So where is Jon Stewart?
Let me add this up, 70% of the Republican voters do not want Mitt Mormon Romney, and he is the winner to go against Obama, who 100% of the liberals want, and 20% of the Republicans want.
That means 120% of the vote is for Obama or 120% of the vote is against Romney.
Sounds like a winning ticket for Kenya.
So where is Jon Stewart, the guy who was the boy for suck butt liberal politicians, that Bill Moyers was quoting as the Walter Cronkite of media, and he was a rag comedian?
Let me add this up in what is the difference between Persian, African, Arabian and Asians Muslim, because Obama blows up three out of four of these Muslims, but can not find the trigger on the nuclear Persians........
I guess having nuclear bombs does keep Obama from bombing you.
So where is Jon Stewart in now Bill Maher is the boy toy of the left, giving a million bucks to Obama and screeching about things as a closet girl?
Let me add this up in the Republicans under Boehner passed nothing to repeal Obama, was pro gun, was pro life, was pro God, was pro American, and Mitch McConnell pushed for nothing in the Senate to scare liberals like Tim Johnson to betray Obama to save hisself in veto overrides.
So where is Jon Stewart as the world is a place like Maher and Letterman in the liberal comics all look like some diseases penis suffering from leprosy?
Did you know the Tea Party is dead? You betcha it is.
Sarah Palin is television drama no longer real.
I suppose that the GOP split was just all coincidence too.
Let me add this up.
So where is Jon Stewart? It used to be counter culture like Simon and Garfunkel could write a song about Joe DiMaggio and Joe would get pissed in saying he did not go anywhere. Problem is now in modern counter culture it is so nothing that no one notices when someone disappears.
Patterns are tells.
When Stanley Ann Dunham wanted to adopt a black Asian kid to replace Obama. It was due to the matter she adopted a black Asian kid in B. Hussein Obama.
B. Hussein was the product of an Asian prostitute at Lederer's Bar, which Stan Ann was a fancy girl at, prostituted by her old man Stan sr. for communist favors.
Obama's birth residence was Bill Lederer's Bar in the whore and dope district of Honolulu.
Old man Obama signed on for the green card papers and he was chosen by the Dunham's for jungle fever President of Kenya rule, in Stan Ann wanted to be Jackie O of blackland.
All of the stories have shown how preposterous Stan Ann was in all the scenarios posted here.
No one really knows the real identity of the Obama sperm donor from Uncle Frank, Paul Robeson to some dock dancer in uniform. Obama was a project of liberal colonialists in the Dunham's fostered by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds to breed their own 3rd world leaders to rule over the mob.
None of that matters as the legal papers have Obama as the product of two Brit colonials in Stan Ann underage and Bearick sr.
Yes where is Jon Stewart ?
This really is not fun any more.
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