Martin situation. Obama planned for it and Obama is goosestep marching with it in his Krystalnacht 2012.
You were warned.
agtG 261
PS: One more thing. Normal law abiding Americans wear ANORAKS. That is a pullover sweatshirt with a hood which military people tend to term them.
I have had it with this half wit ebonics ghetto green slang being treated with respect.
You look stupid with your cocked head poses. You sound stupid in the lack of annunciation of your words in proper English. You act stupid like rut in heat animals. Your being loud does not make up for lack of courage and self worth. You simply are environmental retards in being led around by the Obama man in sending you out to get shot while beating on an armed Citizen.
America in order to save the black from themselves, requires defining them for how stupid they are as this 3 year old mentality they have of all they do is like looking at their poo poo in a diaper as some great accomplishment, is simply gauche.
For you classless Obama voters, GAUCHE, means unsophisticated, uncultured and tasteless.
You betcha that is this entire Obama voter, in who rises to the epitome of their life to think wearing hooded sweatshirts is social standing?
When blacks are not bright enough to not be used as Obama firearm fodder, it is time to start mocking them and laughing at them to save these from Darwin natural selection.
Mob beatings at WI state fair - Hundreds of young black people ... | |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWXKXCJOGf8Aug 5, 2011 - 2 min - Uploaded by GCrowdy Mob beatings at WI state fair - Hundreds of young black people beating white people. GCrowdy. Subscribe ... |
Hate crimes: Racist Blacks beat up Whites at Wisconsin State Fair ... | |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=H13mmGuLJ_gAug 11, 2011 - 3 min - Uploaded by UncookedVanilla There are two new developments in the State Fair mob attacks. West Allis Police are now looking into the ... |