Live long and rule, prosper and be magnified, the one who dwells within the ivory house. Eat, drink and be merry. Campaign upon the shores near and distant.
Behold he looked and saw the land covered in a dark shroud. The stolen victories of yesterday no memorial for the travail of them wondering what will befall them now.
He saw the Heaven opened, and there sat Him, upon His Throne, in the Court of His Counsel with the Host of Heaven gathered upon the right and the left.
The Almighty King inquired of who would lure him to the heights in conversations of the ancient days. One said this. One said another. Then came one who said they would lure him from his house by speaking the things he desired to hear.
His own counsel would be his own sentence.
Truly the counsel would succeed and he will fall upon the heights.
The wine pours out from the bread as the piercing taps the keg.
Whisper, rumor, there is the story. The gossip in the eves becomes the explosion of the intrigue catching the wise in their own trap. The warning, the snare, the trap, the pitfall, the pursuit. Full of glamour full of it.
I saw them huddled under the veil. Old, forlorn, stooped. I saw them waiting for nothing to come, for direction, for purpose, but they had nothing in them to flee. Grass for the mower, planted in place.
For they are witless folk in the Word of the Lord had departed and they listened not when it was abiding, and they no longer had moving to ask for what He has said.
You have kept me in the bread of affliction, noble beast, but the affliction you have bred will now feed you.
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