What Easter is about, is Passover in the Angel of the Lord.
It is about a Hebrew High Day, in which God created a Spiritual Race called the Chosen People, to bring redemption from being human sinners to the new Creation of being Children of God or Spirit, which is about Jesus, as the Angel of the Lord slaughtering the first born children and animals in Egypt, because they were trusting in Pharaoh and their magic, and not God.
Passover was about the shedding of lamb blood on one's door to their home, so Jesus would not slaughter you for being in rebellion.
Jesus would come on "Easter" thousands of years later to be the Lamb of God to redeem all people who chose Him, as the replacement for the yearly lamb of the old Covenant, in a new Covenant, remembered in Communion or the Last Supper in Jesus death and Resurrection.
The bread is His Body. The wine is His Blood. Partaking of this meal is a reaffirmation of the vow people make in choosing God's Way of Life over satan's ways of death.
Easter is a pagan rite. It is the fertility rites of the rabbit symbol. It is disgusting to see the Obama's now worsening things with Talibuns, in sodomizing this Sacred High Day further with not only sex sins, but anal sex sins at the White House.
Easter is Ishtar or Diana, the female fertility and cult prostitute of the Nimrod order. It is wrong in the sexing of it, for this is the First High Day which Christ came to fulfill on the Calendar.
First Fruits was next in Pentecost in the Holy Spirit coming to the Children of God, and what is left is the 3rd High Day in Boothes or Trumpets, which is in the autumn and is Christ indwelling and harvesting His Spiritual Children. This is called the Second Coming.
This is about Passover, not the old Passover of Egypt, but the new Passover in Christ bringing all out of world bondage.
This is the new Covenant or in Bibles it is the New Testament, meaning New Marriage fulfilled Spiritually in Christ and sealed in the physical death for a Spiritual Resurrection in the regeneration of His Blood.
Bunnies are cute. Chocolate is tasty, but as one can see when a 3rd worlder like Obama installs hisself, it is no longer rabbits and cocoa, but buns attached to asses and the anal excrement being featured by this Niggazi heathens who saw nothing wrong with calling Obama a messsiah or god.
This is all about Christ, for without Him in the Christ Mass, without Him in Easter, without Him on the 4th of July, there is no America.
This is a not so friendly reminder as you are disgusting America in the blasphemy of the most important High Day in human history in saving YOU, and YOU have sh*t sex smeared all over it.
Rebuild the Temple as you have wasted enough of God's money He gave you on perversion. Observe the High Days with grave outlook, as your lives depend on it.
Either you are God's or you are Obama's. No one can serve two destinies. There is not sh*t sex in heaven and rabbits do not give eternal Life.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one else, as He created all as the Thought of the Father. He could only Redeem all, and that Redemption could only come through death in His Perfection in putting Himself inside a human form called Jesus to die, and to Raise up Himself again.
Barack Hussein Obama is no false messiah or anti Christ. He is just the bucket boy who cleaned up the cum dripping off the whore's bed with the smell of sh*t in the air.
Do each of you not see the disgust in this, in on this same page is the Beauty of Jesus the Christ in saving children Spiritually and on the other is Barack the Obama murdering children Spiritually.
How degraded are each of you?
John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Personally, I will be pleased when the lot of you is wiped out in God's avenging His Name, as all are soiled in Sodom in no one judges the disgusting as revulsion.
Jesus is my one Lord, not B. Hussein Sodoma.
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