This blog was wondering with all the talk of how racist Conservative Ladies are, just where are the race mixed marriages the liberals champion on their side?
I can point to Todd and Sarah Palin in Todd having Indian blood in him. I can point to Clarence and Ginny Thomas in Clarence being black. I can point to Maury Povich and Connie Chung with Connie being Chinese. I can point to Bill Cohen and Janet Langhart in Janet being black. I can point to Phil and Wendy Gram with Wendy being Asian.
Off the top of my head, I can't name one liberal couple who is mixed racially in marriage, but all these liberals just love to "dirty" it up in nailing the other race before scurrying back to their own ilk in sex sins. It is ok to bang the white assistant or the Asian intern, but just don't bring it home.
I'm completely like John Wayne in Cahill US Marshall in telling a black criminal, "Mr. I don't have a bigoted bone in my body, but if you don't put down that axe I'll blow your head off!"
That though is not to say different races are different in temprament beyond a stereotype.
Name for example how many empires and world rulers ever came out of Africa or are Hamite? Answer is none.
Name a people who terrorized the entire Asian sphere for a thousand years and the name comes up Japanese. You never hear of Cantonese pirates terrifying people, but they were excellent navigators and traders.
You never have a Hitler coming out of Belgium, but Germany has a history of some of thee most notable warrior leaders in history trashing the world.
One can see a great deal in different peoples and when the marriages are based in lust or weakness, as in black women being bedded by white owners or Asian women being bedded by weak males, things do not turn out the best for the generations which follow as there is not a common Christian ideal to uplift the peoples to strength.
The Mexican is an example of a fine sedate group, predatory on it's own kind in being Spaniard and Indian cross who stopped being empire predatory..
The North African is another example of a fine sedate group who kidnapped a million white slaves from Europe, interbred and became a non barbarous people who behaved themselves.
You will notice in both of these cases it was the introduction of a white species into a Hamite and Mongoloid group which tamed them, and not the common misconception that white blood introduced into different groups was the predatory problem.
As someone of mixed blood, it might surprise people that I would never engage with certain other races starting with the Russian Slavic or the Negroid, for the simple reality I do not care for harshness nor sloven nature. Are all Russians harsh? No. Are all blacks lazy? No. But the reality is, my offspring would be drawn to those core groups and the worst traits would emerge in outcasts and rejects from that main body would then decide to slum with my children, and those culls would ruin my children's lives.
For the record, Muchelle Obama likes white men, and that is why she and her family kept their light skin tones separate and why she chose Barry Obama who is over 80% Semite. So there is one major couple in the liberal land who is ..........well when one weighs Muchelle is at least 50% white, one has just another white liberal couple marrying into their own racist kind and not for love, but for lust.
As one can see in the many shades of Muchelle and Bearick, they hate being "black" and invest in volumnes of white face paint.
If being black is such a hot deal, then why is Muchelle only wearing black paint around white folks like the Bush's as revealed above and wearing white paint in family pictures with her clan?
So what is racism?
Is it racist to note the nature of culls of any race? Is it racist to condemn the sinful natures which predominate in races?
There is only one glue which holds people together and that is Christianity from it's Hebrew roots. It incorporates different races from Moses' Ethiopian wife to Ruth the Moabite Grandmother of David.
When though religion divides as in Solomon's many cultic spouses, it rips a nation literally apart.
The reality is one has to be moral person first and last, to amount to anything or to make anything from a marriage to a career endure. God overcomes all in the Holy Ghost from race to handicap in what one is born into.
When though the devil becomes involved, then the destruction of race takes place on all levels.
If one examines the Israelite peoples, they were originally livestock and orchard producers. The other surrounding peoples were the sailors to the blacksmiths. God intended this occupation for His people just as Thomas Jefferson understood agrarian peoples who owned land were the successful foundation of a continuous moral nation.
It is always about God.
When a nation promotes mongrelization of groups as the cartels do, it is not about unity, but about what has been proven in peoples who are void of God to dillute to their worst attributes. One will never see the ELITE intermarrying whether it is the white Obamas or the white Clintons. They may slum like the Dunhams and the Davis groups to get off on banging a "lesser" class, but one never sees a liberal caught dead with any other race.
Yet these liberals are the ones who condemn the right on racial issues.
The American Government used to be in the business of turning savages and barbarians into civilized creatures. Indians were given religion and handed farm implements with education. That failed and what is left is a racist Obama voting class.
Blacks were given religion and hoes with eduation, and while they do not lie under magnolias waiting for a coyote to eat off their doped up, sexed out or drunked over faces (One must know Africa in blacks there get drunk on millet beer and hyenas eat off their faces in thier comatose state.), but that has failed in blacks too in they still lay under the welfare bush having their lives eaten away by liberals.
The Asians have always been industrious from the Chinese coolies who built the railroads to the Korean buisness owners. They took education a secular religion of capitalism and prospered in the system.
The Mexican is a mixed bag as one can speak of the light skinned Spaniard who has excelled in America as well as still rules in Mexico and the dark Mexican who is still slave labor and denudes the city lot like sheep in overgrazing.
The reality is, none of these groups are voided from being Christian or American, providing of course they throw off their self destructive natures and become children of God or children of America.
No where in the Bible or Constitution does it state that one must marry heathens or other races. That is the individual choice..........and until folks like Dan Rather stop saying things like "Connie is OFF tonight" meaning she is a crazy ass Asian bitch in code and not being called on, all of these liberal skanks and maherettes are going to continue their heinous racism in races raping each other for sex and selling each other for votes in prostitution.
See that is what this is all about in liberal racism, it is cannibal capitalism, in it is all about sex and prostitution in political rape and political whores. It is about appealing to the worst nature within a race in blacks being a group, Jews being a group, Mexicans being a group and white overlords slumming at the clubs and each group going back to their den and bragging about what they dirtied up.
It is all the worst kind of evil, but it is the reality of predation in one sadistic group sinning against another.
Why didn't Barack Obama marry an African? He was in Kenya often enough and none of those women would have him, even those of his Luo Arabian kind. It is because Obama did not want an Arabian black for his whiteness and the Arabian black did not want Obama's whiteness.
Amazing isn't it in all these "blacks" in America, and not a one ever goes to Africa and brings home a spouse.......a real black spouse.
Ask yourself why.
The Zulu, Somali, Masia, Dinka etc... would have nothing to do with them.
Yet the coastal slave tribes whom American blacks are family with, are never visited for finding a wife or husband by the Obamas, Jacksons or Winfreys.
Why is it no one ever asks a liberal these things?
Ask yourself why.
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