Friday, April 20, 2012

The Osseiran Race War

As an exclusive only here on Lame Cherry News.......

Has not this blog been warning American blacks about the Obama Niggazi from day one in how Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran is going to make them the dark shadow on the political landscape in using the America Afroid aka the nigger to  unleash his Master Plan?

Do you really think that Barack Obama Osseiran of the Muslim Brohood, leader of the Afroid Hoodies USA is really that stupid with Eric Holder to make the George Zimmerman case their focal point in voter intimidation in Florida, across America against whites and hispanics, in choosing a thieving delinquent hoodie nigger who attacks folks with Skittles trying to murder them, and Obama did not know all of this?

Then ask yourself why would Obama set up this disaster or just go mind blank and let this blog explain the situation again.

Barack Obama as this blog has revealed is completely loyal to the Osseiran Shia family in the Mideast through is adoptive Luo roots. This merchant class of dope dealers, slave traders and money launderers is who funded Obama to power and who Obama has been destroying the Muslim Middle East over in promise they get to manage the accounts for the Rothschild Ashkenaz cartel of central Europe in the New Roman Empire.

Obama wants with all his little monkey in his pants wishes for race unrest, but you don't get race unrest if you have cut and dried cases in George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin being innocent. You only get race problems when you have a hoodie niggazi like Martin who is a thug, a terrorist and a murderer beating the hell out of a hispanic and the hispanic is the one being assaulted by the legal system.
That is what pisses everyone off and throws fire on the flame, as the Afroid does not want to be reminded what criminal trash they are and the other side is fed up with niggazi beating and raping the community to death.

Obama has this all scripted for him, and that is why he threw fuel on this to  stoke it up and make it an issue.

It is laughable the manipulated heads up their asses media who put out reports of "Zimmeran appears not to bloodied or battered" showing their racist guilt over niggers they spit on in college. Obama counted on all of this, and Obama knew the facts this blog was stating from the start in this in being a sham and that Trayvon Martin is the murderous assailant would start coming out, as Obama has backed away and lets his race war be his 5th column.........see I told you children that Obama in his own counsel has plans to get 'scuffed' by some Romney winger and use it to guilt American voters.
This Trayvon Martin inferno is out of Obama Osseiran central casting to fuel all of this.

Barack Obama Osserian, the Islamic mafia trader of human merchandise wants all of this as it is good for the voting business.

What is coming out is the reality in blacks are damned liars in the Martin case and hispanics are telling the Truth. Martin tried to beat Zimmerman to death, and was on top of Zimmerman and Zimmerman's scuffed skull is the proof.

It only gets worse in this in those sleazy Martin parent's Niggazi lawyer spewing this:

The Martin family's lawyer Benjamin Crump said in a statement that he was skeptical about the new photo. '"How bad could it have been if they didn't take him to the hospital [and] didn't stitch him up?" he asked. "The special prosecutor has seen all the evidence and still believes George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin."

 So bleeding has degrees in black compassion? How much blood is relevant to blacks to make them question thier lynching of a hispanic?
Apparently the Niggazi lawyer speaking for the prosecution who Allen Derschowitz is accusing of malpractice as this blog stated in the government case has no murder in it, now reveals that an American having his head beat in on the concrete is not justified in Constitutional Rights in defending themselves from their own murder!

The Niggazi lawyer also speaking for the Martin sleaze tribe went on to reject George Zimmerman's apology to the family for shooting this hoodie, as something just for "bail".

The pot calling the kettle black in the Martin lawyer admitted in public they would lie, tamper with the facts and try to manipulate people, as that is what they accused Zimmerman of doing.

This is exactly what B. Hussein Osseiran wants. The same merchant who was arming  Mexicans for his drug mafia, importing them in hordes, now has secondary idiots making the government look inept, blacks look as stupid as savages and the rest of America disgusted by the entire Obama 2012 campaign, which they have not figured out is Obama.......exactly like John Edwards being ruined, Lawrence Sinclair being a political prisoner, Rod Blagojevich in prison, Gabby Giffords flailing about and Sarah Palin hiding in a pile of cash.

Those are all Obama operations, just like that crank professor at his beer drinking seminar or Eric Holder hoping Faisal Shazzad would use his semi auto rifle in an airport.

Barack Osseiran is a merchant of death. He has a blood trail and blood on his hands all across the world. It is how his people made money in stirring up conflict, arming both sides and then enslaving the survivors.

This blog for 4 years has been a champion of blacks in trying to protect them from themselves, but it has reached an end when this group can not even be humiliated into doing the Christian or right thing in denouncing Obama. They are worse than Obama's Muslim mob being quiet after 911.
The American black is a disgrace in none of them has stood up in this to denounce Obama and has revealed what an absolutely stupid mob they are.

Blacks went back to welfare, because they like being slaves. Obama knows this and Obama knows the Selma images to stoke blacks with, and that is why the Obama campaign was posting "like stories" about the Martin story in trying to bring up the ghost of racial past.
Blacks fell for it all, and now they look like damned fools, as there is George Zimmerman with his head cracked open and some Niggazi is spouting off about not enough blood and spewing the clues in how manipulative blacks have been in all of this.

Barack Obama Osserian has this all scripted for him, and David Axelrod in purging records, David Plouffe and Val-erie Jarrett wrote all this race war up, and the profit is the Obama 2012 election theft.

If three of those on the leash reporters like Jake Tapper would just be Americans for three weeks in covering what this blog has posted on the Osseirans in what is to come, in what Obama has scripted in this hoodie Martin terrorist, it would all end Obama politically, as blacks believe what the white folks tell them on television.

This blog has pointed out that it is trying to save America from a President Biden, as Obama's counsel in this race war violence is spiraling out, as he fully intends to have a wag the dog event based on this if necessary to "scuff" him. The problem is that when things start, the cartel which has all those Obama crimes they need covered up and do not want them coming back to them.

This is Obama Osseiran's race war with the most ignorant mob of American blacks Afriods diving into the abyss.

The best thing that ever happened to blacks was American slavery, but it ended too soon. The worst thing that happened to blacks is Barack Hussein Osseiran.

Lame Cherry

You can call a black, a nigger, an Obama voter a Niggazi, and they are not humiliated to a change they can believe in, but instead think it a Chris Rock compliment.

"The photo could give credence to Zimmerman's claim that Martin had bashed his head against the concrete as Zimmerman fought for his life," said an article published on ABC's website.

Duh do you think? Obama knows so and blacks are too stupid to figure out Obama is leading them to their deaths like he did Mubarak and Khadaffi.

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