that big ole mic feels niggardly to me
so I try whitely on things
Sherrod Brown D OH
so I try whitely on things
Sherrod Brown D OH
“Rooting for the Red Sox is like rooting for the drug companies,” said Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown on August 4th on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program in response to sociopathic taunting by host Joe Scarborough and political analyst Mike Barnicle.
“There’s plenty of people, as you know Matt, in this Congress that will always send a blank check when it comes to spending money on defense, on war, but are a little bit more niggardly, if you will, on spending money on the actual veterans when they come home.
This blog demands that the sociopathic taunting of democrats cease, as Sherrod Brown has called John Boehner niggardly and the rest of Congress for funding Obama Wars in the piles of dead and wounded Soldiers who are necessary to waste.....sacrifice their lives for Obama's 2012 re election.
niggardly: Not generous; stingy (adjective/adverb)
Never mind that Mr. Obama was rumored to be mandating that wounded Soldiers pay for their own health care, as this is about niggardly things and when it comes to niggardly, Mr. Obama has never been a niggardly and no one would ever accuse him of being niggardly, when in fact Mr. Obama has been nothing but mightily whitely in all his life.
whitely: generous; copious (adjective/adverb)

that small ole penis I got feels niggardly to me
so I got to whitely make up in spunkin' my expense wad
Barack Obama D IL
Yes this is the sociopathic tragedy of the Obama voters in all suffer from what has been noted here in diagnosis as white man's power penis envy.
Poor Mr. Obama the mightily whitely great hope, over 80% caucasion, whitely of Harvard, whitely 1 million in book contract, whitely of Chicago Daley power, whitely of Muslim money, whitely of the White House, whitely of 15 trillion dollars looted from the Treasury, whitely of 100 trillion in insurance guarantees, whitely of dead bin Laden, whitely of dead tortured Khadaffi, whitely of endless wars, whitely of........well carvin' his name on white monuments like winning the Iraq war which was won before in replacing George W. Bush in mission accomplished.......has even been whitely when all the Gulf was black with oil.
Mr. Obama suffers from big white man's power penis envy and has bankrupted America and now innocents made lunatics like Sherrod SherROD SHErROD Hepuss Color Neutral as this blog is not going to make this a race issue as this blog always serves Birdy Obama in every way possible for the day when he serves America finally in orange jumpsuit in prison for his crimes......
Where was I?
Oh yes Hepuss Color Neutral is a victim of this mass hysteria of big white power penis envy that has even Elton Blonde attacked for having a Mourning After Fluke in which his sponsors were thought to be aborted, but they were all born alive and instead poor Bill Maher was miscarried in this injustice.
Who would have ever thought Viagra Limbaugh would be thought of big white man's power penis poster none are more powerful or penis white than this girls blog in setting the trends of impregnation of thought in the netherworld of liberal wombs to father the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, so help me God.
This blog has great compassion that Muchelle Obama has a bigger package than the Obama voters in their small penis sizes. It is difficult for them to see Muchelle in all her vulva lipped largeness and know they have to stuff paper towels down there to measure up.
Mr. Obama has suffered greatly in this, in Reggie Love, upon seeing real Chicago white penis power in the White House in Bill Daley while peeking in the bathroom and laying on this hands in the hallways, fled Mr. Obama's small black penis (see Lawrence Sinclair's description of Mr. Obama's penis in his telling book.) and went back to the halls of white power in college, as the reality is, once you had black you never do go back........meaning just like the statistics prove, women who marry black males, divorce them after the fever wears off and find some white man to fulfill them.
Reggie Love is just the divorce in another jilted Obama not measuring up.
Yes some men grab big ole black mics, thinking this is what power feels like. Some men grab a hold of dead Muslims like bin Laden that white SEALS shoot, thinking this is what power feels like. Yes indeed these things and situations happen to the Obama voter who has been niggardly treated when all they ever wanted was a whitely experience.
It is like when these males and females look at Playboy. They pretended to be looking at the centerfold, but somehow the pages always fell open to the Hugh Hefner ads and one could note in forensic testing rub marks on Hugh's zipper as the Obama voter was always trying to figure out what it was Hugh had as they wanted to compare to Hugh's big white man's penis power.
