This blog has exposed a line of intrigue in the hand which has dug the grave of the world, in the Banu Osseiran tribe, which Luo originated Barack Hussein Obama in his Arabian slave trading roots is bred from.
It is the answer to his odd political drama called policy, as this blog warned exclusively this was a Muslim tribal war which Obama had dragged America into.
Of all places, the power of the Osseiran clan has been outed in Wikileaks in what the Obama regime has been up to, from Lebanon 's Osseiran Ambassador joining with Hillary Clinton in the murder of Col. Kahdaffi, a rival Muslim to Obama's Shia Osseiran's in this chilling cable:
Osseiran said
his evaluation envisions continued hostile relations between
the US and the two regional powers over the difficult issues
of Iraq and nuclear weapons, and as long as that conflict
persists, Syria and Iran will keep as many proxies as
possible in the region, specifically in Iraq, Lebanon, and
the West Bank/Gaza. He suggested that perhaps a deal could
be made that would finish off the decaying Lahoud presidency,
Here we have Barack Obama with his Osseiran brother in Lebanon plotting on the elimination of the President of Lebanon, to further the Osseiran agenda of hegemony in the region.
Do not forget children, it was the Osseiran relatives who fed fraudulent intelligence to England and America to bring about the Gulf War, and then got themselves appointed to rule that nation.
Another Wikileaks quote shows the power this family has in Lebanon OVER the Syrian overlords, OVER Russians, OVER Iranians and OVER Europeans and OVER Americans.
Ali Osseiran, on the other hand, insists that US/Syrian and
US/Iranian relations are the real key to progress in Lebanon.
Osseiran contends that Damascus and Tehran still call the
shots for Hizballah and, with international pressure
increasing on Iran, is certain that Tehran will prevent
Nasrallah from moving too far -- especially with regard to
Hizballah's arms.
Osseiran believes they are a spent force,
remarking "certainly Nasrallah would prefer to keep them as a
buffer against disarmament pressure, but few in the Shia
community care for them, and Shia leaders have decided to let the government disarm them."
Amazing isn't it the shell game going on in this world, in Ronald Reagan tries to bring peace to Lebanon and hundreds of US Marines are blown up by this group. Americans are terrorized and kidnapped, but in one cable from the Osseiran's it is revealed they could disarm Hezbollah and will disarm this murderous mob who are slaughtering Jews and endangering Americans, any time they please.
Next time anyone hears the Soros or Rothschild propagand about right wing people, religious Christians or Jews and how all of this is just a big problem, you remember how Obama blows up and murders anyone and any nation he chooses.......and how these Osseiran cables are revealing this family has the power to bring down sitting Presidents and disarm terrorists.........
Just think of all the time and lives spent, and ask yourself again, just why is it no one looks at someone like Salah Osseiran or his kindred in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama in their international jihad against the west in their Shiria outlaw.
not nuff said
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