Who knew that Welsh crooner, Tom Jones, was the real troubadour for the Britisher Osseir.......Obamas?
Yes while that pansy Paul McCartney was slobbering over our Muchelle with his pathetic little Meechelle song......imagine his getting a viagra stiffy at the piano when Bearick was in the room right there......and the stiffy was NOT OVER BARACK.
I digress.....
But the real tribute to Muchelle is that hunky Tom Jones in She's A Lady. Who knew that he was singing a song about Mrs. Ed until the WHOA WHOA WHOA lyrics came out.
Yes if Tom wanted to build a mountain from a little mound of clay, just what can he do with that gargantuan ass of Mrs. Ed in building something?
Well she's all you'd ever want,
She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner.
Well she always knows her place.
She's got style, she's got grace, She's a winner.
She's a Lady. Whoa whoa whoa, She's a Lady.
Talkin' about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
Well she's never in the way
Always something nice to say, Oh what a blessing.
I can leave her on her own
Knowing she's okay alone, and there's no messing.
She's a lady. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She's a lady.
Talkin' about that little lady, and the lady is mine.
Well she never asks for very much and I don't refuse her.
Always treat her with respect, I never would abuse her.
What she's got is hard to find, and I don't want to lose her
Help me build a mountain from my little pile of clay. Hey, hey, hey.
Well she knows what I'm about,
She can take what I dish out, and that's not easy,
Well she knows me through and through,
She knows just what to do, and how to please me.
She's a lady. Whoa, whoa, whoa. She's a lady.
Talkin' about that little lady and the lady is mine.
Yeah yeah yeah She's a Lady
Listen to me baby, She's a Lady
Whoa whoa whoa, She's a Lady
And the Lady is mine
Yeah yeah yeah She's a Lady
Talkin about this little lady
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa and the lady is mine
Yeah yeah She's a Lady
And the Lady is mine.
This blog though sincerely agrees with Tom Jones in Mrs. Obama has been in bondaged due to her belt she wore, she has suffered as an ugly black woman and worst of all she has had to vote for Barack Obama several times in her slavery, knowing what a crook her husband is.
Let us not forget that it was most likely Muchelle who wrote the rough draft of Dreams of my Obama when Bearick would no do the work, then had to phone up Bill Ayers and put out for him, so he would put some lilt into it.
Yes there are not many white men alive who can say they had both Obama's on their knees and taking it up the butt......and survived the orgiastic malfusion.
Granted some might think it was WOE WOE WOE as in the lamentation of the Obama's upon America and the world, but the horse song is fitting for Muchelle.
This is not to be construed that this blog does not find the reality that Mrs. Obama, the victim, a necessary sympathy, as she like Jackie Kennedy, her look alike in beauty and sexiness, was widowed at an early age, and this blog has been trying to keep her husband safe from all these Marine One plans planted in Iran to Marine One diversions, to this oddity of something pointing to an after an election event for Lyndon Baines Biden.
The reality is that if Mrs. Obama does not go crazy ass nigger wife on her white husband as this blog warned for Mr. Obama's safety, then perhaps the folks who put Obama into power are going to be looking for Mrs. Obama to become a widow, due to covering up their crimes which Mr. Obama has been carrying out.
That of course is nothing any of us wants.......well one never knows about wives as a nice pension, the children almost raised and worth 12 cows a piece, a wife does daydream about such things in her bondage beltery.
Mrs. Obama is a young woman, who would make any Muslim billionaire quite a catch as Onassis did with Jackie O.
Why Bearick's own family, the Osseir........never mind about that, but there are a number of Barack's own family who could protect Muchelle with their billion dollar fortunes and with Iranian missiles too boot.
So let us not look upon Mrs. Obama as a widow in the cartel's making, but as this kenyan refugee is but a stepping stone on Muchelle's world stairway to being just like Jackie O.
A black woman deserves the same courtesan future that those white women grabbed. Does not Muchelle try very hard with what she was burdened with in being ugly, black, cotton picker butt and not too bright?
Has not Muchelle made herself out to be a real 21st century woman in taking a kenyan refugee, an Asian Muslim, and turning him into an illegal American black radical? Should not that be the type of resume all of us can cheer?
Is not her Bearick stupid, lazy, shiftless, brainless, and that is all after the monumental work Muchelle has done in converting him from a gay, sloven, 3rd world boy toy of Asian males who would if not for Muchelle be dying right now of aids or hep, while smoking his bale of weed he is growing out in his backyard.
I tell you that Muchelle Obama gave Barack Osseir........never mind, Obama, a good 25 years on that suicidal body of his. I tell you that sexy Muchelle Obama, deserves our sympathy for the black chic victim she is.
Mahdi forbid that anything should ever succeed in another cartel elimination of a 1600 Penn Ave addressee, but let us all think to the future as Muchelle does, in like Jackie O, her obtaining a real 3rd world husband who is not hiding in America, and who actually stole his money the old fashioned way and is proud of it, and not attempting to act like he actually worked for it.
While we all hope for Mr. Obama's safety in these times where he is sending poor niggers out to attack latinos with skittles in a bid to herd blacks into voting for him, and we see that Muchelle is doing her part as a victim, let us not forget that the real powers in this world decide who get into the White House and if the stay, and it has nothing to do with any voting or the people's will.
