I appreciate Raquel Welch as the true iconic star from a world where stars used to be, and she is the last of her kind.
She is what Marilyn Monroe could never be in being real.
My favorite movie of Ms. Welch is Hannah Caulder, where as a housewife she is raped, and then follows a gunslinger across the desert on foot, learns to shoot a gun, tracks down the 3 rapists and shoots them to hell.
That kind of American Woman is what America should have as that is feminism and not this liberal cowsh*t of lesbians and frumpers bitching about men.
If you don't like men, then stop trying to be one, and shoot the criminals, send the sinners to hell, and stop settling for sh*t.
I honestly have never watched Ms. Welch's films. I turned off Kansas City Bomber or whatever that rollerskating movie was as I could care less about watching chics beat each other up on skates.
Never saw the fur bikini movie either. Never saw Myra Breckinridge, is some transgender movie they stuck her with where they tried to get her to strap on a dildo and rape a guy, but she told the director to stuff it and I never saw her with Jim Browne in 100 Guns, which that jock was still purring about years later and making a fuss as he has one big chip on his shoulder and thought hisself a man, because he got to as a black make out with Raquel Welch.
I did though see her in a Jimmy Stewart and Dean Martin western and she was kick ass in that one too simply being a woman.
She has always sold her womanhood whether on Bob Hope Specials or the USO Tours, and that is what she is about. She is not soft porn as the Men's Health interview tried to make her out to be in 1 Million BC which was a fur bikini for pity sake. She is though a woman who knows that porn has destroyed American males making them all pansies and the females are all cuffed into thinking that is what a real man wants is some photo brushed naked chic who had to resort to naked to get their break.
I like a woman who is a woman and comfortable with it, and who is the reality of guns, knives and whatever to end evil in this world. I like the gal in the Bible who drove a tent peg through an infidel's head and then called the leader of the nation over to show him how a woman handles creeps.
Raquel Welch made the most of her life in Bolivian bloodlines in being brown skinned when they tried to change her to some marketable name. She made her rolls work when the leftist priss is still trying to degrade her for work she did, that most people did watch.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Hannah Caulder blast Jack Elam, Earnest Bonging and Strother Martin.
I thoroughly enjoyed Robert Culp as the gentleman showing her how to blast rapists to hell.
Equal rights is not about words like feminism. Equal rights is about being armed with more than the a**holes in this world to make them die.
As far as Men's Health, that magazine looks like Goddamn porn, reads like limp dick Obama jungle fever sh*t and Ms. Welch was betrayed in their pissy interview as she was more of a man than those a**holes are.
71 years old and still an American Legend.
nuff said