What is the frequency Kenneth?
You really do not comprehend this do you. The same exclusives which gave you Obama's programmed brain is the same operation which is fluoride in water, Andrew Breitbart tits up, Sirhan Sirhan wandering around to be arrested to this Sgt. Robert Bates going postal in Afghanistan......to this Kony director of Invisible Children jacking off in public.
Why do you think cigarette smoking is bad? You have no idea do you. Just like you strap on those "safety belts" in cars which kill people and never figure out the same government cartel is murdering you in other ways.
It is about money my children and you children of satan. See car wrecks do not make money for commerce in insurance costs in wrecked cars and dead bodies only make morticians rich.
See it is evil to not wear a safety belt, because you die quickly. The medical establishment demands you die slowly in long and expensive treatments, just before your insurance coverage runs out. That makes hundreds of billions of dollars.
The same with cigarettes, in smoking made people thin and not fat ass birth control pill suffering. Cigarettes kept people from getting colds, which is what Rush Limbaugh said before he became Elton Blonde, and smoking did indeed have benefits.......take mass smoking away and suddenly heart disease rises, as more cartel generated food poison programs were implemented in removing normal animal fats in eggs, meat and milk and replaced them with soy milk which made males queer, corn syrups which made you fat and corn oils which.......made your body inflame in diseases, so you make more billions for the pharmaceutical companies.
........and the majority of you sucked on that propaganda like global warming and are fleeced for it.
Meanwhile back at the pharm........
Yes, there is a film from years ago, about black kids, real black kids in Africa, being hamburger for the meat grinder by some do gooders and some African leader named Kony. All was fine in this, as missionaries, to doctors to film directors to African despots all prey on children for cash.............
Oh just like you never noticed The Mentalist pulling out the poor orphan black boy, Person of Interest pulling out the same poor black boy, like Burn Notice pulling out the black boy to all pull the heart strings, to show that them white folks can only save them black boys from the evil black community as one little black boy stands between them and world domination.
It is the cartel scam there my children, just like the Young and Restless was dusting off Uncle Remus helping Jack Abbot who can no longer walk, but as a physical therapist, the black dude can point that white man in the right direction.......
Why in the hell do you think Gone with the Wind had that fat black maid, Weezie Jefferson was fat black and Esther Rolle on Good Times was fat black? It is because leftists like having fat black women around as therapists to boss around and feel superior......the women like it, because the husband is not banging the plumper and the men like it so the wife is not getting her kitty licked by the fat black maid.
All that got thrown under the bus with Mexican children being imported sex slaves......but that is another story linked to Operation Gun Runner in Obama murdering Mexicans and the human traffic issue for profit.
Meanwhile back at the pharm.......
So Jason Russell of Invisible Children was jacking off in public after taking his clothes off or something.....liberals call it being under stress, dehydrated and not eating.......the police call it a public disturbance problem and throw your butt into Vaseline city.
Yahoo Canada Quote:
Invisible Children, Russell's nonprofit group, tapped 12 influential policymakers and 20 celebrities with popular Twitter accounts, including Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie, to spread the video. Since then, the company owned by powerful producer Harvey Weinstein has contacted Russell to buy the film.
The phenomenal success of the video, including the savvy media campaign with tweets about Kony, has been hailed for inspiring young people to activism, but has suffered criticism including that it oversimplified a long-standing human rights crisis.
Hmmm so we have some do gooder stirring the pot, preying on the world young people market using children, and enlisting the elite with the same "wearing fur is evil" methodology and all of a sudden going monkey wrench in public.....
Sure do gooders all got screws loose, but this blog desires to know who turned the crank on Russell so he was cranking his screw in public?
Jason Russell is shown: NBCSanDiego interview after he launched the KONY 2012 campaign.
NBC Quote:
A co-founder for Invisible Children was detained in Pacific Beach on Thursday for being drunk in public and masturbating, according to the San Diego Police Department.
Jason Russell, 33, was allegedly found masturbating in public, vandalizing cars and possibly under the influence of something, according to the SDPD. He was detained at the intersection of Ingraham Street and Riviera Road.I don't really care if someone drugged this well directed male, as it definitely appears he got a dose of an upper and a sex drug cocktail in a bar........
What interests this blog is in the Age of Obama, how a Joseph Kony, a Ugandan, who is part of a long history of "he raped she raped" despots in Africa for the cartel rapine of Africa.......you know like that Paul Wolfowitz tried at the World Bank to put money into African's hands instead of European cartel banks, and was ruined for it.........
