Now is the winter of our discontent.............made glorious summer, by this son of York.
I will speak plainly the Word which comes to me from God, as the intellectual is chained in their own brain and filled with too much fear to contain their phobia which if unleashed would drive them insane.
As this blog exclusively noted in 2008, the Obama regime contracted with Jewish internet experts to spy and censor mailings. Yes is illegal, but when the cartel is wiping your sodom stained rectum, one can smell of feces and no one bothers to wash.
The Jewish interests led by Tim Geithner have been looting the American Treasury at 15,000 billion these past years. The reality is Mort Zuckerman sold his people like all elite Jews into their own Roman deportation and slavery of 70 AD and it honestly distresses this blog that the great Robert J. Morton or World Tribune has joined the toxic avenger in not allowing the message to come out there, which is going to bring the demise of the Jewish people, Ashkenaz non elite included.
The Obama regime has immense crimes in being illegitimate in his being a foreigner. Obama was put into 1600 Penn Avenue to loot America in order to fund the Roman Empire being constructed in Europe according to Biblical Prophecy, as has only been recorded here.
The reality is when one has crimes as in 9 11, Lockerbie etc... that it becomes expedient for people to die, so that the real crimes are never discovered.
It is expedient according to the regime and the Rothschilds that Jews must die to cover up the contracts for Obama to protect hisself. The target in time will be the Stepson of York which houses the greatest concentration of Jews outside the Israeli state.
These Jews have been targeted to be blamed by Isalmic militants in mass attack for 3 purposes.
1. To cover up the 15,000 billion stolen from Americans and sitting in European cartel banks.
2. These Jews are a voting block who will not support Obama, and have immense wealth to fund alternate leadership.
3. These Jews are the breeding pool who would people a depopulated Israeli state due to war and refugees.
There is no desire by the Rothschilds to have more Jews returning nor for any American Jews who are intelligent, wealthy and quasi Mark Levin religious militant to be a problem for the Jewish communist cartel leadership, to be competitors again.
The cartel desires an international city state capital of Jerusalem, in their satanic religion, using the Vatican, and a few ruling the many of the planet......without religious or right wing Jews gumming up the mix.
For these reasons the mound of Aviv will bleed in Bashan. For these reasons the Stepson of York will become rubble. It is the final solution, the elimination of the competitor Jew who knows the secrets of the money and crimes.
This is as was exclusively noted here, the International Socialist, the same elite who sold Jews to the Nazi and the same elite who installed Hitler, installed Obama, and Obama is now completing the solution in having sold Jews out to the Ashkenaz elite.
Do you not recall that George Soros drove the Jews out of Georgia and George Soros bought up all the resource rights from the Philistines when they are in control of their 30 pieces of silver in Palestine?
So without poetic cadence, this is the reality for the intellectual buffoon and sodomite prose commentators who have no idea this game, and are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Benjamin Netanyahu as this blog stated is being forced to attack Iran alone. The Jews will then be blamed by Obama who sees hisself as 'peacemaker' in a trip to Tehran like Nixon to China as his legacy.
Once the Islamocommunist is struck then they can retaliate with nuclear weapons which they have, but of course are being denied having by the cartel, so when Iran attacks America, it will be some shadow blamed and blown up by the radioactive Obama, and he will thump his boney chest again, announcing he has killed more dead Muslims after the battle.
Paladin Obama is substandard and holding up the Maid's Standard would do nothing to bring manhood from his loins, as his designer negro shimmer is the weapon that he would be the one joining in on the rape of her, as he has raped the Virgin all his existence.
That should be clear as pink for most as most do not figure out that puliminory is not weak heart in pink Andy Breitbart lounding on a sidewalk. Michael Savage, you tell the world where you eat and your old collector car, do you really think in a murdered Breitbart that they will stop with pink and not turn you red too?
It has started this 3rd world elimination. You idiots laughed when John Edwards was destroyed over his zipper. You delighted in Lawrence Sinclair surviving repeated assassination attempts.
Now little Elton Blonde is getting phone calls and electric dildos for his ear.
Mr. Savage, you have a savage nation, and with Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah getting the message and hiding under their beds, pink and red are the colors which will don the amber sheets from sea to shining sea.
In review, it is deemed now that the Stepson of York and Judah proper must die to cover up Obama crimes. It is logical for the cartel to repeat 9 11 on a grander scale and to wipe out the Jewish power vote on both sides of the ocean.
Eat drink and be merry......for Baby has spoken of things and in time should speak in her Google dialogue of the cartel conversations concerning what has been set, for the day ye die.
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