Saturday, April 21, 2012

Barack cock Rockin'

I tell you children and I mean I really tell you, Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran is no more than a  camel burp to the wind. He is nothing. He has no staying power.

He is the dick which cums in the undies before the dress is undone.

Lame Cherry explaining B. Hussein Osseiran

How do I know this?

How many black folks do You see named Washington, Jackson, Lincoln?

Crap load right?

You damn betcha.

When a big leader does a country,   the pilgrims all name it after the big honcho. Germany was so overrun with Adolf's after Hitler saved that country, they had to pass a law against women naming kids Adolf.

When George Bush liberated Kuwait and George Bush liberated Iraq, there were little George's all over in Islam land.

Now compare that to Barack Hussein Obama Osseiran. Hell you can't find even Obama's birth certificate with Barack on it, little alone any need for legislation to keep America from being overrun by baby Barack's.

Just yell out Barack in a school yard and no one will answer, as no one in preschool is named Barack.
Truth is Obama has so ruined the name, you can't even find any little Barry's even in the lesbian forte.

You can no find any baby Baracks in Kenya, Indonesia, Arabia, Africa.........hell not even is Chelsea Clinton shining up to that bright boy name.
No Trayvon Martin parents looking to adopt a new kid named Barack like Stan Ann was..........and you know it is bad when Angelina and Madonna depolulation Negroid lands of tokens have not added serveral Barack's as it was fashionable.

Even that one blonde Kraut model dumped that martian looking Afroid she was producing litters of kids with, and not one of them was named Barack.

That says it all, in Obama being unpopular and a fricking wad in the undies as in 2008 liberals tried to con the world into naming their little bastards Barack, but by 2010, they could only find 3 families stuck with at messiah damned name.

Look at the stories children.

Barack a Hot Name for New Babies -
Nov 9, 2008 – In the last week, Barack, Obama, Michelle, Malia and Sasha have become inspirations for first and middle names across the United States, 

BBC News - Barack Obama Jr: Babies named after the US president
Jan 18, 2010 – A year on from the US presidential inauguration, Sue Mitchell speaks to three families around the world who named their babies after Barack

See what I mean, Obama is a bad lay, a bad regret and a bad aftertaste. He is a cheap cigarette that burns to quick and makes your house and breath smell bad, as the cinder burn down your home.

You know that I'm right about this........AGAIN.

People  can not stand this Obama. Oh sure my Auntie can be made to eat dog sh*t by Obama and she still defends this jungle hot pants lust, but Baby Sister if she was here would know that the reality is, there is a damn sight difference between sex voting your box for Obama and naming some kid after that political bastard.

That is the reality of B. Hussein Obama Osseiran. The world hates this warmonger and America got tired of him before January 20th, 2009.

That is the real poll number John Osseiran Zogby can not hide, in no one is naming their kids, their dog, their schools, their sex acts after Barack Hussein Obama. That says it all. He can not even be listed on anything that people want to remember as everyone wants to forget about a crooked deal and cheating.

Muslims can't stand Obama. The west can't stand Obama. The east can't stand Obama. The idiots who got caught up in the wet dream, now have the crusty named children they have to deal with named this bastard calling all their lives.
Sure they can all go by BOB, but they still have to have driver's test, school, loans, passports, military registration.........and there old BARACK comes out and that sneer of like smelling a camel burp as people recoil from that cursed name.

Granted not all folks can have a perfect name like Lame Cherry. Lame Kipling Cherry to be exact, as the idiot keeps calling it the long A in lame in not comprehending the origin. I would though submit for all the recovering Obamaniacs to file court papers and name their children Kipling, as that is a wonderful name for boys and girls and beats the hell out of Bearick.

Kip could be for short and it has a nice happy sound to it.

Face it though as something has to be done as there are not going to be any little ghetto babies named Barack and as Obama only enslaves people no minorities are going to be named Obama.
B. Hussein is a camel burp to the wind. He has no staying power as he is the f*ck all the women want to forget.

So that is the reality of it you stupid people who can not  read the name written on the birth tags............No Barack on the tag.

You still though do not get it do you pligrims?

You think those Obama name stories just happened? Just like all that propaganda just happened.
I tell you those were talking points sent out in the voodoo cartel crap Obama is monkey in his pants was initiated in. If you were at the rites, you would know it, just like the Axelrodian media pushing this beyond Obama's ego.
It is all that demonic offering rites in sacrafice the life for my life scatology of the old mystery. Name a host of babies offered to me in my name, Barack, and you are empowered by the spell.

You don't know any of this as you nice Noel Sheppard types only sniff lesbian and never get under to the blood stained skirts, all crusty dried and rancid.

The populace was manipulated in this, but most would not go for it........yet the gullable did, and there you have Barack Dipshit showing up as the BBC and New York Times tried to inflame the mantra of Barack as the cartel ordered them to do it.

Now you know the rest of the story of this cult and the things they initiated in sympathetic magik.

Makes one feel all warm and toasty knowing that idiots named their kids Barack in enchantments of the old Molech order after a Baal Peor soiled panties screw.
Or is that warmth hell and the toasty is your soul roasting?

nuff said.

agtG 269 signature 5

Obama cock rockin' all day long
Singin' his little Barack song
Chirpin' his dick song tweedlee dee
Possessin' them name chants by baby

Obama cockin' robyn
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Obama cockin' robyn
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