Think on that one children.......no don't think as most just need to be told or they process wrong.
So Joey Kony, which is a better name for a film star, just happens to be in Uganda, high tech lynched by........
One moment please as Google search is not allowing me to log in, as the spiders in the wire do not want this being posted. Baby needs to get her arachnids in line.
Meanwhile back at the pharm......
There is Joey Kony accused of all sorts of things, like the things Nelson Mandella does and Robert Mugabe does, but of course as everyone knows they are sanctioned and win prizes from Norwegians and pay the European cartel money, they do not get movies made about them.
Instead Joey is small machete and putting a few kids on the screen, makes a do gooder lifestyle for a "non profit".
Kony though was just fine leading the Lord's Resistance Army which was "at war" with the sanctioned Ugandan government after Idi Amin Dada's years of feeding Catholic Bishops as the meat of the day to guests, until this documentary showed up.
One must understand what Africa is. Africa to elite is monkeys in the zoo......and that includes a Kenyan like Obama, who considers the primates there as workers on the Planet of the Apes, not fit to rule, but as squatters on their oil, diamonds, minerals and dope with gun trade.
Africa is a money laundering pit, in which US money is poured in, and fills up European cartel interest banks as the despots steal the money and deposit it in Rothschild accounts.
See war makes money to German arms dealers as was exposed by this blog in Obama Kenya. Kony and Uganda are hated by homosexuals as both the government and the Kony clan know that homosexuality, lewd sex and HIV is how the cartel was destroying that nation in Bill Gates depopulation.
Hell children there was a time the cartel was telling Ugandans THEY COULD CURE AIDS if they want out and screwed some virginal child. Sure that spread aids like wildfire like DIRTY NEEDLES the cartel was using to infect that population.......but shhhh we don't want that kind of thing being remembered now as Oprah and Invisible Children are looking good for their close up.
Kony is what he is, in a charismatic leader. The stories do not add up in over 60,000 kidnapped children for "sex slaves" as if Kony's army was f*cking that much they wouldn't be a threat as there was no time for fighting.
You don't get that either do you, in the stereotype of the black African being oversexed just like the American black.......
OK so you get this, black Africans if they were oversexed would have had a billion Africans by now through Chinaman breeding. The reason American blacks are so horn dog is they are crossed with the white race which is more aggressive.
Blacks in Africa get drunk on millet beer and pass out so hyenas eat their faces off, and exist in George Obama huts. Arabian breeding did nothing to stoke them up. Northern Europeans with American diet did though turn these blacks into aggressive rapist breeders. Hence the "western cartel propaganda" immediately seizes upon a stereotype of child sex slaves, as that is what the Bill Maher crowd goes to Asia for.......is why Herman Cain was all sexy, why Sarah Palin was a c*nt and why Laura Ingraham was a slut.....even though not married.
Is the code word of liberal penis envy crowd in they accuse people of what is on their mind.
Oh did you notice Russell was arrested at Ingraham street.......
So charismatic Kony was doing just fine in keeping Africa unbalanced so the blacks could not unite, even under him. That was until Monkey Wrench Russell got this being looked at, and made it an issue, that perhaps Kony might just become a central African Caesar in the publicity which would rival Obama's Balkan Africa under Odinga.
Ok, I'll repeat this in Susan Rice and things this blog covered in Obama meddling in Africa in his divisional lordship he is setting up with South American communist coke flowing into West Africa by al Qaeda into Europe.
Africa is not for blacks, it is for thee elite to manage chaos in to plunder.
Imagine a Kony uniting the Congo's mineral wealth, with the oil of the west and north, bringing stability so Africa produces it's own bread?
That would pretty well take this cash cow from the cartels and make Africa a Christian united powerhouse that would be a competitor to the world.
Let's have a Kony quote:
On November 12, 2006, Kony met Jan Egeland, the United Nations Undersecretary-General for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief. Kony told Reuters: "We don't have any children. We only have combatants."
America had numbers of children in combat, and that included World War II in children lying about their ages. That was never considered Nuremberg crimes against humanity. That point taken in the American Indian had 'braves' and Hollywood celebrates those child rapists and murderers, but for some reason in Kony it is evil.........but ignored when it comes to Obama Muslims in their struggles.
You never hear Hillary Clinton demanding from Muslims in al Qaeda a human rights point of no children as combatants now do you?
So let us return again to Monkey Wrench Russell with a quote:
Kony received a surge of attention in early March 2012 when a thirty minute documentary titled Kony 2012 by film maker Jason Russell for the campaign group Invisible Children Inc was released. The intention of the production is to draw attention to Kony in an effort to increase United States involvement in the issue.
