Saturday, April 28, 2012

His Niggerness

It is past time that after the Obama regime utilized the righteous shooting of Trayvon Martin to beat and murder more Americans by the Niggazi, that entire black herd, the American Afroid, be castigated and humiliated for their silence in this which is deafening.

It is absolutely stomach churning to vomit to witness Condi Rice in her betrayal of America in her silence in not speaking out about this. It is bad enough when Starr Parker speaks out on all things Obama and yet does not make the hoodie terrorist a focus.
This is ridiculous as Ms. Parker herself was assaulted in Texas in needing security from this black Niggazi Afroid mob.

I can tell you that Colin Powell, the betrayer of all things American and Martin King jr. is embarrassed and almost disgusted by all of this Obama thuggery.
Yet his West Indian Negroidness while not surpassing Eric Holder's thuggery, is still enabling thee most corrupt regime in America, since Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, a fellow Marxist election theif like Obama.

Yes the black intellectual is ashamed over Obama, in they fully comprehend what this blog warned of the blacklash in making Obama their poster boy. The surest sign of the absolute betrayal of the Republican Party by these blacks is their guilt in the silence of having gone behind that curtain and "voted for Obama" over McCain and Palin, as .......well no one would ever know that Uncle Tom Sowell pulled the Obama dick for one small step for black men and one giant leap into the abyss.

Yes where is Thomas Sowell and Walt Williams on this in trying to stop the Obama race war?

All is silent in the 8 black intellectuals in America, and all that is left is Bill Cosby blaming the Constitution for hoodie terrorist Martin in gun rights and that Chris Rock screaming like a puss filled penis with VD over making it louder makes all things better.

Just to throw this in, America has enough whores Kim Kardashian, Colombian and Arab, so get off the black cock in your Kayne West disgusting earring marking, as you require to be Osseiran informed, that having your crotch violated by f*cking Negroids in new Afroid is not going fill that void, and you sister are a giant ass to go with your giant ass.
Join a nunnery as no Gentleman would ever touch the whore you are in your jungle fever is a degrading rotten disease.

JC Watts or Allen West, where is their political leadership over the hoodie terrorist at 1600 Penn Avenue. It comes to the point literally as in the Civil War requiring military people to sign loyalty oaths and raise their right hand in public under penalty of execution, that all of these Peggy Noonan types before they are allowed any place near the Conservative movement will have to renounce Obama and apologize for voting Afroid Foreigner.

This trails off to the Mitt Romney, as children you know damn sick that Mano Romney voted for Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran in 2008 over John McCain and Sarah Palin, because Romney is a Rovian boy and knew the fix was in, so he could play his part in 2012.
Yes niggerness runs from the black soul of anti Christ Judas betrayers for all kinds of American betrayal, and Mitt Romney is just as guilty as every black in America.

Romney's only selling point is he at least stopped sipping the ghetto green vomit kook aid of Obama in expecting a different outcome when Obama insanity rules, and is still not making excuses for his designer negro like.............20 million Afroid Americans who deserve the wrath, humiliation and reprisal from America in making them literally pay for the 15 trillion in new Obama debt, ruining Social Security, ruining Medicare and ruining America.

This blog championed blacks when no one else would in protecting them from Obama, but it no long will. A witness here is the testimony against blacks as they have proven unworthy of the Gift of Abraham Lincoln. They are not just sinners for Obama, but unrepentant traitors with Obama.

I don't want to hear what a black has to say, as it is all Obama treachery. I don't want to know an Afroid's  thoughts as it is all Obama excuses of the stupid ass black male needs a learning Skittles curve. I don't want to understand a Niggazi in any form, as they are brutalizing America for Obama 2012 in beating up Americans over Trayvon Martin.

The black race was given it's chance in America and they failed. This is what has Condi Rice in horror as the stereotype of black males has come to the reality of what they are, in lazy, stupid, cheating frauds.
The American Afroid needs to be relegated to their former station of using brooms and spatulas which after Obama is all they are qualified for. Real workers as in Mexicans not fled back to Mexico from Obama rapine, must replace these blacks with the caveat "If they vote for a latin traitor they will all be hung".
That should help of course, unless  Mano Romney, the wetback is installed to replace Obama.

For now, the reality is, blacks must be made to answer in humiliation they rightly deserve, not for just smelling the Obama musk and betraying America, but for after seeing Obama destroy America, NOT UTTERING ONE BLESSED WORD.

Colin Powell had a big enough mouth in installing Obama.

Where are all these Afroid's in mouth now, but letting that racial retard Chris Rock speak for them for Barack Obama Osseiran.

President Theodore Roosevelt observed the advanced state of the American black in 1910 compared to the African bush squatter of that era, but 100 years later the African now surpasses the American  Afroid in morals, peaceable nature and worth ethic.

Obviously the benefits of education, religion and breeding with the Caucasoid race somehow could not overcome this "mongrel" as B. Hussein Obama defines them as hisself. Somehow in 3 generations this 50% white and 50% black has devolved to the worst of traits in being European arrogant and African sloven, so one has a high strung sexual, arrogant idiot, that thinks Skittles are a dangerous weapon.

