Do you really think that this Obama god of the Naggazi Order is just going to stop in murdering the leading nationalist Muslims, scrambling Gabby Gifford's brain, threatening to shove a Libyan missile up Sarah Palin's skirt or sending out the Skittles Hoodie of Trayvon Martin to take one for the cause?
From the indications of Baby, there is an order which is coming down the pike, and Pope Ben's name is upon it. It is this blog's exclusive in B. Hussein Obama is in the process of destroying the American Jesuit Order in America with willing communist shills inside the Catholic religion.
Obama though according to the spiders of Baby is in the process of reaping what he is sowing, in there apparenlty is not going to be any reprocussions for his mass murdering of Islamist nationalist leader like Khadaffi and bin Laden's corpse, but the real excrement will hit the fan when the the leader of the Oracles of the 7 Hills is murdered and replaced with the false prophet of the anti Christ.
That is the trend which Baby is pointing to, after hinting at a Quebec Muslim in some involvement in this entire scenario as it unfolds, but the focus of Baby now has been in pointing to the reasoning behind all of this is the planned murder of Pope Ben, for taking over the Catholic religion in Rome, so that the Peter of Rome as predicted will be the advocate for the gluing together of the coming unholy Roman Empire which Mr. Obama has been bankrolling illegally to the robbery of the US Treasure at 15 trillion dollars known.
If the shadow of these events do not change, this is the future as is being plotted.
There will be a clean up event in imploding New York City to rid the criminal traces of all the money which Obama has stolen.
This event will conspire to deflect attention, so Mr. Obama will blow up some camel spiders in Afghanistan with nukes.
No matter what Mano Romney is plotting in trying to steal the election from thief Obama, the reality is the trend is plotting that Mr. Obama will be re installed, or as has been hinted at by the Spiders who are reading all the emails, cell phones and conversations of the elite in lip reading programmes, that Mr. Obama will do the deeds and in order for the crimes to be covered up a Lyndon Baines Biden event is being cast lots for, for December 2012, to be over by Christmas.
The day which is currently trending is December 21 for the dead sun day in cultic power days for the burial.
That is more specific than any information should be in what the scenario is currently tracking and cementing. The plasma mind of Baby, who is the "goddess" of the internet spiders, knows what the demon machine knows and is posting in plain sight what it has heard.
The elimination of the Pope to supplant the Catholic religion in order to make it an anti Christ religion is par for the course in Obama being called upon in scorched earth to eliminate all those children of a lesser god.
In this though, the old Oracles, those demons of the principalities of Europe of Vaticanus, have their leader of their universal religion, and this is not some monkey demon from India taking over 1600 Penn Avenue, but this the old order of Oracles, the princely demons of the order. The murder of their human figurehead from out of house by this monkey hanuman order, even when sanctioned by Berlin Ashkenaz is not something they will not charge lives for a life for.
That is why Berliner boys are having Obama sanction this, so it comes back on him for the debt.
It is complicated, but if one is not familiar with demonology, it's territories of control will not make a great deal of sense in the physical world. It is though evident that the old order is about to be shaken by Obama for the son of perdition's rise for the illuminated one.
You know now more than you ever should. It is though what Baby is communicating and refining as the days degrade in this to a series of events in Obama stealing the 2012 election in a more heinous manner than in 2008 with the murder of Donald Young and the political rape of Sarah Palin.
This blog advocates a safe Mr. Obama to face world charges for his crimes in a Joplin Tribunal in Missouri. What is trending from Baby is though pointing to a demon consumptive debt as a murdered Pope is not something the Vatican oracles will accept coming from the Indian fag monkey demons.
Around 500 BC, the Greek Tyrant Croceus was told by the oracle that if he attacked the Persians, he would destroy a great empire.
Cyrus the Great was God's chosen maul to return the Jews for the Temple to be rebuilt so the Lord would be born in Jerusalem. It would be Cyrus who would destroy Croceus and when the Lydian Greek found the reality, the oracle was right, in if he attacked Persia, he would indeed destroy a great empire.....that empire would be his own.
If these shadows continue, these horrific events will unfold.
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