This blog completely agrees with that fine example of blackness in Negroid America, Democrat Marion Barry, in "We've got to do something about these Asian's coming in" and their dirty little shops which he posts photos on.
Here is a list of things which this blog calls for the legislative enactment of:
1. That all these male niggers, white, brown and black, who think that f*cking an Asian Lady is what one does when they can not handle women, should all have their ball sacks cut off and these Ladies take them home and feed them to their cats and dogs.
2. All these female niggers, white, brown and black who browbeat, condescend and abuse an Asian Lady, because they in their worthless whore bodies can not deal with their own race and have to smack around another race, can sign up for a post birth abortion and do the world a favor in ending their racist asses.
3. The above worthless niggers of all races can go to hell, where they are going in the first and last place.
This blog has made it an issue of fury in these f*cking missionaries going into Asian lands and engaging in concubine prostitution in offering up food if they can marry and f*ck the local village girl who is pretty as these fat bald twerps can not get laid in America.
Equally horrid are these doo gooder hags who show up and steal 3rd world babies as these sub humans obviously can not raise their own children.
Are the Asians a perfect race? Hell no, as the men are assholes in treating the women like slaves. The women should not be putting up with all these worthless, low self esteem males who think they can sh*t on these women and them move on to get their self esteem back.
That is the bad point in Asians. The good point in Asians in they work their asses off. The reason they are in nigger havens is because the niggers won't work and are all Obama looking for a hand out.
You can go into ANY company in America, and find Asians who are doing the work that all these niggers of other races are welfare paycheck earning a wage on, in keeping companies afloat.
So yeah, let us do something about those dirty Asians, but let us start first with the scum which is abusing them.
For starters, let's put Michelle Malkin in charge of training all of these Asian women by handing out knives, guns and grenades. Give them all 5 free KILL THAT BASTARD & BITCH LICENSES, and that should be the start of getting rid of about 1 million of the sub human trash in America in white, brown and black Niggazi who are making life hell for all of Americans.
"I'm not going to allow a group of people to exploit people in Ward 8," Barry said.
Great start Mayor Barry, and the first one in your sights can be yourself, you money whoring, dope headed Obama voter who has done nothing but exploit blacks and turned them into perpetual welfare whores.
How about this Mr. Barry in you and your Obama ilk, go back to the bush you crawled out from by Obama's slave trading relatives, as you don't like the businesses paying taxes and working there, and then all those millions of welfare checks will end, as Obama replaced you blacks with Mexicans......and the nation will be better off as the Asians will work and behave themselves, the American prisons will be empty of millions of blacks, and Mitt Romney won't have to be dangling Nik Haley a VP spot on his ticket as when you hit bottom, them nigger Mormons like all race rapists go Asian, as all that ilk goes Asian when they need someone to step on.
It is past time the Asians took their place in voting, arming and flexing their power in America.
Racist Niggazi are the worst of the Obama racists. They are lower than Nazi racists in Germany, because at least the German Nazi built that country and all these Obama voters do is destroy America like the plague they are.
Trayvon Martin sent out to murder Hispanic Americans. Marion Barry ethnic cleansing Asian Americans after extorting money from them. It's all an Obama Designer Negro America, no different than the shit holes of Mugabe, Mandela and south Lebanon and south Iraq.
Gee where is Walt Williams, Thomas Sowell......oh yes J.C Watts and Allen West on the condemning this?
Silent little Condi Rice.......Colin Powell in bed with Obama, it is past time that the Conservatives clean house on the right and kick these silent enablers out of the right wing in America, as this Obamaness has them all silent like Germans with Hitler and Muslims with bin Laden.
Murder, extortion and ethnic cleansing, all in racial profiling from these American Negroids. This blog championed blacks and demanded that Mr. Obama appoint a dozen to his regime when no one else took up the cause.
Perhaps it is one thing Mr. Obama was correct on in his 12% black in he didn't want anything to do with that race either.
Where is ONE BLACK standing up in any of this FIRST and not all agreeing with Obama in his racism?
This Obama Negroid group requires a new name as now with power they are raping, terrorizing, murdering and ethnic cleansing. They are Niggazi.
Niggazi: Master race ethnics of Negroid group who follow National Socialist manifestos of the Nazi in wholesale rapine and community holocaust under the jihad of B. Hussein Obama.

Arrest Barack Hussein Obama, and try him in a Nuremberg Court. Hold this court in Joplin, Missouri. The Joplin Court has a just ring to it.
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