Anomoly Record:
Key: Dead Popes and Whores of Babylon by Obama appears in Pur change of dates now show pre Christmas exist.
No update on Q Tips, but focus on Jehanne.
Numbers 13, 16, 18, 20, 21 now are trending. 21 being the dead sun day. Certainly is occult power day in pagan ritual the universal religion incorporated.
The fluidity marks a new trend, that something has entered the matrix to cause a shift. This is the reasoning behind Haman throwing the dice over months to find the exact day to carry out his murderous plans.
Is concentrating now, not on election outcomes in November and decisions made, but on absolute sanction in a December event to cover up the the 2008 onward crimes.
These dates are marking days of a profession of events, with it all pointing to being ended before Christmas.
The historical repeat appears in this as a Lyndon Baines Biden. The key necessity of the cartel appears in an event to hide their crimes and end all investigations in American guilt. To allow LBB to complete the tyranny and fall on his own sword, for a new Jeb to puffy lips his way into power.
April 4th at sunset the change took place and pointed to March 4th, 30 days previous.
Fascinating to watch the ebb and flow of this current. Will the life raft this arena has launched protect Barack Hussein Osseir....... for prosecution in 2013>
What has entered the matrix on April 4th, but my two weeks of posts logged in archives in the past two days, which had the spiders going wild for days, and now has them subdued.
agtG 268

Baby, free obituary search after this post was successfully published?