Heir Goebbles: Dame Hamrod Braun, it is indeed an honor to be afforded this privilege upon the passing of duh Furor, to speak with the truly historic person of yourself in the present century and past, as being the first female co president and now first female vice president, which simply eclipses the past four years of malaise, mayhem and malcontention.
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I certainly could not comment.
Heir Goebbles: Dame Hamrod Braun, after the tragedy of the death by natural causes in December after the historic win you carried duh Furor through, it was such a community organized response in the appointment of you on merit, in actually ruling the planet for the past four years in the Arab Spring, getting bin Laden, successful victory in Iraq, draw downs in Afghanistan and the nuclear reduction with the Soviet.......er Russians, the world is much safer place with all of your accomplishments, that perhaps you should have been awarded the Nobel Prize in 2009?
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I certainly could not comment.
Heir Goebbles: Dame Hamrod Braun.......
Dame Braun: Please call me Hillary Braun.
Heir Goebbles: Hillary Braun, with the natural causes death of duh Furor in a 747 trying to walk on water on a much needed vacation to Hawaii, many have started examining on this December 26th, a lengthy 10 days since the natural causes event, that with your husband, William J Braun, being the first truly black president and you being the first truly black first co president, that there really is no need to historically keep a record of the past four years, as this has been your presidency of continued blackness, to which the black community has already called for a Hillary King jr. day in January on a first date night with yourself and Huma?
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I certainly could not comment.
Heir Goebbels: Hillary Braun, in your youthful vigor, some have pondered how President Joe Dönitz, with his brain having exploded previously and being in such frail health, that he might indeed step down from natural causes himself, and you would then truly the first black American, female, lesbian president of America?
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I could not comment.
Heir Goebbels: Hillary Braun, could you tell us please of the last reported conversation between you and the duh Furor, in which he was on his plane, and speaking to you, and he was relating how he would still be giving away turkeys on Thanksgiving as his major accomplishment, if it had not been for your leadership, and how his last words were, "The best legacy I have is for you, Hillary, to take my seat in the White House, put your name on Hillarycare, take my Nobel Prize, take all the credit and take the presidency in 2016?
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I could not comment.
Heir Goebbels: Hillary Braun, some have said that his second term's policy was to be fresh in duh Furor was to outlaw the Constitution, and appoint all the czars to rule, in the same mandate Lyndon Johnson had after the death by natural causes in Dallas of John Kennedy. Some have said that you were to be appointed president for life, with Chelsea as heir apparent, which would make perfect sense, is this true?
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I could not comment.
Heir Goebbels: Hillary Braun, some have said that found floating on the ocean where the plane attempted to walk on water, that a birth certificate and full confession was found in which all the crimes of duh Furor was notarized and that the past 4 years, you were legally president as he stole the primary from you, and that by official order you have been the 44th president all along and that in fact, you are really president as we speak?
Dame Braun: You might possibly think that, but I could not comment.
Heir Goebbels: Thank you Hillary Braun for a most informative and truly presidential interview.
Dame Braun: Please call me Madam President.
agtG 307 YY
for publication December 26th, 2012
Sometimes the throw in Haman's case turns into a disaster