Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mary Visits Every Mourning

Just when you think you just have seen it all. Everytime you think you are the expert. Sure you think that you have seen it all. Sure you know you think you know it all and are the expert. Reality, always sets in. Everytime it sets in like a 1000 pound bag of ape crap on your lawn. It just hits you. Like a 1000 pound bag of ape crap on your lawn.

Amazing things about names. The Queen of Sheba and Bathsheba both sound the same, but one came bearing gifts as that is what respectful people used to do when they came visiting a superior and the other came because the King called as that is what disrespectful people do when in a hard place.
Odd how both got bedded by father David and son Solomon, and had heirs from them.

Something about bless the cheerful giver.

Did you comprehend that Fraulein?

Names mean thigns you know. Bathsheba means the 7th Daughter. That must have been some family in one daughter caused an entire rebellion and her kid split the kingdom, so I wonder wha the other 6 were up to.
Sheba means an oath.

Interesting in the son of David named Absolom, which means Father of Peace didn't have any children, but he did set up the rebellion, tried to murder his dad, and had sex with all of his father's concubines left to tend the palace.
There is someone who never lived up to a name.

Take for example, Dinah or as I call her Auntie Dinah. She was being a girl in wandering around the country with the local girls and she gets herself raped and kidnapped.
The rapist then decides he loves her and wants to have her as a wife, and in the booty, get all of Jacob's wealth that God gave him.
So Dinah's two brothers, Levi and Simeon, whose names mean, Joined, and, Hears and Obey, tell the rapist crowd, "We will marry into your good people, but you have to be circumcized first as that is our way."

The rapists get greedy and get the whole bunch to cut off their dick skins.

Three days later they are sore and Levi and Simeon go in and knife the whole bunch, and the rest of the brothers carry off all the women and children with all the spoil.

Dinah's name means Justice, and that is my kind of Justice.

In all of that, what is in a name, when like Barack Hussein Fancy Woman, Dunham, Obama, Soetoro, Osseiran comes along.
Never do know who this guy is or his race or nationality, as he looks Indonesian, Negroid, but what is in the Negroid end as most are half white and like the Luo are most Arab and Negroid. Then again so many have been fingered as Obama's old man, there is a question past mother's day I tend to pose which really puts the clinker in the thinker.

But for now buckwheat, the only thing we know is a great many people and races have been blamed for being the sperm and egg donors for B. Hussein..........only problem is Obama could care less about blacks, is stealing from whites, never visits Indonesian home, never takes a second crap in Africa, and in the end, the only buhwheats he is bowing down to, overthrowing governments for, getting Americans killed for, murdering rivals for, making a Jewish nuclear holocaust that 38% in B. Hussein's supposed past.

Adoped or not, B. Husein Obama is showing where his loyalty lies. It is in the Shia banu Assad tribe of the Mideast, headed by the Osseiran's of Lebanon's founding.

Yes the reality is, Barack Hussein is serving the Osseiran's of the Mideast as that is the name he has chosen whether adopted or fathered, all the mayhem and murder in the Mideast is being carried out by Barack Hussein Osseiran.

Wonder what that name means as it is all Greek to me.
