Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lame Kipling Cherry Bey

Americans I cry this witness against you, for you are in three categories of a sloven race of rapists, a slaven race of trusting fools and a minority of Gideonites who keep silent in these evil times.

You are going to die America as a race. You will either be slaughtered in an Obama Civil War, exterminated in a WMD invasion or bred out of existence by the Mexican mob intent on wiping out the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bloodlines of American Joseph, as that is what this is all about in the Ashkenaz cartel dumping in Muslims into western Europe and the Latino into America.
Americans you are facing genocide, and what the cartel is foisting upon You in the Niggazi of Barack Hussein Obama the kenyan bstard or Mano Romney in the mexican bastard is only going to bring about your end as is plotted and intended.

This is your enemy America in the Niggazi:

Niggazi: Master race ethnics of Negroid group who follow National Socialist manifestos of the Nazi in wholesale rapine and community holocaust under the jihad of B. Hussein Obama.

These are National Socialists, with Obama bent on cannibal capitalism and Romney bent on carnivore capitalism. They both desire Obamacare to ration death and both demand slave labor to feed their power orgy.

Therefore, I detest this, but offer up myself as Bey, Military Governor of America in the coming election, but I will not run. This is up to the mob as a witness against you, in either you enact into law the ability to write in Lame Cherry onto every ballot to be hand counted and recorded, or you will face the Romney Obama duel of election theft in ballot flipping.

My platform is a simple mandate. You will for 8 years grant me tyrannous control. Yes that is tyrant, but not in the Michael Savage or Mark Levin much bandied about tyranny. I instead will serve you in absolute power for 8 years to take America back for you as absolute head without elections nor interference from Congress or Courts.
Anyone who lifts one word of indignation will be put into the military and if being contrary there, will then face military trial and hung.

This is about America's survival, and I will not put up with road show drama of conflict television. I will instead place the malcontents into the military as Franco did in Spain.

Military service is going to be for all the criminals in prisons who will join this Niggazi destroying America.
I will invoke 2 wars for them to serve in, one in Africa and one in southern Iran, both of whom are for oil and mineral resources, which will be extracted for American security and a fair price to the said nations in money directly to their people.

I will arm all American allies with nuclear thermo nuclear weapons, and bring home the American Soldiers. In key locations as Sam Cohen advocated in neutron bombs, but instead employing plutonium bombs, will eradicate and pollute said choke points and terror hot beds in one hour.
The years of unending wars will be over. America will conduct absolute warfare or no warfare at all.

At home, I have outlined my works projects. There will be a real super train and freight system in America, which all corporations, states and Citizens will benefit and be employed from to gain economic movement.

Energy will bed drilled in mass in gas and oil. Gas prices for Americans will be 50 cents per gallon for gasoline, 30 cents per gallon diesel and 25 cents per pound natural gas.
Deflation will be the rule. There will be plenty for all Americans.

To deal with the Mexican problem, America will take over the northern Mexican states, arm the Mexicans here to make it Amerimex in states good for Mexicans and jobs, and if any illegals come back, they will be shot on sight.
Mexico is there land. I will govern it for them, and they will fight for their own nation.

Canada will be overseen by my 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue office to be prospered for America and to serve American interests, along with American migration as was the case in 1900 when the commonwealth was peopled in the west by Americans, and this will be a necessity again.

There will be a right of return for all Niggazi in white, brown and black. Those unproductive will be ushered back at their cost to Europe, Asia and Africa. No more will American communities or corporations be feeding this socialized cancer.
If these Niggazi will not work, a company will just fire them and replace them with Citizens who will work. Welfare will be ended, as one either will have a job they work hard at or have a military reservation to serve on.

This includes the corporate elite. If like Warren Buffett or George Soros, they are intent on rapine and not serving American workers, then they will have in court their stolen billions seized and they will be employed in the US military reservations, to earn an honest living.
There is no age limit on service in the military. The greedy geezer and the truant tyke can die in foreign lands as well as in America.

There will be 12 Pontifs under me, in 10 governing America and one each for Canada and Mexico.

The importation of narcotics for the blackmarket bank trade will cease. America will spray Atrazine upon all agricultural lands in the 3rd world every two years. Atrazine poisons the ground to all plants except corn. The 3rd world can eat corn and live and no more will America be fed narcotics to his nations demise.

You will police yourselves America in cleaning up your act. No more immorality or you will be horsewhipped on every street corner for sex out of marriage to using God's Name in vain.
When you steal, you will repay 7 times over. When you rape, assault or murder, you will be executed by trial before the sun goes down.

Americans will be armed from 16 years old to adult.

America, you have proven you can not govern yourselves as you are either too crooked or too trusting. You have blown your chance at the Experiment and in order to save you from revolution or invasion, this is your choice.
I will have legal Federal Justices to oversee and implement this mandate I follow. I will govern for 8 years, and in that time, I will train Sarah Palin to govern after my term if finished for her 8 years, which will include capital sentencing for any who try to rise up after in my murder.

You are an asshole people Americans, in you attack the good and protect the evil, and when the Citizen as Andrew Jackson or Charles Askins has secured your sofa, you turn on them as the barbarians, as you murder your children in the womb and rape your asses in sodomy.

It is a simple solution in I place before you life for death. You will either die by 200 million in your way of death, or in my way of Life, there will be perhaps 50 million who will be weeded out and die on foreign soils and leave an educated and chastised people who are real Americans.

This is not complicated. Industry employs people for fair wage and people work for that fair wage for America. Wealth is generated in natural resources. The dregs are made to work in areas to train them into the hard reality. America manages North America and in key economic locations of the world.
Security and morality provides no more drain on the people's wages in high taxes.

You will be taught. You will behave. You will have things decided for you. In those 16 years, a new generation of Americans will arise who will be Americans, and then they will be required to keep what is cleansed pure.

If there is any more details, they will be fixed as in a Surgeon General Corp to provide basic medical care for people who can not afford it, and kicking them upstairs for major things. I have outlined all of this too in previous blogs.

Main point is as John McCain stole the idea as Obama stole my train idea and both failed is, make millionaires out of all Americans through work, so they can afford to take care of themselves, and allow the moral ones to stay who are not preying on civilization.

Your choice in American Life or American genocide. Make it mandatory to write in all 50 states on the ballot my name on ballots which will be hand counted, so no election theft will take place, and I will govern you to save you.

Governing is best left to the few who know how to govern.

Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman ~ General George S. Patton.

Cherry Bey.

nuff said

agtG 284Y

There is no difference between the methods of Good or evil in employed ends to victory in both use the consumption of the other. The ends though are one of Christ establishing rule to make people behave to live peaceably in responsible liberty in Americanism compared to anti Christ repression of threats and death to bring about subjection.