Upon yesterday's shadow, the spectre of me, was a light upon the dismal rock shores of Afghanistan........
What you think that only the boys have fun? You think that only Barack Osseir.......never mind my children as that is coming without Andrew Breitbart puffy pink skins of natural causes poisonings to this girlfriend.......no this Obama is not the only one who has partridge hunts thrown in his honor and exchanges recipes in Pakistan before the Silk Road sideshow finds one's way into the land of the Khyber.
Just make sure you do not squat when you piss, as it gives away to even the Taliban that you are a girl.
Meanwhile back at the ranch........
Once upon a time Afghanistan was a place of adventure. A place where Conrad Black promised us, that we would have heads on pikes, which was certainly something every good girl looks forward to......as there is nothing like heads on pikes. The Aztec's loved heads on pikes and frankly there is nothing like it in the world to announce to the lesser creatures that Lord of the Flies thing of the predator pack.
Just one thing about that pike business is one requires experience as every Obama terrorist knows that cutting off heads, sprays blood about the room and is a mess to clean up, for the women folk.
Make a mistake and hit the spinal bones and you can saw like the Manson family on Sharon Tate till your knife blade is dull, and you still won't get that head off.
......and what good is a pike if you have no head on it.......it is just another pointy stick you should not run with and that only pokes holes in bodies. One might as well shoot a terrorist if one does not have a pointy stick for their head to place on display.....is all just like attacking one with fruit if one does not have a pike and a head.
Did you know heads are heavy? They sure are, in all that cholesterol in the brain, which the brain is really, makes a head quite heavy. I suppose King David had some kind of ass to haul about Goliath's head when he cut that off, as carrying a head around the country is quite heavy, and then the flies get to sitting on it, you get tired and it starts leaking on you as it bangs against your leg.......and none of us like Ted Bundy in wanting to sex up the dead chic even when she starts rotting.
I digress.......
Where was I?
So one just can not put a pike in the ground, as ground often is hard, full of rocks or just as bad, ground is loose, which all makes pike spearing the earth all bad for heads on display. Not many things are worse than inviting in the Taliban to see their dead Obama voters on display to only have the pikes start sagging and falling over.
Nothing says incompetent more than slanted pikes and drooping heads upon them not saluting the majesty of those who gathered in those fine trophies.
Where was I?
Oh yes.......no I desire to discuss Lord of the Flies, as in reality, flies add a bit of symphony and aura about dead heads on pikes. Otherwise all you have are stinky heads with sunken in eyes, sort of loosening skin if it has been wet, or shriveling skin in the dry air. One must have a good colony of flies laying eggs upon the heads, and doing their job.
It must be noted unlike those naughty little English boys in Lord of the Flies with piggy, that sticking pikes up pigs asses and breaking fat kid's glasses is just not proper, as no one wants a poop stained pike, as shit is slippery in trying to put it into the ground......
I digress......
Where was I?
Oh yes the flies, one must in proper pike etiquette in this Age of Obama, recall the good old slave trade and rapine days of the Muslim hordes in for effect one must have on display old skulls on pikes to give that historical feel, one must have current heads on display looking quite fresh.
*note: Having terrorists view heads in the morning when the wet night air and morning dew is about the heads, does revive the skin like a nice Mary Kay moisturizing......one could I suppose give the rotting heads a cucumber facial, but cucumbers are not available always in the wild lands of Obama terror.
Where was I?
Oh yes, the old heads, the new fresh heads draining body fluids, and one must have thee week old heads with the maggots crawling about the place, as nothing makes nightmares like maggots crawling about a dead head, giving it that Bruce Campbell, Army of Darkness mystique.
So pikes need more than one, and pikes needs old heads, new heads and in between heads for that festive feel, or you just have pikes that should not be in the ground at all really.......and remember the ground as pikes falling down is just gauche.
One more thing, always put your pikes at a diagonal crosswind in the rotten heads upwind and you in the fresh air side. That way when one parades their terrorists through the heads of the dead they smell and see everything.......oh yeah, put Mentholatum chest rub around the nostrils of your squeamish agents and soldiery who might puke at rotten flesh or maggot in the eye balls images, as chest rub cuts all kinds of smells, and having your boys puke in front of terrorists makes them look girly.
Is this not better than sitting in some office, pretending you are living life and getting all worked up over things Michael Savage and Rush Limb..........oh that is right Limbaugh is being replaced by Mike Huckabee in North Dakota.
Man talk about Elton Blonde's time has come, when you get replaced by Mike Huckabee is like Peggy Noonan going back to her Obama blow up doll after sampling Mano Romney's Mexican Mormon mittens.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the important stuff, so I was getting an Afghanistan report on ground as popular girls do that........