Could it not be that some son of the cartel, sitting in his Anthony Wiener attire, dreams of his own dark meat, as it is juicier, and has asked his fater, "Please papa, get me that sexy dark chocolate so I can ride the wild pony".
Certainly a Berliner boy would not allow the kinder to marry into the family, but one might have a few nights of delight in first saddle around the track.......as Bobby Kennedy and Teddy Kennedy could assess that widow sex is best with thy brother's wife.
So perhaps Muchelle, that poor ugly projects gal has finally moved it on up, to that deluxe apartment in the sky, if she could be shed of the Obama ceiling holding her back.
Why is it that the Google spiders point to some event taking place concerning Barack Obama? Why is it without this blog mentioning these things directly, that upon posting on these things has a snide brojangles advertisement pop up, about OBITUARIES SEARCH?
Just what are the messages being sent from the matrix?
As no George Zimmerman, no right winger and no Muchelle Obama has that kind of power, then exactly in a world of no coincidences, is being put into the public psyche?
Let us not forget that it was most likely Muchelle who wrote the rough draft of Dreams of my Obama when Bearick would no do the work, then had to phone up Bill Ayers and put out for him, so he would put some lilt into it.
Yes there are not many white men alive who can say they had both Obama's on their knees and taking it up the butt......and survived the orgiastic malfusion.
Granted some might think it was WOE WOE WOE as in the lamentation of the Obama's upon America and the world, but the horse song is fitting for Muchelle.
This is not to be construed that this blog does not find the reality that Mrs. Obama, the victim, a necessary sympathy, as she like Jackie Kennedy, her look alike in beauty and sexiness, was widowed at an early age, and this blog has been trying to keep her husband safe from all these Marine One plans planted in Iran to Marine One diversions, to this oddity of something pointing to an after an election event for Lyndon Baines Biden.
The reality is that if Mrs. Obama does not go crazy ass nigger wife on her white husband as this blog warned for Mr. Obama's safety, then perhaps the folks who put Obama into power are going to be looking for Mrs. Obama to become a widow, due to covering up their crimes which Mr. Obama has been carrying out.
That of course is nothing any of us wants.......well one never knows about wives as a nice pension, the children almost raised and worth 12 cows a piece, a wife does daydream about such things in her bondage beltery.
Mrs. Obama is a young woman, who would make any Muslim billionaire quite a catch as Onassis did with Jackie O.
Why Bearick's own family, the Osseir........never mind about that, but there are a number of Barack's own family who could protect Muchelle with their billion dollar fortunes and with Iranian missiles too boot.
So let us not look upon Mrs. Obama as a widow in the cartel's making, but as this kenyan refugee is but a stepping stone on Muchelle's world stairway to being just like Jackie O.
A black woman deserves the same courtesan future that those white women grabbed. Does not Muchelle try very hard with what she was burdened with in being ugly, black, cotton picker butt and not too bright?
Has not Muchelle made herself out to be a real 21st century woman in taking a kenyan refugee, an Asian Muslim, and turning him into an illegal American black radical? Should not that be the type of resume all of us can cheer?
Is not her Bearick stupid, lazy, shiftless, brainless, and that is all after the monumental work Muchelle has done in converting him from a gay, sloven, 3rd world boy toy of Asian males who would if not for Muchelle be dying right now of aids or hep, while smoking his bale of weed he is growing out in his backyard.
I tell you that Muchelle Obama gave Barack Osseir........never mind, Obama, a good 25 years on that suicidal body of his. I tell you that sexy Muchelle Obama, deserves our sympathy for the black chic victim she is.
Mahdi forbid that anything should ever succeed in another cartel elimination of a 1600 Penn Ave addressee, but let us all think to the future as Muchelle does, in like Jackie O, her obtaining a real 3rd world husband who is not hiding in America, and who actually stole his money the old fashioned way and is proud of it, and not attempting to act like he actually worked for it.
While we all hope for Mr. Obama's safety in these times where he is sending poor niggers out to attack latinos with skittles in a bid to herd blacks into voting for him, and we see that Muchelle is doing her part as a victim, let us not forget that the real powers in this world decide who get into the White House and if the stay, and it has nothing to do with any voting or the people's will.
Could it not be that some son of the cartel, sitting in his Anthony Wiener attire, dreams of his own dark meat, as it is juicier, and has asked his fater, "Please papa, get me that sexy dark chocolate so I can ride the wild pony".
Certainly a Berliner boy would not allow the kinder to marry into the family, but one might have a few nights of delight in first saddle around the track.......as Bobby Kennedy and Teddy Kennedy could assess that widow sex is best with thy brother's wife.
So perhaps Muchelle, that poor ugly projects gal has finally moved it on up, to that deluxe apartment in the sky, if she could be shed of the Obama ceiling holding her back.
Why is it that the Google spiders point to some event taking place concerning Barack Obama? Why is it without this blog mentioning these things directly, that upon posting on these things has a snide brojangles advertisement pop up, about OBITUARIES SEARCH?
Just what are the messages being sent from the matrix?
As no George Zimmerman, no right winger and no Muchelle Obama has that kind of power, then exactly in a world of no coincidences, is being put into the public psyche?