So Russell's intent with his wife, "as christians" was to bring more military involvement into int Kenya errrr.....Uganda, no Inspired it was Kenya....same group Obama was dogging with US troops sent to murder the Lord's Resistance Army by the United States government, more than even George Bush in his assistance in trying to assassinate Kony.
Limbaugh opposed though..........
Nothing of Obama sending in 100 troops to Kenya to fight the Odinga machete mob. Obama is after LRA to keep it off of Odinga's Godless Marxist Mulisms. Now do you get it, and Monkey Wrench Russell did a naughty in focusing attention on things Obama wants hidden.
Should have made money the old fashioned way and did a cockumentary on evil Christians who listen to Elton Blonde.
Wiki quote:
Russell graduated from the USC School of Cinematic Arts. With Danica Jones and Jon M. Chu, he co-wrote a musical, Moxie, which the team sold to Steven Spielberg.
So now we have Obama's main Hollywood propagandist, the guy who made American Soldiers out to be murdering cowards in "Saving Private Ryan" having funded Russell who founded some "Christian Youth Theater".
Oh let's do another quote:
CYT is an arts educational organization and not affiliated with any church, nor are participants required to be members of any particular church, denomination, or religion.
So a Christian indoctrination theater monopoly all through North America, where no Church is affiliated, no Church membership or even having to be a part of any Christian religion or any religion.
Yes that sure is Christian now is it not.
The book in this is simple. Monkey Wrench Russell's family has been dabbling with the left. They fund these folks, and as one knows from Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, the left absolutely hates Ugandan Christianity.
It was perfectly fine to have Ugandan Christians shooting each other for profit, and boogermen in Kony to be hunted, but when people started looking a little too close the "non religion christian" of Monkey Wrench Russell got a cocktail in a bar, instead of being home with his wife and children as any proper Christian Gentleman would be.
What could be better in this than a crazy Holy Ghost Kony leader in Kenya, shooting those evil pro Christian marriage Ugandan government folks and now Monkey Wrench Russell all Christian acting jacking off in public has he attempts to shove his johnson up some hot exhaust pipe?
Sounds exactly like the stereotype Naps Napolitano, Barry Obama and Steve Spielberg like portraying all these Christ types as, as it fits the stereotype.
Meanwhile back at the pharm.......
Don't follow the money and don't pay attention to this blog, as Obama knows very well what he is doing as his programming is perfect.
Oh, and why don't you wonderful children in this Age of Obama, just concern yourself about saving yourself first, maintaining your family unity, and leave the missionary work to God as the Redwood forests of your eyes stuck there by the Obama cartels are sort of making you blind for the trees in looking beyond the splinters.
agtG 216, 259 (does help to do the spider checks), 265 Kenya
Yahoo Canada story (I presume this will disappear after exposed by this blog.)
(Reuters) - The director of a video gone viral that calls for the arrest of fugitive Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony has been hospitalized in California for exhaustion following an "unfortunate incident," his group said on Friday.
It said filmmaker Jason Russell's condition stemmed from the emotional toll of recent weeks.
The 30-minute YouTube video called "Kony 2012," viewed by tens of millions of people, aims to wake up the world to atrocities committed by Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, including kidnapping children and forcing them to fight.
"Jason Russell was unfortunately hospitalized yesterday suffering from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition. He is now receiving medical care and is focused on getting better," Ben Keesey, head of Invisible Children, said in a statement.
"The past two weeks have taken a severe emotional toll on all of us, Jason especially, and that toll manifested itself in an unfortunate incident yesterday," he added, without giving details.
Asked about media reports that Russell had been detained, a San Diego police spokeswoman said a 33-year-old white man had been taken to a medical facility for evaluation and treatment on Thursday morning after police received reports that he was acting "bizarrely."
But San Diego Police spokeswoman Lieutenant Andra Brown said she could not release the identity of the person detained.
She said people called police to say that the man, who was not arrested, was running into traffic and yelling while in "various stages of undress."
Invisible Children, Russell's nonprofit group, tapped 12 influential policymakers and 20 celebrities with popular Twitter accounts, including Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie, to spread the video. Since then, the company owned by powerful producer Harvey Weinstein has contacted Russell to buy the film.
The phenomenal success of the video, including the savvy media campaign with tweets about Kony, has been hailed for inspiring young people to activism, but has suffered criticism including that it oversimplified a long-standing human rights crisis.
(Editing by Tim Gaynor and Xavier Briand)