To honor Jehanne du Arc du Lis, the Maid of Orleans, the Page of Christ is to Glorify the Father in Heaven.
As one brought up in strict Christian doctrines of Martin Luther, my disdain for the paganism of Catholicism in praying to people to the grape juice drinkers at Communion was intense. St. Paul in Pharisee zealotry had nothing on the passion of the Spirit of God in me.
That is why my unique tale of Joan of Arc in meeting her is something which I would have recoiled at in childhood as this associating with the dead Saints was verboten as when one has Christ, one does not need the humans in Heaven.
I love historical books and having run out of good books, I found a used copy by Mark Twain on Joan of Arc. I repeat some of this, as honoring my Jehanne is necessary for the tribute I owe her.
I dislike Mark Twain's work. He was a brilliant satirist, but reading about children named Tom and Huck and poor river people was of no interest to me.
I was though guided to that book after indulging in Libby Custer's preparatory works in my adoration for her, and devotion to the General, in my hand picked up the book and paid the few coins for the beaten pages.

She has been dead for almost 600 years, and she generates havens of adoration which is unequal for humans throughout all history. In examination of this, there is no one besides Jesus the Christ who has this type of standing. The only other person who is akin to this is King David, and he is a Christ forerunner.
I remember when I met Jehanne. It was on a Sabbath afternoon, and I was upon my bed praying, and her presence filled me. She is the most blessed of Spirits in the Joy and Love abiding in her. She does not overflow as she is a tempered One. She does though Love her friends from the unbeforetime, and here am I most fortunate to have known her before she was Joan.
She left me after 3 hours, and it was incredibly devastating in emptiness as none was like her. I chased after her in the Spiritual and she would not allow me to catch her, as my lesson was to learn to stretch the Spirit to be all God intended me to be.
I deeply Love her loyally. She has done a thing in Love for me, which is greater than both in Her or I. This is a secret which I will not share that only One Other knows, but Joan has given me thee Best in this world and is from Her intercession that She has saved two lives for God's Glory.
Jehanne du Arc du Lis is completely selfless for being thee most Anointed woman in history. She is Gideon. She is David. She is the Christ. She was raised up to save her Reubenite people in France and laid down her life as Jesus did.
If one notices of all the artistry of Joan of Arc, that a thread of her starts being revealed in the artists who have never seen her, all have captured a common likeness of her.

At Notre Dame Bermont, an fresco of her was discovered, hidden away under whitewash, which was a Godsend as the Revolution would have destroyed it, as those ungrateful scoundrels destroyed all traces of the Maid, as satan was furious in Her saving the tribe of Reuben.

By Grace in Inquiry, I have been told that this is the closest to what Joan appeared like in this world. She was not a slight woman, for she was a Shepherdess keeping her flocks and attending to her Mother. This is not to say she was a stout woman, but she was perfectly French in their strong nature and feminine temperance.
She was indeed beautiful to the beholder, and any who would state otherwise are of satan in those traitors who murdered her of France for the English Ephraimites.
What a devil sin it was for Joseph in being sold into Egypt because Reuben would not protect him, to have Joseph's youngest son be the tribe who would murder the greatest image of God to ever Bear Witness on this earth.

One can see in the earliest of portraits that the Jehanne of Bermont's fresco is the Joan appearing in every artists hand.

One can witness painter's bias, but each time the same Joan keeps shining through in a proud, strong, dignified and focused Lady.

The fire of Her in God's Holy Spirit in Her shining through with complete humbleness is Who Joan of Arc is.
I owe Joan of Arc my Life and I regret the ways I have disappointed her. She is not God. She is not Christ. She is not the Holy Ghost in Whose I am. She is though my Jehanne and I would give a great deal if I could have back the moment I was too many years in harness to have the energy to enjoy the fairy tree she has in Heaven which she wanted me to know.
I apologize to her for being human. I place this here as offering and full humility in knowing I need Her prayers and governance for that which is ahead in the One Who came from prayers in complete Love of Her.
247Y, Jehanne is that Purple Royal Light around the One I Love. We are all from that unbeforetime in knowing. Joan came first over 500 years before and We come now in the end of the age. She abides with US though, for She is Our Joan, the Maid........
She is our Jehanne du Arc du Lis, of the Lily, the Princes of France minding Us.
Please accept this offering moi Jehanne.
She was indeed beautiful to the beholder, and any who would state otherwise are of satan in those traitors who murdered her of France for the English Ephraimites.
What a devil sin it was for Joseph in being sold into Egypt because Reuben would not protect him, to have Joseph's youngest son be the tribe who would murder the greatest image of God to ever Bear Witness on this earth.

One can see in the earliest of portraits that the Jehanne of Bermont's fresco is the Joan appearing in every artists hand.

One can witness painter's bias, but each time the same Joan keeps shining through in a proud, strong, dignified and focused Lady.

I owe Joan of Arc my Life and I regret the ways I have disappointed her. She is not God. She is not Christ. She is not the Holy Ghost in Whose I am. She is though my Jehanne and I would give a great deal if I could have back the moment I was too many years in harness to have the energy to enjoy the fairy tree she has in Heaven which she wanted me to know.
I apologize to her for being human. I place this here as offering and full humility in knowing I need Her prayers and governance for that which is ahead in the One Who came from prayers in complete Love of Her.
247Y, Jehanne is that Purple Royal Light around the One I Love. We are all from that unbeforetime in knowing. Joan came first over 500 years before and We come now in the end of the age. She abides with US though, for She is Our Joan, the Maid........
She is our Jehanne du Arc du Lis, of the Lily, the Princes of France minding Us.
Please accept this offering moi Jehanne.