It is past time that the full monty of native son, Manopla Mormon Romney be revealed in his 2012 election theft to counter the 2008 and 2012 election theft by B. Hussein Obama of 1600 Penn Avenue for the 3rd world and their masters of the 2nd world cartels.
Yes for the non multi lingual, it will not be obvious, but this must first be explained that Mano Romney is deemed Hispanic, Latino, Beaner, Border Buster, Wetback, because he and his multi wived Jesus denying Mormon, Laterday Saints, is indeed a Mexican by heritage and birth.
When the first multiple pussy tapper Romney fled to Mexico as a fugitive from American Justice to take up with a harem, the traitor gave up America, and his horde born in "little dog Mexico", all became Mexicans.
George or Jorge Romney waded the Rio Grande in the early 1900's as his Mexican family fled revolutionaries and took up squatting in Texas, got a big welfare check from the Mexican federales too, so he bought a house in Salt Lake City, Mormon Utah.
Not once did the Romney horde ever pay back America for the assistance they received when they invaded Texas.
Jorge took up with an American actress and from this came Manopla, or Mittens Romney. This blog does not know if Mittens is like Rosebud in Citizen Caine, but naming a child Mitt is an odd thing for an American, but when one is a 3rd world supplanter, names like Barack and Mitt are in vogue as the names are lost in translations.
So Manopla is Mexican as Mormon Romney is Jesus denying Laterday Saint (Yes mean it Laterday as that is Inspired as it is LAST DAYS and Mormons are already late for Salvation in their cult.)
Manopla has a grande plan, mucho grande, in not fighing Obama as he is a fellow third worlder, but will instead nominate Jan Brewer, an American female from Arizona who helped Romney steal the election there.
Gov. Haley of South Carolina was promised the package, but she did not steal the election there and Newt clawed his way in, and the last end of the Indian chic is ........well when you have enough color in Manopla on the ticket running against whiteness Obama, you need some female to work the magic and that would be Jan Brewer........same Jan Brewer who refused to sign in a law which would have made Obama show his papers, exposing him as an illegal.
Mano Romney does have a plan as running against as a STEALTH TACO, meaning he will not admit to America he is a Mexican, but instead will hint to Mexicans he is an hombre of their sperm donation.
This blog seeks to help Mano in this, in part of the Romney Brewer campaign, that immediately Olympic Romney invite Hugo Chavez to the Mayo Clinic or Mormon hospital in Utah, that Mano perform Mormon healing rituals on Hugo as an act of Latino kindness.
Furthermore, this blog counsels that Mano invite Fidel Castro to be Mano's personal guest in Mormonizing Hugo, and that they bring in that Brazilian commie which Obama likes.....and that cancer queen of Argentina which is stealing Brit oil in the Falklands.
I would throw in that Montezuma from Mexico and that mad hatter from Honduras who is Obama's coke mule for al Qaeda Africa that Hillary Clinton likes.
Mano can be Obama of 2008 in playing el presidente before he is in the White House.
This blog also counsel's Mano to one up Obama in not just doing Gun Runner, but Mano needs to engage in Operation Nuke Runner. Yes with Obama getting rid of the American nuclear arsenal, Mano needs to nuclear arm all his communist Latin friends. Chavez should not be the only one with radioactive waste in his bowels. Let the entire American sphere be one happy nuclear Latino family.
Yes what could be more grande than nuclear Havana, nuclear Venezuela, nuclear Honduras, nuclear Mexico, nuclear Brazil, nuclear Argentina......yes nuclear Puerto Rico as native son Mano was in landslide or derrumbamiento elected there as his people turned out in mass for a fellow hombre.
Let Mano form a nuclear family in Mormonism........give Salt Lake City the bomb too!!!!! Make Mormons a nuclear power too to protect all those multiple wives they have!!!!
Manopla Romney is the future as America has had enough of natural born sons and daughters being President. Import foreigners as that is the trend. Why just give foreign aid when foreigners can steal it directly from 1600 Penn Avenue.
Obama got his 15 trillion, should not Mano have his 15 trillion and while Obama disarms America, should not Mano arm Latin America with nukes.......and Mormons too?
America has had enough of Americans. Let it not be a place now of foreign despots.....yesterday Kenya, today Mexico and tomorrow North Korea.
Cam Xu, can you hear America calling from your PLA enclave. Throw away them chopsticks woman as destiny is calling. You are the next President of the former United States of Americans.
I pledge allegiance to foreign despots
In the United State of voter fraud
One nation, plundered.
With trillions of dollars for foreigners.
With enslavement for all
Let us do away with this natural born silliness which kept America safe for 200 years. Yes let us instead go for the native son.......
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