The reasoning for posting this immediately is at the 6:45 pm time slot on the Mark Levin Show, I actually heard the slumbering Levin wake up momentarily, in covering the reality that there is national trend to put Americans into little slot box houses, concentrated in huge metro areas and make America a vast wilderness.
It almost sound like the "kook" things this blog is accused of which come True, but Levin did a disservice in he did not through ignorance or Mockingbird propaganda not give Americans the complete story.
There was a deliberate trend to Californicate the western United States as much as diffusing the eastern seaboard liberalism to the midwest and south starting in the 1970's when huge segments of rich coastal peoples simply started moving out of California and the big east.
For those not around, the first victims were Oregon and Washington, who ltierally in the late 1970's were telling people, COME VISIT BUT DO NOT STAY.
The reason is those damned Californians were moving in and sh*tting all over the place.
This moved into Arizona and New Mexico with the flakes going into New Mexico as that state was full of abandoned towns people could just squat in.
By the 1908's all hell had broken loose literally as the next wave of California trash started showing up in Colorado and Missouri, ruining those states.
The next victims would be Nevada and Montana in Californians moving there and into Kansas.
This was all deliberate in the big money Californians soon inflated real estate which impoverished the poor in those states and those masses of California idiots started voting for those god damned liberals. Hence America had this venereal sex cancer disease like a plague out of California ruining vast swathes of Conservative America.
So when Mark Levin speaks of a trend to put all people into mass transit urban cities, while turning the rest of America into wilderness, that is not the entire story.
The complete story is what this blog has stated in the long range plan in this from the European elite of the central Ashkenaz cartel of the Rothschilds. Mark Levin does not want to face this, as he is Russian Ashkenaz and hears that "jew thing" in this, but this is not about Jews. This is about the Asian Ashkenaz who murder Jews, sell Jews to Nazi's and are having Persians point nuclear missiles at Jews and Americans for a new holocaust in nuclear mode.
See when this blog says Al Gore appeared in the 1990's before the Future Farmers of America, in telling them to find new jobs as America was going to import all her food, that is the thing Mark Levin has not woke up to, as this is about a much deeper policy out of Europe they will implement in stages.
Levin should talk to the Jewish Scribes about how special America is, in America has the best calf skin for parchment in the world. There is a reason God planted His Chosen People here, it is because it is the best of the world.
The Ashkenaz elite know this, and that is why they are busy importing Muslims to European Israelite nations of the west and busy importing Mexicans into America. It is to destroy the Chosen Spiritual Children of God and replace them with this mongrel race.
The Rothschilds are religion of illumination and bloodlines attempting to supplant the Israelites in the Plan of God.
Levin is counted on being a mouthy Russian stooge in not outing the Ashkenaz elite as he has the ingrained herding of "protect all Jews", even when those Ashkenaz sold Jews into work to death camps and are murdering Jews to this day.
The process is simple. The cartel will seize more land. Seize water in private wells. Obama is busy putting into laws to seize livestock and grain when the order is given.
Inflation and low wages will weed out the people, to a time when Obamaland type laws like Obamacare will be passed to force people off rural lands, by the majority of urban voters and then the confinement will be complete, except for those deemed necessary to be on the land.
The final step in this will be once these city states, as that is what they will be, will implement population reduction in aborticide, murdering the sick, elderly and cripples for "space" issues in living.
Once that constriction takes place, the real agenda will be sprung in what the Ashkenaz elite have spoken of for decades in they will for America to become a wilderness playground again for them.
America is to be void of people and be one big African park for the benefits of the immortal mortals who initiate their false tree of life, that this blog has warned, they have constructed and are in the process of activating, as all these geezer elite are approaching 100 years old, and not dying like normal people, and pretty soon are going to start showing up at 120 years old and the red lights go off in the mob.
Californians having the screws put to them was deliberate, as it was known that they would leave and corrupt lesser populated rural states, so this Godless mindset would ruin more states, to the time, that America has approached under Obama.
There is just not enough good in America any longer and the entire security force has become federal police who are in the process of making a Gestapo KGB state of the many ruling the few.
This is the Obama State of Niggazi. For those who need to know what this is again, it is a genus term of the Negroid, which is not an evil word. The Negroid who Mr. Obama has corrupted at 13% minority is in the process of terrorizing Americans and assisting Mr. Obama again to steal the 2012 elections.
This hoodie terror mob like the Hitler SS, is National Socialist like the Nazi was. Hence the term Niggazi is exactly what these terrorists are in being the lower caste which the Jack n Jill elite blacks refer to niggers, who are National Socialists or Nazi's and it was the Berlin boys who Obama went to in 2008 and George Soros their Ashkenaz bag man who brought Obama to power.
That is what a Niggazi is. A literal mongrel psychological, ideological and genus group, which includes the brown and white nigger in the overthrow of America, as these Obama voters all want someone to abort them out of the world as they are too much the coward to commit suicide.
It is just surprising that Mark Levin actually spoke of this, even if it is half assed and almost all asleep, as his version is not the complete story.
It was better than Mike Huckabee whining about bloggers today and Laura Ingraham whining about skirts in the talking point drivel. What Elton Blonde said was unknown as he went to sleep at Rocket Man playing with his blondeberry daughter years ago.
This is the real sh*t children and when it hits the fan if Christ does not return, this will happen in this generation.
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