In the nightmare, Christian Slavs were ordered to be raped, robbed, murdered and to serve the Islamic demoniacs at a percentage of the population like a potato crop harvested.
That is why the secular Islamist, Barack Hussein Obama, minority black, majority white and Arab, was chosen in his Osseiran roots of the Middle East with Salah Osseiran as one of the Rabshakeh, telling the slaves of Europe and Africa a new Master is in the Caliph, but it is so much better to have a smiling Swede shove the knife in cutting the end of your penis off.
Is not this why the world elite had the Norwegians giving away a Nobel Prize for Peace to Obama the warlord, to con the world into letting down it's guard? Is this not exactly the same exploitation which the west is now being destroyed by as the Islamic plunder invades and enslaves a western people with smiling western faces, just so the mob is sedate for their own slaughter?
Salah Osseiran, has a list of holding companies or fronts, and while it is all billionaire Forbes pretty, the problem in all of this is summed up in a Swedish Slave company like Panlink which Osseiran bought up for the intended purpose of the Caliph.
As one can see, the white faces are employed quite thoughtfully at the company with no ethnics showing up, to calm the perspective slaves into thinking that all is well in the slave pit.
Panlink started out employing Murmansk, Russia slaves before Osseiran appeared, and then went for a better deal in Latvia, a nation of prosperity in the Balkans too frequently enslaved, but set free by Milton Freidman's economic plans as Ronald Reagan accomplished.
Upon Osseiran's takeover though, the Latvians who like all working people were expecting a job, soon found an empty company, as Osseiran could care less about keeping a company's word, and instead ordered a new exploitation to take place in moving Panlink's dirty jobs to Poland, where those Slavs, being well trained and well poisoned by Stalin's Cold War rule, have now become fodder like the Chinese coolie being used up for the corporate greed of the world order.
This is rich though, in Panlink brags about it's Chinese contacts which one would think are stellar, until one finds that their Chinese business partner in 3CEMS has a shadowy history where it keeps finding itself in lawsuits in it does not keep it's word or have licenses to manufacture products it is stating it can.
This is the Taiwan group in southern China, carrying on the same exploitation all have of the Cantonese slaves, in if it is not opium it is working some little Chinese girl to carpal crippling, just so the elite can have another billion to salve their demonic souls.
It is not enough that Barack Obama stood silent as his buddy Vladamir Putin and the Russians, murdered in a plane crash the entire Polish Patriot Government, and then Obama had the audacity to install a Putin puppet into free Poland to serve Russia.
No, Obama's Osseiran family just had to pick the bones in putting in a manufacturing plant for a better deal, stealing from one Slavic people to enslave another people.
The Viking used to be a noble race, but has fallen into being sheep as of late. These sheep in the Muslim investors and immigration hands have become Judas Goats, sent out into Europe and America to pacify the masses into thinking 'it is one of their own' when it is one of the Masters, who is busy setting up the Caliph in the west, with that Rabshakeh Obama Osseiran ordering his Eric Holder to ignore things like Nidal Hasan mass murdering US Soldiers and the shadowy finances of Salah Osseiran, who has the Swedes serving him, and in those Swedes, serving up Americans for the coup de grace in Axel Christiansen LLC.
not nuff said