Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Couscous Mafia


This blog in a coming series of posts will provide evidence in exclusives as only this site is infamous for, in providing links to bring down Barack Hussein Obama in the criminal connections he has which stretch back further than Hawaii, but to the familiar womb which bore this son of perdition upon the world.
This blog makes no boasts, but readers will know that what appears here is so far ahead in the intelligence spectrum that what you children will be reading will weave known events you think you comprehend to the tip of an iceberg which has been eluded to here, but no one has ever seen as you have been diverted.

The following stories will link the Obama 300 million in illegal terror funds to Obama's Arab Spring to the turban's on the ground in the financial espionage of establishing the Caliph to the blueprint of the Marc Rich money laundering to Obama's South American cocaine flow in the overthrow and money laundering into the west by the friendly faces of Scandinavia and the American Midwest.

Throw in why the Iraq War really took place in which family was really pushing it in faux evidence planted to the the British and Americans, and that should be the start in asking why is it Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder are not seeing red flags in this, and are instead assisting this.

The tip of the iceberg in this Couscous Mafia which was the source of the 300 milliion in terror funds to Obama is Salah Osseiran. Think of him as the smiling face of Warren Buffet and George Soros on more things going on than meets the teeth crammed into photos along with glowing propaganda.

For all of you children, you will not know the glowing Forbes magazine bio of Osseiran or recognize the name unless you have a level two understanding of intelligence. The Osseiran's started out in life in southern Iraq, generations ago, after being traders "smugglers" who got into a fight with the Emir.
They ended up in Sidon Lebanon after this and in tribal dynasty started the Middle Eastern roots of this Shia tribal clan which stems from the bani or banu Assad group, which is spread from Iran to Iraq to Lebanon, and if you know the Assad name you will see that name pop up as the ruling dynasty there.

The Osseiran clan also is the power behind the scenes in criminal Lebanon, in the founders of Lebanon, backed by the Americans and British over the French Mandate, Defense Ministers and current members of parliament who were exposed talking to Obama in Wikileaks plotting the overthrow of Assad and the Lebanese government.

Is this whetting your attention yet children?

This blog exclusively will link all of this in the coming weeks, and when the evidence is in, you will wonder why Lebanese Christian Joseph Farah has not seen this, how Steve Forbes of the right did not see this as he bio'ed Salah Osseiran, and ask the question in why of all the "evil" people in the Middle East often blamed for things from the Jews to the Saudi's for causing wars, that for some cloak of secrecy reason, the name of the Osseiran's never comes up, and the information is so sparse that unless you know where to data mine and what you are observing, you will never from shell companies to the smugglers of Lebanon know what you are looking at.

As I have stated, when it is the people in power named Rockefeller and Rothshchild committing crimes, it is called legal, as is by their cohorts in Buffett and Soros.
When a family is operating in thee worst crime areas, most dangerous areas of the world and they are safe and if they get kidnapped are released promptly as the Osseirans are.............
In Italy it was called the mafia, in Columbia it was the Medellin cartel, but in Lebanon, it is called nothing at all, even when the money flowing into Europe and America is coming through the red flag money laundering locations on the planet.

As this blog warned Uncle David Rockefeller in Obama, that when the loose threads were pulled it would all come back onto the cartels, the same reality is true in this, in the criminal acts of B. Hussein Obama are going to lead back to the Couscous Mafia which is laundering money into the world through front companies.
When one Lebanese Minister can receive 200 to 400 million bribes a year in criminal traffick, and give half to the Syrian overlords, that 100 to 200 million is still a great deal of cash to launder and find investment in.

Ask yourself why Obama is confronting Iran and Syria in Lebanon? Ask yourself why no one is asking where the money is coming from in a billionaire named Salah Osseiran who is paid around 15,000 dollars a year in below poverty salary as Forbes records while living in luxury in Lebanon?

The cost of living must be very cheap in Beirut eh?

Exclusive exclusive: The reason B. Hussein Osseiran hates the Bush family so much and was fixated on Iraq, is Bush 41 told the southern Shia Iraqi's to rise up and abandoned them to be slaughtered by the Hussein's of central Iraq.
Bush 43 while installing the Osseiran's into power, did not hand the nation in mass over to the southern Shia.
Obama has a family interest in southern Iraq as that is where his slave trader progenitors put their sperm from into his African Luo mama's. Obama is fixate on Iran in protecting them as that is where a main group of Osseiran's lived and had passports from, It is why Obama has been handing Iraq wholesale over to the locals as Obama IS THE LOCAL BOY.

not nuff said.

agtG 234

CEO - BPC Holding

Being the head of the Economic and Trade section at the board of the Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Salah Osseiran is as well the Chairman & Owner of Business Projects Company (BPC), a Lebanese holding Company, established in 1978 and initially managed from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and in 1995 transferred its headquarters to Beirut, Lebanon to develop and hold investments in privately-help companies around the world. BPC is presented in Europe with a European group named Fairford Holdings. As well, In the Middle East, BPC's group consist of 2 sections:

In LEBANON, BPC owns the following companies;

MIDCO (Modern Import and Distribution Company)

MEICO ( Modern Electronic Industries Co.)

SABIL(bottled water company

UNO: FMCG distribution company

CITI FURNITURE: furniture store

Additionally, BPC is important partners in other leading companies

HOMELINE ( retail appliances)

MECG ( Investment Banking)

CFC (Consumer Finance Credit)

RYMCO (Distributor of NISSAN cars in LEBANON)

LBC (The leading Television station in LEBANON)

In EGYPT, BPC owns WAPCO (Water Products Comp), producer and distributor of bottled water.

In UAE, BPC fully owns, or majority the following companies.


- manufacturer and distributor of Chocolate


- manufacturer of polystyrene


- import & distributor of hotel equipments and supplies


- Supermarket

Study your opportunities well, look at the all the risk involved and the opportunity. Weigh the alternatives. Then take your decision.