Poor Mr. Obama the mightily whitely great hope, over 80% caucasion, whitely of Harvard, whitely 1 million in book contract, whitely of Chicago Daley power, whitely of Muslim money, whitely of the White House, whitely of 15 trillion dollars looted from the Treasury, whitely of 100 trillion in insurance guarantees, whitely of dead bin Laden, whitely of dead tortured Khadaffi, whitely of endless wars, whitely of........well carvin' his name on white monuments like winning the Iraq war which was won before in replacing George W. Bush in mission accomplished.......has even been whitely when all the Gulf was black with oil.
Mr. Obama suffers from big white man's power penis envy and has bankrupted America and now innocents made lunatics like Sherrod SherROD SHErROD Hepuss Color Neutral as this blog is not going to make this a race issue as this blog always serves Birdy Obama in every way possible for the day when he serves America finally in orange jumpsuit in prison for his crimes......
Where was I?
Oh yes Hepuss Color Neutral is a victim of this mass hysteria of big white power penis envy that has even Elton Blonde attacked for having a Mourning After Fluke in which his sponsors were thought to be aborted, but they were all born alive and instead poor Bill Maher was miscarried in this injustice.
Who would have ever thought Viagra Limbaugh would be thought of big white man's power penis poster none are more powerful or penis white than this girls blog in setting the trends of impregnation of thought in the netherworld of liberal wombs to father the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, so help me God.
This blog has great compassion that Muchelle Obama has a bigger package than the Obama voters in their small penis sizes. It is difficult for them to see Muchelle in all her vulva lipped largeness and know they have to stuff paper towels down there to measure up.
Mr. Obama has suffered greatly in this, in Reggie Love, upon seeing real Chicago white penis power in the White House in Bill Daley while peeking in the bathroom and laying on this hands in the hallways, fled Mr. Obama's small black penis (see Lawrence Sinclair's description of Mr. Obama's penis in his telling book.) and went back to the halls of white power in college, as the reality is, once you had black you never do go back........meaning just like the statistics prove, women who marry black males, divorce them after the fever wears off and find some white man to fulfill them.
Reggie Love is just the divorce in another jilted Obama not measuring up.
Yes some men grab big ole black mics, thinking this is what power feels like. Some men grab a hold of dead Muslims like bin Laden that white SEALS shoot, thinking this is what power feels like. Yes indeed these things and situations happen to the Obama voter who has been niggardly treated when all they ever wanted was a whitely experience.
It is like when these males and females look at Playboy. They pretended to be looking at the centerfold, but somehow the pages always fell open to the Hugh Hefner ads and one could note in forensic testing rub marks on Hugh's zipper as the Obama voter was always trying to figure out what it was Hugh had as they wanted to compare to Hugh's big white man's penis power.
This blog calls upon all democrats, limp and small, which is all democrats to visit Raquel Welch in her movie list and learn how to strap on a big white dildo, and gain some manhood, as Ms. Welch offered up a tutorial for democrats in her transgender acting.
Think of it America, if Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama's adopted mum, had just purchased for him a white strap on dildo, America could have saved 114, 000, 000, 000, 070. 80 dollars in all this Obama theft and debt.
Think of it, in how happy Mr. Obama and democrats would be, as Mr. Obama could strap on his dildo and parade around in front of Muchelle and show here what a white power man really looked like, and Muchelle would just be so much happier. The nation would then be happier as Mr. Obama would finally think he measured up, and all these Hepuss Color Neutral voters for Obama could relax and utilize non racial vocabulary as in their minds, Obama with a white strap on dildo finally measured up to their dreams.
Yes Mr. Obama did dream of his father........hoping in fantasy that his magic beanstalk if rubbed hard enough, would grow to the heavens and some white boy would climb up it and a big ole giant would goose Barry in the end........Yes Mr. Obama had a dream, but the nightmare was he rubbed that beanstalk so hard it got smaller as time went on.
Some men and lesbians just look at the pictures in Playboy...........of Hugh Hefner.