Did you know that you can not get Q Tips in Afghanistan?
I mean what the hey A. J.? Murder bin Laden's corpse and you can not even get a cardboard stick with cotton on them in mass!!!!!!!!
When one can not get Q Tips, one has lost the country just as this blog predicted exclusively while Sean Hannity and the boys and girls were cheering the troops in the former Bush wars, and this blog was warning that Obama would bloody America, destroy America's good standing, ruin morale and then offer up defeat as he handed the nation back over to the Taliban.
For the record, Obama now has Afghanistan a Soviet era hide on the base structure in which US Soldiers are not allowed off base.
I will point out how was it the Leavenworth manchurian was off blasting and bbq'ing succulent cuts of Afghanistan kiddies when Soldiers were confined to base......in being disarmed when the US regime was in town, but what do the facts matter when one can not get Q Tips in Afghanistan.
See Lame Cherry would have contracted with Walmart to open franchise stores for US Soldiers with a drive by for the Afghanistan locals to pick up boxes of things they wanted to pay for.
That way parents would not have to be buying cheap ass shampoo and other things, which Soldiers need on bad pay and dirty ears from lack of Q Tips.
That is a winning strategy, but this blog has told you Obama meant to lose Afghanistan and he has.
You don't get this do you? You don't get this just like Cheney was saying about a generational war for the profiteers, that Obama has his own nuclear timeline.........
Oh yes, you forgot that the manboob chest thumper was promising in 2008 to vaporize Muslims now didn't you.
You do know that Obama makes promises, breaks promises, and then murders those he made promises to now do you not?
Mubarak, Khadaffi, Assad..............I wonder how Obama is going to clean up all his Muslim merchant invasion for the Caliph *hint *hint, as he requires a diversion of a bigger bang than the gang bang he has been conducting.........
Say you don't suppose Obama read the Bible and is fashioning his shadow after the anti Christ in making a big war, so he can make a big peace for his legacy as Obama has had this all planned out from first date, day one now do you?
None of that matters as Obama has abandoned Afghanistan and it is lost. Nothing like a secular Muslim Marxist to lose a Christian victory.......just like Bob McNamara lost a perfectly good pig killing match in Vietnam.
Yes there was a time that parents once bought molybdenum disulphide for their Soldiers in country to Vietnam to keep their M 16's lubricated in that monsoon jungle, but now it is all about confined to rat hole Afghanistan as there are no Walmarts and no Q Tips in that country.......
Alas no pikes either.......
Odd is it not that when the ear collectors were at work in Vietnam, that the Americans were winning along with torching villages, but when that hopey changey thing came along, the war was lost deliberately, and the strange correlation is, if one has pikes on the ground one has Q Tips at Walmart's Kabul.
Exclusive proof only here that Afghanistan is lost and proof of what was predicted here in Barack Hussein Osseir..........never mind kiddos on that one.
*note: Better be careful with that kiddos stuff or someone might think I'm Deep Tutu the White House Insider lam plighting by casting shadows on Rahm Emanuel as I serve up Cheetos to Obama when Naps Napolitano visits.......
I really like Val Jarrett in that cream mock canvas Mao thing she wears.....is all so militant and just makes me want to sneak into North Korea for a walk about again.
Shhhh.........Baby is sleeping.
Oh one more thing for the novices......you will have to know this in Obama's race war and coming invasion, in order to save yourselves as you had no pike love when it counted.......
Always put your pikes with the heads 6 feet 6 inches high at the bottom of the severing, as analysis shows that looking up dead head's nostrils intimidates people, and as most people are below 6 feet 6 inches in terrorists and invaders, it intimidates them more.
I realize this is a detail the devil is in, but these things are important......straight lines, with offset second and third rows to make the terrorist feel entrapped by his own kind, and keep you wind to your off right shoulder side.
........and bring your own Q Tips as there will not be any available as Obama never brought in Walmart, and this girl is not sharing her supply........I suppose though you could wash out the dirty ones I throw away, but that requires soap and not sharing mine as Osseir............Obama did not allow Walmart in, but he is protesting Walmart and Coke over voter identification.......
That is the coke one drinks, not the kind Obama sends raw cake to be processed for profit by terrorists.
*giving you children hints on the story which will bring down the regime. I'm not like Andy Breitbart in keeping things secret. You follow the leads in what is coming, and Barack Obama will be safe for his day in court and you will have fodder to chew on to the election in Obama's epic defeat.
Do not trust in Romney stealing the vote, as Obama has better software to flip the flippers.
I know, I know, my stories of real life adventures and psychological forensic data with girls and guns is more enticing than election fraud........
not nuff said
(remember that)
agtG 253