"My body count was twenty seven men, not counting niggers and mexicans".
Col. Charles Askins
America, you are going to be purged in the cancer you are is going to die, one way or the other.
It is an amazing thing in how the cleansing of America of Indian raping, murderous savages is looked back upon with squeamishness, when the reality is the Gentlemen who were employed to do it, were necessary or all the Massad Ayoob's would not be around in armchair comfort to judge the men who slaughtered the enemies of America wholesale, for the reality is, as Gen. Phil Sheridan stated, "The only good Indian is a dead Indian", when an Indian professed to him, that he was a "good Indian".
The situation of Trayvon Martin being unleashed by the Obama regime only cements the slaughter which America is going to be brought into, in this Obama abyss, as America is going to face either Civil War as unleashed by Obama or be so weakened that invaders of Latino terrorists, Chicom PLA and Russian FSB hordes will by nuclear terrorism, rape, murder and genocide create an American Holocaust wiping out 200 million of the refuse which the brave Patriots once cauterized in the hot bullet and knife to keep America safe for Americans.
When Gen. Andrew Jackson was busy about his, Gideon's work in slaughtering southern Indian murderers, the Spanish rapine from Florida and then turning to that raping, murdering mob of British red coats in New Orleans who had spread rapine across allies and enemies in European Napoleonic Wars, he was the instrument of God in killing the evil intent on America.
Col. Charles Askins, of the Forest Service shooting Indian nags to feed his pack of hounds, shooting Mexican bandits in the Border Patrol and shooting nguyen in Vietnam in destroying that menace did so in outlook of vermin which are raping America and sending their property and selves into a grave, are set aside by God to be destroyed for the disease they are.
Whether it is nags destroying the BLM lands in overgrazing and disease, wiping out other wildlife, whether it is the nigger or beaner preying upon the communities who have stored up their work in wealth, or whether it is the nguyen of Vietnam raping that Indochinese state for the communist menace employed by the Ashkenaz elite of Europe as they created this genocidal disease called Marxism and Mayhem generations ago to feed like cancer on the body of peace and murder it after it was robbed of it's virtue.
Quote Charles Askins:
"They came out of the shadows and, as it was brightest moonlight, I could see every manjack had a long gun in his hands. We let them get up to within nine paces of us and I fired the first shot. "I had the old Remington with its 9 shot magazine and I knocked down the first two rannies in as many shots. I then switched my attention to the other three who did not like the heat.
They ran back into Mexico, a distance of about 60 yards and opened fire. "An interesting facet of this little exchange was that the lobo in the lead had an old Smith & Wesson .44 Russian.
Despite the fact that he had a load of my 00 buckshot through his middle and one of the boys had hit him spang on the breastbone with a .351 slug, he dropped to his knees behind a cottonwood sapling and kept right on shooting. "The .44 Russian is a single-action and this bravo had to thumb the hammer back for each shot. He got off three rounds before a second charge of my buckshot ended his career, "Quite as interesting, really, was the second gunman who had a Westley Richards 10 gauge loaded with Winchester High Speed #5 shot.
We had killed him before he could touch off either barrel. A most happy circumstance since the distance between both parties was only nine steps. I have the Westley Richards today, a memento of lively times long past."
The squeamish do not appreciate in their "civilized" status of others doing the murdering for them, as they sit in communities of butchered and poisoned babies in the womb called abortion, the murdering of old and infirmed people when insurance runs out, the slaughter of Khadaffi and bin Laden for regime global rapine, to the pink foam glow of Andrew Breitbart murdered in front of them, that the deeds of Col. Askins in shooting god damned criminal genocidists in the back as they fled after murdering Americans, is somehow not "fair".
If you want god damned fair in a genocidal gunfight, then dig your Obama abyss hole for the holocaust which is coming to America to wipe your pansy asses off the planet as your reckoning is coming when you will become the murderers or the murdered in this much praised Obama law of the jungle fight for survival.
That is what America and Americans in all their Eurasian roots are. Americans either were being exterminated in being passive wimps or being the exterminators when the survivors woke up.
Quote Col. Askins:
"I let the ambusher (Vietminh) have the first 240 gr. slug right through the ribs on the left side. It was probably the first man ever killed with the .44 because it was quite new in those days," Askins observed casually. He finished the man with a second shot to the throat.
The squeamish call this shooting of communist Vietnamese as "stone cold murdered" as Col. Askins having Dirty Harry's 44 Magnum desired to field test it on murderers who would later slaughter over 50,000 Americans in Vietnam.
Col. Askins delighted in being the first man to execute a criminal with the 44 Magnum from Smith and Wesson which lifted the Vietminh clean off his feet.
Yes it is always easy to kick a dead lion as Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles said of the murderers who slaughtered. Gen. George Armstrong Custer and his family at the Little Big Horn and got away with it, as savages bragged about being blamed.
There is going to come a day Americans, when you are going to need these Gentlemen like Col. Charles Askins for the cleansing of the whore's bed you have infested America with.
You are going to die Americans in mass. Your women, men and children will be mass raped before as the Germans were mass raped by FDR's good friend Joe Stalin of Russia in his hordes. You are going to eat shit for your meals. You are going to die heinous deaths from radioactive and biological poisonings. You are going to be murdered by your own kind for what you have.
It will be at that moment when either the Col. Charles Askins are risen up and America is saved again from the squeamish mob who "got morals" fed to them by the same ilk of before in foreign gods, and allowed for the "civilized" rape of their women and murder of their children to pacify the mob..........or it will be then that the supplanters looking Russian white or Latin and Chicom brown will be the inheritors as the Negroid in America will have served Obama's purposes in bringing down the Virtue of America, as the American Virgin raped by his caste will be murdered as the whore.
You required telling America as you are destroyed by your warped immorality called morals. You are dead on your feet, and you think you will live tomorrow.
Charles Askins had no Mark of Cain on him. He had the American Mark on him, just like all the progenitors of America did from Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, George Washington, Phil Sheridan, George Patton and........the list ran out and about that time, it was Americans experiencing the Genocidal Holocaust from within and without.............
Only problem is when the names are Obama, Buffett, Soros, Rothschild........it is all "civilized" with the global elite in their unrepentant sinners who show no mercy on Americans, who bleat like sheep begging to be sheared and slaughtered by their Judas Goat following.
You really think Americans that God is not recording your national sins in rejecting Him? Read Deuteronomy 28 sometime if you can find your dust covered Bibles in the curses on the children of God who abandon Him.
You are dying in it as each one is coming True.
Your Savior is either going to be the Warlord Jesus the Christ in His Second Coming with His Disciples of Col. Charles Askins breeding or Jesus will be Your Judge and the Assyrian and Babylonian raping hordes will be your executioners again.
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