This blog has gone the extra league often for the black race and the Afroid in trying to save it from itself and Mr. Obama Osseiran. In that, blacks obviously are not benefiting from their racial white black mix, and adding more black would regress them and more white only seems to make them more like Chris Rock rabid weiner dog.
In that, instead of aborting the race as Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood and Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran of Kenya, Indonesia and Arabia have engaged in with dope, scrapers and sugar, this blog advocated a moratorium on black males breeding with the Michelle Obama female types, and instead what the Afroid needs is a good dose of Chinaman into their gene pool.

The benefits are obvious in the oriental is intelligent, which will assist blacks immensely. The Asian is very work oriented which will assist blacks immensely. The Chinaman is very industrious which will assit the black immensely. The entire continental group of the Mongoloids are entrepreneurs which will assist the black immensely.

Bali has wonderful dancers so that will aid the Irish men can dance which blacks take credit for in making them more smooth in steps. The Indochinese is graceful in martial arts to make blacks more graceful.

It is obvious in all of this in Chinese built the American railroad. Koreans run all the businesses in the ghetto supplying the Afroid. Japanese, Filipino and Vietnamese are cute people and always improve the ugly Negroid.
This is why Stan Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro wanted to adopt another Asian Afroid to replace Obama as those Indochinese lips improve the appearance of blacks immensely.

One does not want to have any more of these West Indian blacks though like Holder and Powell, as they are arrogant murderers for Obama. Is that Creole thing going on in aggression, so no more Latino or Frenchie into them. The answer in all of this is a ban on white power dick lust from black women in fathering more of these children Obama calls mongrels and are so warlike as Obama is, and either through turkey basters or direct contact, breed these black females with Asians, of no more that 2.4 per household.

Within a generation, there will be no more Afroid welfare on jobs or at home. No more early dead black men from heart attacks, and no more pigeon hole Afroids only having entertainment or robbery careers like B. Hussein.
Think of the cost savings in trillions, and by that time America will be ready to elect a nice looking Chinoid (This blog has proprietary right to this new breed of people in saving blacks from themselves.) named Kam Washington, who all will vote for, as she will be like Michelle Malkin, only with curled hair.

Granted, blacks will then think as individuals and no more Al Sharpton, and people will be able to listen to Chinoid comedy without ear plugs like Chris Rocking screaming, and by then, white Presidents will have balanced the Obama massive debt.

It will all work out, once this niggerness is bred out of the Afroid American which thinks Skittles is a food group and a weapon in the 2nd Amendment.

The Afroid must be humiliated and chastised for their juvenile misbehavior, instead of indulged and enabled. The Afroid is committing genocide on itself and America, and responsibility is on the higher order to save this genus and assist them beyond the load bearing bodies they were bred for, and add some intelligence, work ethic and stability, which all arrives in the Chinaman sperm  form.

The Afroid is more furious now due to B. Hussein Osseiran than before this foreigner arrived. Any race would in being made to ride in the back of the bus as Obama has done, and then showed in public they are really their own worst lazy, stupid, destructive sex crazed stereotype.

Blacks are ashamed of themselves in Obama and do not have the courage to emancipate themselves from the Niggazi concentration camp. Niggerness is a condition responsible societies must intervene in like one does for children  playing in the street.

Barack Obama's Asian bloodline with his Arabian merchant Islamogenes trading away caused all of this in amplifying the self destructive condition of the Negroid race, and in order to save the remaining isolated blacks, a new Emancipation Obamanation must be engaged in.
Perhaps with all that China debt Obama ran up, that for 3 trillion dollars, and like Columbia and Hawaiian prostitution, Mr. Obama can in Berliner fashion offer up "taking it out in  trade" in Chinese bachelors created by Kissinger through forced aborticides in Chicomia can come visit America and have sex with nubile Nubian females, in exchange for welfare payments of affirmative action faux jobs they take from working people.

It would be the best of both worlds. A nice Chinaman for Mrs. Chris rock. She could take out the ear plugs and have some real sex and learn to eat with chopsticks too.

It certainly would be better than this ghetto green vomit I'm stuck with in all this is nauseating in  watching the Afroid commit suicide by Obama. Is like watching them trying to slit their throats with a butter knife.

The Afroid is enslaved by the Niggazi. Niggerness must be ended in our lifetimes, before it commits genocide on all blacks to cowardly to admit their mistakes in Obama Osseiran.

Granted, all will not get to tap a sex machine like Whoopie Goldberg, who all dream of, but that is the lottery in sexy Oprah, trying to think of some other sexy black females........just let me think here.....can't seem to think of any right now, but there is that gorgeous Muchelle Obama that Chinamen would love to put their chopstick in, so while all might not get top beef, all will get a shot at the Afroid bush and 20 million Chinamen would not be that choosy, only grateful.

Niggerness: Tbe betrayal of America by the Negroid race for Niggazi Barack Hussein Osseiran.

Warning: The Chinoid will appear as above in the next generation. Do not attempt to import your own version in repeating a Muchelle Robinson disaster or a knucklehead Secret Service procurement catastrophe as it only has caused problems for real Americans.
Be patient and breed your own.
